Sentences with phrase «basic beliefs»

That is much easier to understand, and is not out of line with basic beliefs of most of the world's other religions.
By recognizing that your wife has good intentions, you demonstrate basic belief in her and show her that you respect her perspective.
It's a very complicated issue that involves basic beliefs about when life begins, and these are the types of beliefs about which people tend to feel passionate.
Technical matters on analogy aside for the moment, the strategy itself rests on certain basic beliefs.
Moral standards rest on basic beliefs, and the moral standards prevalent in the culture of the future will rest in no small degree on those implicitly accepted or consciously formed during the college years.
Atheism simply means NOT believing in gods... that is it... there is no «on atheism» because it has nothing to do with morality, it ONLY has to do with basic belief in gods or not.
Christianity took basic beliefs from Judaism, but from their perspective it added another testament and doctrines that did not match the original.
I was struck by a remark Paul Haggis made, that other religions give you all their most basic beliefs in the first few minutes, while with Scientology you can be years into it and hundreds of thousands of dollars down before they get around to telling you about Xenu and the volcano people and so on.
The second basic belief is the belief in Angels.
Why can't statements that assert the existence of God be in that class, the class of properly basic beliefs?
He can not articulate simple, and yet profound basic beliefs of Protestantism.
I am not pining for the long - past «ages of faith» when I point out that there was in those days a communal basic belief in God and in revealed standards of human behavior.
The creed represents basic belief, not action (and not even entire belief).
Eschatological visions (such as Altizer's) are challenged by the question of the meaning of basic beliefs such as non-contingent times of triumph, which seems to require the end of cosmic process.
To be sure, any set of basic beliefs tends to produce experiences which can be cited in support of those beliefs, and agreement on the data of religion seems to be exceedingly difficult to achieve.
So in recent years psychologists and others have been reconsidering basic beliefs about why people carry out the ultimate act of self - destruction.
Basic beliefs underlying culturally responsive teaching: Excerpt from Bright Ribbons: Weaving Culturally Responsive Teaching Into the Elementary Classroom by Lotus Linton Howard
It would be deceitful and dishonest to continue in such paths while struggling with basic belief in God.
However, while faith can include certain basic beliefs and can express itself in beliefs, faith can never be equated with any particular set of beliefs.
If our most basic beliefs about the stuff of which nature is made preclude the existence of some other, radically different metaphysical stuff from which a transcendent deity might be made, then we must admit, as an inescapable consequence, that no such transcendent being exists.
Most other Christians seem to have the same basic beliefs but they dress them up in such a way as to make them seem more palatable.
The basic belief that that would happen diminished a great deal in investors minds.
Asset bubbles often come to an end when the basic belief system is contradicted by events.
Consistent with Walmart's global framework of corporate responsibility, Chris and his team partner with the business across Walmart International on the design, development and implementation of ethics and compliance programs, supporting our basic belief of acting with integrity and helping to ensure we achieve business results the right way.
i think the basic belief is that killing another human is wrong, whether it is an unborn child, and abortion doctor, or a murderer on death row.
Their scout program provides an outlet for youth in the community to practice the basic beliefs of Islam while following the scout law.
The first of the basic beliefs of Islam is the belief in Allah, as we have said.
Islam, except in matters concerning its basic beliefs and the principles of its code of practices, is not limited to one type of thinking or one specific legislative method.
The Quranic texts which are clear and definite are concerned with the basic beliefs like belief in Allah and the Last Day.
The Bible can't be used to verify claims any more than the Quran or the Book of Mormon, as all religious texts first require a basic belief on the part of the reader that they (the texts) are right in order to be viewed as such.
Under the leadership of Bernard Loomer, the questions were all about basic beliefs.
It is quite something else to hold an intense moral objection that is central to one's basic belief and values, grounded on carefully thought - out principles and intimately connected with one's church and religion.
Jeffrey Stout and Alasdair MacIntyre have both pointed out that this view of authority was born of the inability of Roman Catholics and Protestants to reach agreement on the basic beliefs that were to inform public life.
And once you adopt the basic beliefs, you are expected to automatically adopt any other belief that comes along with that particular religion even though one may not reason and / or feel that certain aspects are right.

Phrases with «basic beliefs»

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