Sentences with phrase «based salary disparities»

Since the vast majority of school districts employ uniform salary schedules, it seems reasonable to expect that educators should not experience gender - or race - based salary disparities».

Not exact matches

Reasons for the disparities could include an «unconscious bias during the interview process that determine a candidate's salary based on what he or she was previously making, rather than the market rate for that individual's skills and years of experience,» one study notes.
While Reddit's move is controversial — skeptics point out that salaries may be based on an applicant's previous pay, which may or may not have been fair — it's nonetheless a concerted effort to lessen the disparity, and one that seems to be raising awareness for the issue at large.
Based on the article, it is clear that a huge disparity remains between average Biglaw salaries and average solo salaries.
If you're worried about gender disparity and things like that, I definitely suggest pulling some data from your area based on what is the average salary that somebody in this position is making or what's the hourly wage rate, and that will help give you some guidance on am I in the ballpark, am I out of the ballpark, and then from there if you have a sliding scale, if you're starting at $ 50,000 and they could potentially earn up to $ 62,000, what does that scale look like, what are the qualifications that will have them making $ 50,000 versus $ 62,000 and just being really super clear like education if they have a Masters Degree versus a 4 - year degree, or they have a PhD versus a Masters Degree, how does that impact pay.
Since women are statistically likely to be paid less than their male counterparts for the same work, basing salary offers on past earnings means that the disparity will continue when those women move to their next jobs.
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