Sentences with phrase «based measures of»

The survey - based measures of social participation were not as fine - grained as in some other studies and were reported by parents.
Further exploration and validation of narrative - based measures of attachment security in childhood is essential for a better understanding of the process of development from relationship - specific attachment representations to generalized attachment scripts.
Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and aggression in non-clinical children: Relationships with self - report and performance - based measures of attention and effortful control
Recent advances in neuroimaging and computing have enabled the development of such methods based on functional MRI - based measures of regional brain activation (Cox et al., 1995).
Panorama makes its 22 research - based measures of social - emotional learning available as a free, open - source resource for educators.
English language studies published from 1970 — 98 were selected if they tested the efficacy of group psychotherapy for depressive spectrum disorders in adults, used well known self report or interviewer based measures of depression, and reported pre-treatment and post-treatment scores on depression measures for participants assigned to group therapy.
As such, it was found to be an important mediator for neighbourhood SES, as measured by postcode SEIFA IRSAD, but was not a significant mediator for household - based measures of SES.
Kelley, Reitman, and Noell's (2003) review of «empirically - based measures of school behavior» also overlaps with the current article (e.g., measures of externalizing symptoms were thoroughly reviewed), except that the focus of their review was on the utility of assessment strategies in school settings.
Relations between individual and neighborhood - based measures of socioeconomic position and bone lead concentrations among community - exposed men
More broadly, comparable critiques can also be leveled at sum - of - squares - based measures of variability, including the standard deviation (s) and standard error [Willmott et al., 2009].
Market - based measures of inflation compensation have moved up considerably but still are low; most survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation declined further; survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation have moved up but remain low; most survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation remain low; most survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation declined; most survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations are little changed, on balance, in recent months.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation have declined somewhat; survey - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations have remained stable.
Market - based measures of inflation compensation remain low; survey ‑ based measures of longer - term inflation expectations have remained stable.
Voting against the action were Richard W. Fisher, who believed that, while the Committee should be patient in beginning to normalize monetary policy, improvement in the U.S. economic performance since October has moved forward, further than the majority of the Committee envisions, the date when it will likely be appropriate to increase the federal funds rate; Narayana Kocherlakota, who believed that the Committee's decision, in the context of ongoing low inflation and falling market - based measures of longer - term inflation expectations, created undue downside risk to the credibility of the 2 percent inflation target; and Charles I. Plosser, who believed that the statement should not stress the importance of the passage of time as a key element of its forward guidance and, given the improvement in economic conditions, should not emphasize the consistency of the current forward guidance with previous statements.
Long and short - term students outcomes were measured by tests of literacy, curriculum - based measures of reading, monitoring of basic spelling and math skills, and classroom observations, the State of Kansas Reading Test (3rd grade) and the time to onset of special education services.
Unfortunately, well - specified and evidence - based measures of implementation are rare, so take care to ensure any «home grown» measures are capturing the intended implementation outcome precisely.
Panorama makes its 22 research - based measures of social - emotional learning available as a free, open - source resource for educators.
Using two credentials - based measures of teacher quality, we document within - school quality shortfalls in the lower grades, and show that the shortfalls increased with the introduction of No Child Left Behind.
He noted the practice of data walls as emblematic of the current emphasis on test - based measures of student success and suggested that the schools might try focusing on the whole child.
But Economics Professor Jesse Rothstein at the University of California at Berkeley reviewed the Kane - Cantrell report and said that the analyses in it served to «undermine rather than validate» value - added - based measures of teacher evaluation.
For The Huffington Post, he wrote, «We are disappointed with your recent votes in the senate that contain provisions which perpetuate quantitatively based measures of education... Quantitative measures are invalid.
This could include portfolios, performance evaluation, work projects and other classroom - based measures of achievement.
For years, this provision dangled threats of punitive measures, including closure, over struggling schools if they didn't meet narrow federally mandated test - based measures of accountability.
Estimates of the standard error of measurement for curriculum - based measures of oral reading fluency.
Much of their attention is focused on which indicators of school quality or student success they will use to provide a more holistic measure of school performance than the test - based measures of the past.
The group admits that test - based measures of teacher effectiveness correlate, on average, for any given teacher, from one year to the next, at no better than 0.35, well below the 0.90 correlation one would in principle like to have.
My own research has suggested the potential importance of reference bias due to differences in school climate, leading me to caution in this series against proposals to incorporate survey - based measures of non-cognitive skills into high - stakes accountability systems.
Officials in Georgia, for instance, contend that the state wants to turn its teacher - quality focus toward output - based measures of teacher effectiveness, rather than credentials.
Curriculum - based measures of oral reading fluency were individually administered as a pre - and post-test to assess students» speed and accuracy when reading aloud.
Student - test - based measures of teacher performance are receiving increasing attention in part because there are, as yet, few complementary or alternative measures that can provide reliable and valid information on the effectiveness of a teacher's classroom practice.
Second, wage - based measures of quality suggest that the wages of teachers relative to those of other workers have fallen considerably, even after accounting for other factors that may not be related to quality.
This component makes up 50 and 75 percent of the overall evaluation scores in the districts we studied, and much less is known about observation - based measures of teacher performance than about value - added measures based on test scores.
By way of comparison, the authors note that the impact of being assigned to a teacher in the top - quartile rather than one in the bottom quartile in terms of their total effect on student achievement as measured by student - test - based measures of teacher effectiveness is seven percentile points in reading and six points in math.
As importantly, it appears that existing survey - based measures of non-cognitive skills, although perhaps useful for making comparisons among students within the same educational environment, are inadequate to gauge the effectiveness of schools, teachers, or interventions in cultivating the development of those skills.
In the meantime, policymakers should resist proposals to incorporate survey - based measures of non-cognitive skills into high - stakes accountability systems.
My colleague Katharine Lindquist and I used statewide data from North Carolina to simulate the impact of opt - out on test - score - based measures of teacher performance.
We demonstrate this intuition by applying three different information - based measures of stimulus encoding to experimental characterizations of sensory neurons, and demonstrate a transition from «high - slope» to «peak - firing - rate» encoding as neuronal variability increases, both for single neurons and in the context of a small population.
We use near - surface cameras and field - based spectroradiometers and fluorescence spectroscopy and link ground - based measures of phenology with imagery data obtained from satellites.
The group that participated in tDCS plus cognitive training however did not show a statistically significant difference from the group that only played cognitive training games as measured by less sensitive standard neuropsychological measures like the Brief International Cognitive Assessment in MS (BICAMS) tests or on computer - based measures of basic attention.
Researchers found participants in the group treated with tDCS showed significantly greater improvements on sensitive, computer - based measures of complex attention and increases in their response times across trials compared to the group that did cognitive training games alone.
This cross-sectional analysis of a large sample of Canadians was unique in combining objective measures of physical activity with digital map based measures of walkable neighbourhoods.
Finally, market - based measures of inflation expectations have failed to recover despite slightly higher oil prices.
The Fed rate statement also noted that «market - based measures of inflation compensation remain low», a reference to soft wage growth, which is at 2.7 %, lower than the 3 % rate that the Fed would like to see.
Similarly, print - and internet - based measures of vacancies indicate a high level of demand, although the interpretation of quarterly movements has been affected by unusual holiday - related seasonality.
Market - based measures of expectations suggest that, over the next 10 years, inflation will be well under 2 per cent.
There has been an improvement in survey - based measures of business conditions and capacity utilisation has increased.
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