Sentences with phrase «based living arrangements»

Ensure safe and stable family - based living arrangements for all youth with dependency needs.

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Anyone holding a leverage life insurance annuity, or a 10/8 arrangements (another leverage insurance product) will now be subject to accrual - based taxation and no deduction will be allowed for any portion of the insurance premium paid on the policy.
But top - down policies won't bring about meaningful change, warns Yost, founder and president of the Work + Life Fit Inc. consulting firm based in Madison, N.J. Instead, she recommends that companies adopt a «partnership» approach, encouraging employees to suggest arrangements that fit their own needs while still ensuring that work gets done — and gets done well.
There are a few reasons why these legalistic approaches to gender roles are unnecessary impositions on Christian families and those seeking to participate in the life of the Church and why, without diminishing the importance and value of homemaking or childcare, we should not «shut the door to the kingdom» to families based on their socioeconomic status, unique callings and gifts, household structure, or earning arrangements.
Life is predetermined to the extent that the outcome of our eternal living arrangement is based on whether or not we accept Christ into our heart, and live according to the word of God.
Clearly, the literature demonstrates numerous benefits to children when their living arrangements enable supportive and loving fathers to be actively involved in their lives on a regular basis, including overnights.
18 This rental fee is based on the cost of comparable equipment; market conditions in the area; the type, life expectancy, condition, and value of the equipment; and other factors.19 Each district should review its rental arrangement periodically to ensure that the rate reflects the current local market.20
Daycare costs will vary greatly according to where you live (cost of living based on which part of the country you are at as well as whether you reside in a large city or small town), whether you need traditional hours and services or require a more unique arrangement, and on the age of your child.
Though most people are perhaps not familiar with this arrangement, it is the basis of life as we know it.
Under a community - based tourism arrangement, unique benefits accrue to both the traveler and the hosts: Travelers usually accustomed to chain hotels and beachfront resorts discover local habitats and wildlife and learn about traditional cultures and the economic realities of life in developing countries.
So instead of choosing a flower arrangement based on its colors or shapes, she'll look into the language of flowers to choose a bouquet that symbolizes what a client wants to attract into her life.
Lifelong learning arrangements, particularly those in informal and non-formal settings, can confer a number of benefits: they can provide people who live in countries that do not have universal education with access to learning opportunities on a continuous basis; they can address the problem of conventional formal schooling being too far removed from local cultural and social environments; and they can alleviate economic hardship, particularly for young people in developing countries who may experience strong pressures to earn income to help support their families or, particularly if they are girls, to take on significant responsibilities at home (1, 4).
The website ( starts with a fun and informative quiz that pairs individuals with the ideal bird based on a series of lifestyle questions, including time and financial commitments, living arrangements, birds» speaking and cuddling factors, and average lifespans.
When attending events, speaking with developers, or requested to see a product, we will look at travel expenses, possible reimbursement for travel expenses, and or arrangements for our writers to take time from their personal life in order to have a professional appearance (we will restrict this based upon outlets that we are not affiliated with or game companies we may or may not cover).
Searching for a unique expression in visual form I began experimenting with pastels and gesso on paper for the background element, combining still life floral arrangements with vase and fabric, the end result being a dye - transfer portfolio of 10 images «Fleur», another being «Dreamtime» based on the Australian Aborigine Mythology.
RM: In college and at the beginning of graduate school, I was making super-detailed paintings based on still life arrangements: things like cupcakes (in fact, I painted cupcakes for an entire year), or rooms in dollhouses which I set up with a light source.
In modern art simple still life arrangements have often been used as a relatively neutral basis for formal experiment, for example by Paul Cézanne, the cubist painters and, later in the twentieth century, by Patrick Caulfield.
However, modern family courts often discriminate on the basis of gender when issuing decrees regarding dissolution of marriage, living arrangements for children, and parental obligations.
Father submitted no proof that Mother's expenses would be diminished based on the visitation arrangement, and given the parties» prior history, we conclude utilization of Worksheet C would result in Mother assuming a disproportionate share of Child's expenses and would be detrimental to Child's standard of living.
An immigration judge rejected this argument citing the fact that the appellant had not lived with her adoptive parents on a full - time basis, that they had already demonstrated their willingness and ability to make arrangements for her care and education in India, and there was nothing preventing the adoptive parents from making a formal application to adopt the appellant from within the UK by undertaking the steps necessary to obtain an assessment of their suitability from their local authority in accordance with the Adoption and Children Act 2002.
The payouts from term life policies are almost always tax - free, except in situations where the person being insured, the policy's owner, and the beneficiary of the policy are all different people (agents refer to this type of arrangement as the «unholy trinity» or the «Goodman Triangle,» based on the court case that established this rule), or if they would put your estate over the estate tax threshold.
There are many insurance companies to choose from and the majority of companies will customize a plan based on your needs, your income, and your particular living arrangement within the apartment.
In it, long before certain regulatory actions increased the appeal of life - based financial arrangements, Jordan H. Smith explained the appeal of indexed universal life insurance products.
Term Life Premiums may be based on monthly, annual or quarterly renewable arrangements including:
From your living arrangements to group projects to socialising on a daily basis, you'll be put in unfamiliar situations and you'll start to realise how much more you're capable of.
That there is acknowledgement by government of the importance of a human rights based approach to development in order to effectively implement the new arrangements and the achievement of effective and sustainable improvements in Indigenous living standards and well - being.
In addition to working with the time - share preferences of each parent, Dr. Pickar offers empirically based knowledge regarding children's adjustment in various living arrangements following divorce, as well as information regarding developmentally appropriate parenting plans.
The questions are based on each couple's unique background and are tailored for previous marriage, children, age, living arrangement, and more.
FAMILY LAW — CHILDREN — Best interests — Where both parents seek sole parental responsibility and for the child to live with them — Where the respondent mother believes the child would settle down and accept the arrangement if the court ordered for the child to spend no time with applicant father — Where the court has a statutory mandate to make parenting orders with the child's best interests as the paramount concern — Where there is little doubt that the child would benefit from having a meaningful relationship with both parents — Where the child's clear views that he does not want to spend time with the respondent mother should be given significant weight in the circumstances — Where the child is of an age, maturity and intelligence to have principally formed his own rationally based views — Where the court is satisfied that it is in the child's best interests for the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility to be rebutted — Where the respondent father is to have sole parental responsibility and the child is to live with him — Where the applicant mother is permitted to attend certain school and sporting events of the child — Where the child should be able to instigate contact with the respondent mother as he considers appropriate to his needs and circumstances — Where the orders made are least likely to lead to the institution of further proceedings in relation to the child — Where the child is to have the outcome of these proceedings, the effect of the orders and the reasons for judgment explained to him by an expert as soon as reasonably practical.
Therefore, before deciding to «fight» for custody, think long and hard of the many options that can be implemented in your case in establishing a parenting plan that allows your children to have maximum access to both parents (not necessarily a 50 - 50 arrangement, but rather one that allows both parents to be involved in an ongoing basis with the children) as such an arrangement has been shown to be better for the children's future emotional well - being than one in which one parent is shut out of the children's lives (something that is not going to happen even after a custody trial).
On a regular basis Ms. Capra assists couples going through the marital dissolution process, parents wishing to develop effective parenting arrangements, business associates seeking to redefine their goals and operations, families seeking assistance with placement & healthcare arrangements for an elderly or incapacitated family member and people addressing the details of estate planning and end of life care plans for themselves and loved ones.
The particular situation of Metis and Indians living off a land base in terms of self - government arrangements is relevant to a number of situations in Australia where Indigenous people may have limited, if any, land rights or native title.
Clearly, the literature demonstrates numerous benefits to children when their living arrangements enable supportive and loving fathers to be actively involved in their lives on a regular basis, including overnights.
You can make a family - based arrangement with a parent living abroad, as long as you can both agree how it will work.
You can make a family - based arrangement with your child's other parent, even if you live in different countries.
If both parents agree, you can arrange child maintenance with an ex-partner living outside Scotland through a «family - based arrangement».
The following do not qualify as a family: Any society, club, fraternity, sorority, association, lodge, organization, coterie, combine, federation, organization which is not a recognized religious order, or group of students or other individuals where the common living arrangement or basis for the establishment of the housekeeping unit is temporary and / or of resort - seasonal character in nature.
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