Sentences with phrase «base of acquaintances»

The idea is to build a base of acquaintances who share your literary taste, and will presumably like your book as a result.

Not exact matches

If Target can predict a pregnant woman's due date based solely on her buying habits at its stores (and it can), then just imagine how intimately Google — with access to your e-mail, calendar, address book and list of friends and acquaintances — could know you already.
David Hall, a longtime acquaintance of Carson who said he watched the two work together, claims that Andrews supplied rough sketches from her experiences in Beverly Hills, and Carson wove them into a fictional narrative describing her exotic adventures with various shamans based on his own knowledge of Native American culture.
I once had a conversation with a male acquaintance of mine in which I told him that one of the things that I do via my blog is base my devotionals solely on the women of the Bible.
«When old acquaintances said that he had no religion they based their opinion on such remarks as that the God, of whom he had just been speaking solemnly, «was not a person.»
One of the factors adding to the complexity is that although we interact with colleagues on a daily basis, our relationships with co-workers range in intimacy, from distant acquaintances to close friends.
Spending up to 60 hours per week at her Texas - based office and an additional 12 hours to fly home to Los Angeles on weekends, the 25 - year - old consultant has little time to make new acquaintances, much less find the love of her life.
For you much to consider a choice when business comes to the acquaintance, so your bases of search on finding optimum way of satisfaction, that special person.
For classic and memorable acquaintances in Indiana instance visit of some sights is possible will leave you in the best basis in your relations.
Search the acquaintance of lesbian establishments which will allow you to pay one by one from collections and on a month or a few months basis.
As likely, it's the twist Andrew Kevin Walker's story gradually elucidates - this killer has a working acquaintance with Dante's Divine Comedy and bases his murders on the seven deadly sins of gluttony, avarice, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath.
It is loosely based on his experiences of his friends, family and acquaintances of various soci - economic backgrounds.
The money club is of course based on a degree of trust among a group of acquaintances, though not necessarily close friends, that would be hard to come by in our typical American lives, and will be hard to maintain, one thinks, as Americanization proceeds.
That's hard to answer on the basis of a nodding acquaintance with a brand - new vehicle, especially when the thing has so many positive attributes.
The villain is physically based on an acquaintance of mine, Viktor Kubetkin, a former KGB agent who operated undercover in London.
I would class my Rafferty & Llewellyn series novels as cozy procedurals, with my London - born and Essex - based DI Joseph Aloysius Rafferty hailing from a working - class Irish Catholic family who — with their little more than passing acquaintance with the letter of the law — are the bane of his life.
novels as cozy procedurals, with my London - born and Essex - based DI Joseph Aloysius Rafferty hailing from a working - class Irish Catholic family who — with their little more than passing acquaintance with the letter of the law — are the bane of his life.
In other words, the exhibition does not aim to track a historical development, but to identify precedents for the particular mix of instruction - based art making amongst close acquaintances or intimates that characterizes the more recent art in the show, and the spaces and contexts within which these works are set.
London based artist Jonny Tanna, known primarily for his aggressive street photography, separates this practice from his fine art, finds his way into the higher end of institutions and establishments, catering to those who are usually banned from galleries and those who make his acquaintance.
From 1953 on, Bacon began to develop a less distorted style that was more directly based on images of contemporary life and sometimes on specific friends or acquaintances.
On the other hand, since scientists have some acquaintance with the idea of backing their beliefs with facts, it's good to base your trust on facts, too.
We've identified your «central» point, refuting an entire branch of study that occupies dozens of scientists, a few of them of my personal acquaintance, based on a casual perusal of a few papers.
This edition of Green Hops is dedicated to Andrew Symon, a Singapore - based journalist specializing in energy and whom I have had the pleasure and honor of making an acquaintance of as a result of his writings at Asia Times Online.
The understanding of integration based on the recognition of the social facts — the fact that someone lives a life in a particular community she chose, having a network of friends and acquaintances and daily routine, which so much shapes our existence, is a totally different matter.
And will you be able to identify distant acquaintances at a glance in the News Feed based on a cartoon version of their face?
It is a unique opportunity to talk to the representatives of leading cryptocurrency services and software developers personally, to test new equipment and software, to strengthen old contacts and establish new acquaintances, find investors and expand your customer base.
Resume writers are available in plenty from different sources including the various websites on the internet and even on a word of mouth basis from friends and acquaintances.
Recruitment began with a sample of individuals who were acquaintances of a university - based research team.
A seeker proactively builds and manages a base of friends and acquaintances with an eye toward doing business down the road.
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