Sentences with phrase «baseball terms»

In baseball terms, think of it as going for base hits, consistently, rather than swinging for the fences repeatedly and increasing your odds of striking out.
See if you can guess these unusual food - related baseball terms.
In baseball terms, firms and their marketers should be looking to increase their home - run count, rather than pursuing increased base hits.
; — RRB -(Notice the use of baseball term there just for them.
In simple baseball terms, though, the Yankees had a solid starting pitcher, and that's exactly what they needed.
Find out how to score runs and avoid bad plays in our infographic, «Hit a Home Run with Background Screening» Sterling Talent Solutions translates well - known baseball terms into the background screening process to make sure your company is at the top of their hiring game.
When UBS analyst Steve Milunovich asked Schroeter to put IBM's turnaround in baseball terms — what inning is IBM in, he asked — Schroeter responded that he didn't know.
For most businesses, «new» is the only way forward: New products, new services, new branding... but for Darlington Raceway, the old - school NASCAR track built in 1950 (in baseball terms, think Fenway rather than Marlins Park), improving awareness, fan interest, customer engagement, and business results meant taking a giant step back.
«In baseball terms, the 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan isn't a grand slam, but it is a bases - clearing triple.
There was a lot of buzz around the phrase, considering it was McDormand's pseudo-mic drop moment, but since «inclusion rider» is sort of an inside - baseball term, it takes a little bit of explaining.
The teams who can now most closely empathize with Cleveland are young, at least in baseball terms.
Baseball term, even set in Atlanta.
«Reaching this lease agreement was a long process, but in baseball terms, it was a like a home run for the fans here in Monroe County and for our taxpayers alike,» said Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo.
To borrow a baseball term, Jamie McKelvie continues to knock the cover off of the ball — meaning that he isn't hitting home runs, he's hitting the art with such ferocity that you can't help but fall in love in each panel.
In baseball terms you can think of these short - term traders as the emotionally volatile die - hard fanatics, who will stick around regardless of whether the home team wins or loses.
With that said, allow me to keep it simple, and put it in baseball terms.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z