Sentences with phrase «based ice mass change»

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That estimate was based in part on the fact that sea level is now rising 3.2 mm / yr (3.2 m / millennium)[57], an order of magnitude faster than the rate during the prior several thousand years, with rapid change of ice sheet mass balance over the past few decades [23] and Greenland and Antarctica now losing mass at accelerating rates [23]--[24].
Both the observations of mass balance and the estimates based on temperature changes (Table 11.4) indicate a reduction of mass of glaciers and ice caps in the recent past, giving a contribution to global - average sea level of 0.2 to 0.4 mm / yr over the last hundred years.
Pokrovsky predicts a further acceleration of melting of the thin ice and in general greater ice loss compared to his June prediction; this change is based on the increase in the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the North Atlantic and the presence of hot air masses over Siberia and the Russian Arctic.
That estimate was based in part on the fact that sea level is now rising 3.2 mm / yr (3.2 m / millennium)[57], an order of magnitude faster than the rate during the prior several thousand years, with rapid change of ice sheet mass balance over the past few decades [23] and Greenland and Antarctica now losing mass at accelerating rates [23]--[24].
There is also no basis on which to postulate significant change in ice mass for those epochs.
Hansen and Sato (7) argue that the climate of the most recent few decades is probably warmer than prior Holocene levels, based on the fact that the major ice sheets in both hemispheres are presently losing mass rapidly (9) and global sea level is rising at a rate of more than 3 m / millennium (25), which is much greater than the slow rate of sea level change (less than 1 m / millennium) in the latter half of the Holocene (26).
Studies based on satellite observations do not provide unequivocal evidence concerning the mass balance of the East Antarctic ice sheet; some appear to indicate marginal thickening (Davis et al., 2005), while others indicate little change (Zwally et al., 2005; Velicogna and Wahr, 2006; Wingham et al., 2006).
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