Sentences with phrase «basic desire»

As you travel more, you learn that language, customs and exterior differences aside, that people share the same basic desires and concerns.
I gave all humans the same basic desire of my nature, to be loved unconditionally, not by force but by free will.
Civilization, he held, uses the death instinct as a means of enforcing the painful demands of work in spite of the ego's basic desire for fulfillment in «pleasure.
Unrelentingly pedestrian cash grab where Disney remakes another one of their animated classics only does so by creating a carbon copy of the original that's content to pander to an audience's most basic desires with absolutely no wish to make a case for existing in its own right.
(Although I have become convinced that much, beyond basic desires, is going on.)
It evaluates 16 basic desires in each partner.
For Christ - followers, there is an idea that basic desires of the heart are not always noble.
All the better to appreciate the film's raison d'etre: primal emotional button - pushing, stabbing at the most basic desires to punish the unrighteous.
As for his own motivations, Eliasson writes, «This question of energy access is not just about climate issues, green economy, and so on; it is also a more fundamental question: do we understand that all humans have the same basic desires and needs?
Among those basic desires is for the phone to just feel good when held, an aspect HTC has mastered perhaps better than any other manufacturer.
Ethics courses should assume a basic desire to do the right thing, and focus on giving students the ability to understand the special kinds of ethical issues that arise in business, along with the tools of teamwork and leadership that let them put their ethical understanding into action.
Many Americans responded to the worst mass shooting in U.S. history with a basic desire to do something.
The one caught gains nothing except having their basic desire (motivator) met.
The Egyptian beliefs concerning immortality and their attendant burial practices are one of the most obvious historical instances of the expression of this basic desire.
Because of their basic desire for the best possible marriage relationship, and their partial awareness of the barriers to it, they decide to join a discovery group for engaged couples sponsored by the clinically trained college chaplain.
Indeed, he acknowledges some previous baying at the moon himself, a bit of «terrorist stuff» he once used out of a basic desire to become a «self - developed police force.»
Reproduction is basic desire of being human, so it's important to take care of your mind and body.
Eating their own offspring obviously doesn't help this basic desire, so it may be that they have some way of recognising their kin.
The best computer games exploit two basic desires.
Simon's journey is tough, and he resorts to his most basic desires.
Despite the palpable electricity between McQueen and Dunaway, the original's romance felt rushed and therefore somewhat forced; here, screenwriter Leslie Dixon (who shares screenplay credit with Kurt Wimmer, who, in a unique arrangement, handled only the action scenes) fleshes out the love story, showing how their basic desire develops into real affection.
Built to push the boundaries of style, efficiency, and modernity, the eight - generation Malibu is truly a model built for the modern age and crafted to satisfy the modern driver's most basic desires.
It is the most simple model, capable to meet the basic desires of users.
My basic desire was to DL and read e-books from the local library (Albuquerque).
Beyond her most basic desires, I don't have the faintest clue what's going on in her head.
Only a genuine crisis at least as large as the Great Depression or the Civil War can create truly radical change that reshapes the basic desires of most of the people in a nation.
Those of us entrusted with caring for cats have two basic desires: First, we wish to help cats by preventing serious disease and death; second, we wish to do them no harm.
Personally I made the right choice in terms of price and what my needs were, in fact all my basic desires were also met.
Australians have one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and as our most basic desire is to delay death, on this score we're doing particularly well, he wrote.
In sum, the basic desire for relatedness, recognized in various theoretical paradigms about interpersonal relationships, may elucidate teachers» desire for personal relationships with students and explain why individual teacher — student relationships can affect the professional and personal identities of teachers and in turn contribute to their wellbeing.
Their basic desire is to connect with themselves and others.
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