Sentences with phrase «based upon human»

The principles deployed in the IACD model are primarily based upon the human development and neuroscience research of Erik Erikson, Bessel van der Kolk, Bruce Perry, and Daniel J. Siegel.
This four session course contains useful information about our current state of affairs based upon human - caused climate change, how we got here and what we can do to change course.
The two foreign climate models used in the National Assessment make predictions of U.S. climate change based upon human alterations of the atmosphere.
It's based upon human reaction and response to his work.»
The issues with not spaying or neutering are based upon the human experience of «I can not manage my intact dog correctly.»
You know, we who CHOOSE to believe in REALITY and who choose a morality based upon HUMAN love, compassion, mindful awareness, and LOGIC as opposed to a salvation - based transactional morality - exchange entered into with a petty, arrogant, childish, vengeful, MYTHOLOGICAL «Sky Father» in the hopes that, should we live a «good» life according to «His» contradictory, hypocritical, and inconsistent «rules» (or Commandments, or whatever you enjoy calling them) or else spend «Eternity» burning in everlasting torment in «Hell» you know, because «God» loves us so much.
This science is based upon our human ability to recognize achievement in the biosphere.
Biblical morality therefore is based upon humans, not an absolute unchanging morality of some God.

Not exact matches

In his view, forecasting methods not fundamentally based upon principles of human action are unlikely to be reliable over time.
And you have literally nothing but a single book... written by humans... upon which to base your evidence.
The base of the «Tree» is human free will and we face decisions that we have to decide upon.
Then based upon your false choice which I will indulge, there is no need for funerals, hugs, sympathy letters or cards or any other human action or interaction which brings true consolation.
The best they can do is simply believe that it isn't true based upon their belief that human experience is entirely sensory based.
No, Darwin's evolution by natural selection was most certainly not based upon merely seeing some bacteria change in a petri dish, and leaping directly to humans and apes having common ancestors.
Yet, thinkers from Edmund Burke to Russell Kirk have shown the deeply anti-conservative bases of the social contract theory of Lockean (and Hobbesian) origin, one that is premised upon a conception of human beings as naturally «free and independent,» as autonomous individuals who are thought to exist by nature detached from a web of relationships that include family, community, Church, region, and so on.
The archbishop also asserted that laws are based upon certain principles: «the pursuit of the common good through respect for the natural law, the dignity of the human person, the inviolability of innocent life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of marriage, justice for the poor, protection of minors, and so on.»
Is not this whole assumption that Jesus was concerned «with a new selfhood, irrespective of whether it be conceived individualistically or in terms of the historicity of human existence, based upon a false theologizing of the historical Jesus?
Therefore, it is of great importance for the nurture of human beings that the economic organization of society be based upon a comprehensive and not a partial concept of human nature.
Whitehead has deemed the features of human life upon which these italicized technical terms are based so important that much of his philosophy is designed to protect their authenticity from materialistic attacks.
This type of democracy is here referred to as the democracy of desire, since the image of human nature upon which it is based is that of an intelligent organism striving single - mindedly to fulfill its desires.
It may well be said that the [acceptance of man] in - spite - of [his sin] character of the Christian faith, by means of prophetic criticism and the «will to transform» based upon divine justice, functions as a militant element in the realm of human society and history, whereas the just - because - of [human sin and selfishness acceptance] nature of Buddhist realization,... functions as a stabilizing element running beneath all social and historical levels.
The gospel which a preacher is to proclaim is to be seen as a bold affirmation, based upon the earliest Christian witness and the confirmation of that witness in the agelong Christian tradition, that we humans are loved, that we can be delivered from the lovelessness which makes us miserable and lonely, and that we can be enabled to return love even if very inadequately and partially.
Among other significant ways that preliberal Christianity contributed to an expansion of human choice was to transform the idea of marriage from an institution based upon considerations of family and property to one based upon the choice and consent of individuals united in sacramental love.
You can check out your favorite stores on (they have an app, too, if you want to check it on the go) where they grade companies A-F (just like in school) based upon 5 issues: human rights, environment, animal protection, community involvement and social justice.
All human thinking, including that based upon our experience of other persons, and including the idea of transcendence itself, falls within the circle of immanence.
As it says «the economists» most basic problem is anthropological», in other words the subject is based upon a narrow and restrictive concept of rationality which ignores the richness of human relations in favour of an obsolete utilitarianism.
It is based on the fact that in the Church among all human communities men can most directly appeal to the reigning Christ's judgment upon the community itself.
Brunner's commitment to the doctrine that agape can exist only in the relationship of «I and Thou» in which all impersonal elements are eliminated is based upon an erroneous conception of human nature.
The second conviction is that any enduring hope must be based, not upon man alone, but upon the fact that God is present in human history, and is there creatively and redemptively at work.
«Human pride is greatest when it is based upon solid achievements; but the achievements are never great enough to justify its pretensions.»
Gaudium et Spes, as the constitution is normally referred to, based many of its reflections upon the following insight: «The human race is passing from a rather static concept of the order of things to a more dynamic, evolutionary one» (n. 5) Its authors, as well as Ronald Knox 20 years earlier and to some degree Rene Descartes 350 years earlier, recognised that such an understanding was invited by the method of the new sciences.
Feuerbach agreed with his theological teacher, Schleiermacher, that «[t] he basis of religion is the feeling of dependency», but went on to assert that «that upon which human beings are fully dependent is originally, nothing other than Nature.
«People do not wish to know that the whole human culture is based on the mythic process of conjuring away man's violence by endlessly projecting it upon new victims» (Girard, Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, 164).
To me this appears the most satisfactory interpretation of the present state of Life on the surface of the earth; despite a regrettable recrudescence of racialism and nationalism which, impressive though it may be, and disastrous in its effect upon our private post-war lives, seems to have no scientific importance in the overall process: for the reason that any human tendency to fragmentation, regardless of its extent and origin, is clearly of an order of magnitude inferior to the planetary forces (geographic, demographic, economic and psychic) whose constantly and naturally growing pressure must sooner or later compel us willy - nilly to unite in some form of human whole organized on the basis of human solidarity.
At the same time it acts in the belief that testifying to the principles of freedom and justice is a mandate that can not be avoided, and that — potentially — action based on these liberating principles can indeed transform structures built upon human selfishness.
This unwillingness is based primarily upon what he considers to be an undeniable and irreducible fact of human self - intuition: when one is directly aware of himself in a specific moment, he is aware of «himself» as a single unit of action and not of any system of cells.
Some scholars have suggested that there were two distinct kinds of expectation, a nationalistic historical one based upon the expectation of a human messiah, and a trans - historical one based upon the expectation of a heavenly redeemer.
I am just frustrated with the canned answers that the anti-abortionisits, who yes, do happen to be a good portion of the christian right, give based off of a book, when there are far more, pressing problems in our society of fully agreed upon «alive» human beings.
This admixture appears based upon the conjunction of revealed religion with the natural law as set in creation by its Creator, at the head of which is the mind of man — law which defines nature's constitution from the physical to the structure of human society, including the general moral precepts by which it must be governed.
cf Faith Editorial January 2007, under the subtitle «Islam and the Nature of God», for our discussion of the Pope's emphasis that for Christians human reason is uniquely based upon the rational nature of God, or Logos.
The true sciences of man are based upon concepts and methods appropriate to their human subject matter.
The constitution has been described as encouraging a shift from deductive to inductive methodology, in other words one based upon a developing understanding and observation of human nature.
The method of metaphysics is to begin with factors based upon one topic of human interest, such as physics or psychology, imaginatively to generalize those factors in such a way that they might apply to all fields of interest, and then to test these generalizations by trying to apply them to the facts in these other fields (PR 7f.
One could travel in this bicentennial year to a thousand American communities, and in each of them see instances of human tragedy directly based upon failures of justice and the breakdown of moral ideas — this in the face of operative legal systems.
Yet these Christians act in the belief that testifying to the Good News is a requirement that can not be avoided, and that, potentially, faith and action based on this liberating gospel can indeed transform structures built upon human sin and pride.
The prophetic act is divinely motivated, if not impelled (12: 1) The prophet speaks not his own but the given word — «thus says the Lord...» (12:7) The prophetic condemnation is based not alone on the violation of a man - to - man relationship, but, since all life is judged by the righteousness of God, upon the violation of the divine - human relationship — «Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?»
Hence all human traditions, which are called ecclesiastical commandments, are binding upon us only in so far as they are based on and commanded by God's Word.»
If the actualization of our mental life is so delicately balanced on the preparation of an extremely complex physiological base, we might also maintain that the «actualization» of the divine life, on our planet at least, is even more sensitively dependent upon the preparation of a network of human relationships which would be the receptacle of the divine incarnation.
Hence, the Hartshornian metaphysical edifice is based upon the bedrock of the fleeting human consciousness as the foundation and model of metaphysical knowledge.
Even though Christians must reject the Modern idea that we human beings are the «makers» of history, the covenantal basis of our faith places upon humankind a participatory responsibility for the unfolding of God's purposes.
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