Sentences with phrase «based upon a question»

However, it is evidence that some contest based upon questions about the quality of the data.
You should definitely wear a tie with a button down dress shirt appropriate to wear a tie with (I am assuming you have male gender identity based upon your question).
If a lack of probable cause finding was based upon a question of first impression interpretation of the mask statute they would prevail.
Based upon the questions I have been asked over the years, people seem most curious about the percentage of married people who have had sex outside of their current relationship.

Not exact matches

, but are asking questions that must be answered based upon fact.
«Based upon his extensive business dealings with the Putin government and his previous opposition of efforts to impose sanctions on the Russian government, there are many questions which must be answered.
Here's how to be certain you ask the right questions in the right way, based upon a conversation with web conferencing guru Wayne Turmel of
The answer to this question should be based upon factors such as the perceived risk level, as well as your personal risk appetite.
For example, one might question whether employees have the resources to bring claims challenging an employer's systemic discriminatory decisions as being based upon customer preference or resulting in a disparate impact.
I felt most already asked the proper questions, or based upon quantitative information didn't think the note was a good investment.
It has gone so far as to call into question the criterion established in Familiaris consortio, which in number 84 says: «The Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried.
Based entirely on anecdotal evidence, however, I believe the press» credibility with senior citizens has taken a hit from which it is unlikely to recover, and it may be entirely due to the election of 2008, when the mainstream media utterly abandoned whatever responsibilities to the public trust to which it still felt obliged, tossed presumptive - nominee Hillary Clinton aside and» rejecting any - and - all discomfiting questions about his experience, background, past - operations, education, friendships or capabilities» hoisted candidate Barack Obama upon their shoulders and carried him into the White House in triumph.
Barth gathers the questionings of his friends into one gigantic interrogation point, and flings down to ethical theory the demand that it base itself not upon the conscious will of man but on the uncertainly, though actually, felt will of God.
I even got questioned for detracting from the thread, though my intent was to offer my personal struggle with what the thread eventually evolved into, while feeling for genuinely for Julie (based upon her willingness to divulge to a public blog her side of the story), and while questioning all along what really happened given others» pov on all this.
The intuitional evidence for belief in Allah, the belief based upon the recognition of Allah by our inner consciousness, is brought to our attention in the Qur» an by pointing out the important psychological fact that there is an instinctive feeling of faith in Almighty Allah, the Creator of the universe, which comes to men when they are free from inclinations, or the distractions of dull routines, or when surprised by the question of the origin of the universe, or when faced with hardships or misfortunes which they can not overcome by themselves.
To encourage an essentially theological discussion with parishioners not given to that sort of talk, I base my questions in guided interviews upon crises experienced by the informants.
I think the reason why I asked the question of you is partly because of the fundamentalist background I came from which places value on women based upon their child rearing, homekeeping, and service roles, basically serving men.
Even if it is misconceived, though, the question is still pressed upon us: Is it permissible in our political community for public decisions to be based on moral values informed by religion?
Give it 20 more years, and the idea of someone being elected that plays upon the LGBT «Question» will be looked at the same as someone campaigning on the basis that women should not show their ankles or elbows in public.
This author in my opinion deep inside is questioning her faith but like a security blanket to a child does not want to get rid of it and is looking for any explanation she can come up with to hold onto it even in the face of the reality that the text that faith is based upon is highly flawed and frankly quite silly.
@Bill — Happened upon this exchange and it appears you know the answer to the question of when the State can distinguish between genuine religious conviction and self - serving claims, and so I write this to explore your understanding based on my own...
This question is based upon a misunderstanding.
18:21 - 22) That means, if forgiveness is to be real, there is no question of commensurable achievements upon which the petitioner depends and bases a claim; the petition for forgiveness must be made by men who wholly renounce all claim.
The question is the ontological status of the finite particular upon which he bases his existentially worded case.
I have tried thus far to demonstrate that the secular part of Western culture has itself raised the community question with unprecedented urgency and that the religious are best situated to address the question with authority based upon both tradition and experience.
When we do get around to evaluating sex acts, we ask three simple questions, based upon 1 Corinthians 6:12 in the Bible: 1.
Before we get to the trickiest sexual questions, based upon what many people are already doing, our book deals with marriage in the context of friendship, men's and women's roles and responsibilities and how to deal with sin so that marriage gets better rather than bitter.
Here is the question... Although we continue to sin, if we are children of God, we are no longer «sinners»... I know there is a fine line, based upon John 1 but I also don't want my identity to be Sinner...
The foundational question (and Holben's first) is, «What is the ultimate authority upon which any moral judgment regarding homosexuals and / or homosexual acts is to be based
Griffin questions the adequacy of basing God's love upon choice.
He thus not only drew down upon himself the enmity of the persons expelled, but at the same time thereby raised the question as to his authority and its basis; his followers became excited and threatening.
We could then ask empirical questions about the bases upon which these constructions are produced and disseminated.
Farmers are also usually involved at the local level in directly deciding on standards adopted, questions of certification as well as consequences for irregularities based on pre-agreed upon guidelines for managing non-compliance.
The review by the Australian Competition Tribunal should be based upon the material that was before the ACCC, but the Tribunal should have the discretion to allow a party to adduce further evidence, or to call and question a witness, if the Tribunal is satisfied that there is sufficient reason.
Original, January 31, 2014: Upon entering the SEC, Texas A&M decided to retroactively award itself a pair of national championships from nearly a century prior, one of which was based on the computer formula of a man who wasn't even alive during the season in question.
@Barmar Based on the wording of the question -LRB-» I see no reason why the government should tax the money a parent wishes to endow upon their children»), I interpreted his question to be regarding the estate tax, sometimes derogatorily referred to as the «death tax.»
Your question is based upon a flawed premise that the US has a free market.
Your question also touches upon another problem: The fact that first - past - the - post and other systems based on gaining a plurality of the vote in single - seat constituencies distort the vote and can be used to durably keep minority parties out of the parliament and government politics.
If you stir in legislation such as the European Referendum Act 2015 which set the question to appear on the ballot paper but failed to address the legal consequences of a vote to leave, and the anomalies thrown up by the Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011, not least the ability to avoid a fixed - term, then the unsatisfactory basis upon which the country has gone to the polls three times in the last three years is underscored.
The State Health Department answered a question regarding possible health effects of PFOA based upon available scientific information, yet that answer has been conflated with other questions to give the appearance of a change of position by the Department.
I've noticed a question here asking on what grounds Trump can be impeached and there were no negative comments on it (at that time) so I'm a little confused on how some answers are on - topic and some are off - topic based upon political left / right leanings.
The false premise being put forth by this question is that the law is based upon religious bias.
Later that month, Media Matters released an e-mail by Sammon from December 2009, in which he pressured Fox News reporters to assert that «theories are based upon data that critics have called into question» in light of the Climategate controversy.
Indeed, given his very high profile remarks questioning climate change and the science upon which it is based, I think we can safely assume he doesn't lose any sleep over his consumption habits or the size of his carbon footprint.
They were identified as «e-cigarette users» based upon their responses to a question that asked if they had used an e-cigarette in the previous 30 days.
How much to take is a really good question — and I'm sure the answer will vary based upon the health of the animal from which the livers came.
It will be one of those pieces of clothing I have, and that I do like, but paid way too much for, and after time, question why I had not returned it upon receiving, simply based on price point.»
It leads one to question the arrangement upon which marriage is based.
It's a question that has bewildered women since the dawn of time, though the answer will change based upon the man you ask.
Antioch ne it varies with unfortunate based upon do without the mba mph biostats question you got ta; say you're fixing programs won't.
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