Sentences with phrase «based on the complexity»

After drafting these documents, evaluate each candidate based on complexity to implement and potential impact.
The reasons were based on the complexity of building out not only the software, but putting the manufacturing supply chain in place to deliver this type of product in Q4.
Follow - up care for hydrocephalus at Floating Hospital is determined based on the complexity of your child's condition.
Camille Jobin - Davis noted that while agencies can provide their own «reasonable» deadline based on the complexity of the FOIL request and the total volume of all requests at that agency, agencies can not give themselves endless extensions.
The binoculars» weight will vary based on the complexity of the optics as well as the materials used in their construction.
Based on the complexity and endogenous DNA estimates, we sequenced sample HI1 and HS3 on 4 lanes each, samples HS1 and HS2 on 8 lanes each and sample HI2 on 16 lanes.
Quizzes can range in value based on the complexity of the book.
Assessing your assets also allows you to create a more realistic schedule, based on the complexity of your data migration.
Website design pricing is based on the complexity and customization of the design, as well as the number of pages.
Excludes Character Creation — If your Ebook cover requires a particular type of person or group of people there will be an additional cost to create these characters, based on the complexity.
Most tax professionals will charge based on the complexity of a filer's tax return, which will almost always increase the cost of a homeowner's tax return.
Legal fees for wills are based on their complexity, local customs, and the lawyer's experience.
Price varies based on complexity.
The game features a story based on the complexity and ambiguity of moral choice where any of the characters in game can die.
I made a list of actions Glo and Bulder take in the different levels and rated them based on complexity, so that I didn't start off too complicated.
Most of the drawings — including explosions of technical wizardry based on the complexities of the Laocoön and brilliant studies of young women and men in his busy studio in Florence — are in the dungeon of the Frick, but the paintings with related studies are in the oval room usually occupied by the Whistlers, and that is where there are lessons to be learned.
Though this direction was at times suppressed or overwhelmed, throughout the twentieth century and particularly today, there have been artists who have pursued an aesthetic based on the complexity and diversity of the crystalline.
Based on the complexity of activities and spending that I carefully detail and discuss throughout the chapter, Joe Romm in several blog posts has taken this complexity and created a misleading, horse - race style debate over spending in specific areas like lobbying or advertising.
Trials are scheduled months in advance and the length of trial is based on the complexity of the case and how many witnesses will be called to the stand.
It allows us to identify which of the cases merit lawyer involvement based on their complexity and amount; and those that can be resolved via the automated process.
Based on the complexity of today's «Digital Age,» being undereducated and underprepared is no longer an option.
We focused on how we are structured and how we delegate work based on complexity and how that results in a reduced cost to the client but there is always partner attention on files,» she says.
The reasons were based on the complexity of building out not only the software, but putting the manufacturing supply chain in place to deliver this type of product in Q4.
While the benefits of blockchain technology are massive and beneficial, the report observes that the change process is no small task based on the complexity of the existing structures.
The price for your resume will be based on the complexity of the project and your years of experience.
Prices may vary and are subject to change based on the complexity of the resume.
Vendor allocation for garments production based on the complexity of styles.
This is assessed based on the complexity of their case, and ranges between 1 - 6 meetings.
Based on the complexity of our cases, the attorneys not only handle divorce matters, but work with other experts on business and property valuations, professional and celebrity goodwill, tax, trust and estate planning matters as well as investment and pension issues for our clients.

Not exact matches

«Ultimately, we'll be able to develop machines that are based on the principles of operation of the human brain and that have the complexity of human intelligence,» he says.
The cost, since it's based on software as a service rather than an ongoing software license, is pretty affordable too: between $ 65 and $ 95 per user per month, based on the number of users and complexity of the serivces you choose.
Her argument is based on the work of Duke psychologist Patricia W. Linville, who studies «self - complexity
«Certainly over the period of time that I've been here, the usage of algos has changed dramatically, the complexity of algos that we leverage on a regular basis has increased,» he said.
Project - based payments are the most common in the SEO consulting industry, and they can vary widely, depending on a project's size and complexity.
Previously, the complexity of a Watson Beat composition was based solely on the musical input as a whole — not the pieces of the whole.
Meanwhile, Larva Labs will be focused on more blockchain based digital collectibles, perhaps even creating its own blockchain to support users who require a simpler interface without the complexities of addresses, EDCCs, transactions, and gas costs.
I will propose some planning guidelines, but I would expect the guidelines will vary based on the size and complexity of your organization.
The sales cycles vary based on what the ticket price, complexity, installation or integration is.
«The complexities [of the wireless industry] are not ones that counsel in favor of this merger based on the provable facts we have now,» Hovenkamp said.
The formation of new levels of ordered complexity is on the basis of preceding levels of ordered simplicity.
Though such controversies ostensibly offer me a simple test for identifying who is for me or against me based on who takes which side, the complexity of lived relationships seems to be frustratingly resistant to such a dichotomy.»
In an almost steady stream of articles and books he attempted to work out aspects of a theological empiricism which was, in fact, based on Whitehead's early book, The Concept of Nature, but which rejected the complexities of metaphysics found in Process and Reality.
Only one chapter is explicitly theological, dealing with Life, based on the Whiteheadian understanding of God, exploring what enables the development of life, its increased complexity and capacity for intensity, harmony, contrast, and richness of experience through the lure of novel possibilities to be actualized and the abiding acceptance of all experience, preserved everlastingly with no loss of immediacy.
* Numbers are based on a variety of sources, though, because of the nature of the issue and complexity of migration, exact estimates tend to vary.
There is nothing wrong with faith based on facts, but we are not always so lucky enough to be able to perceive all the complexities that make up our cherished facts and as a result sometimes our faith / confidence is tested and must be rethought, if we are to obey the commandment «thall shalt not lie».
Yet some either deny a concept of God based on a human like diety... without logically understanding it has to be something more than that... or worse only see a chaotic uncaring universe..., without understanding the complexity of the infinite miracles, defined by science alone, not to mention the influence of noy yet known to science, occurences... that have occurred for billions of years to end up in their creation and also supporting their every day survival.
Based on you logic, If you were an Ant the complexities of space travel would make you an Atheist.
While it doesn't help our case with those outside the faith I think an honest response despite our research with these complexities is a humble «I don't know» or at the most «This is what I believe this means based on what I've studied.»
There's no suggestion of botrytis in this focused and balanced cabernet, which seizes all the complexity, structure, finish and snap for which Rutherford - based takes on the varietal are recognized.
This graphic depicts the carbon intensity of shipping wine from various global wine regions to key U.S. cities and bases its data on a seriously flawed, two - year - old working paper that is filled with untested assumptions, has not been peer reviewed, and does not accurately reflect the complexities of greenhouse gas emissions in the wine sector.
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