Sentences with phrase «basic economic matters»

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What they don't trust Labour with are matters of basic competence: economic management, fiscal continence, and the like.
But, because the private incentive to pay for basic research is therefore attenuated, the private sector as a matter of economic self - interest is likely to underinvest in it.
Today's parents — no matter their economic class — want a lot more than the basic skills for their children, too.
Let's not lose track of the basic point: The «economic contamination» of the temperature record is a crock, no matter what economists and business section editors think.
In short, CARD's analysis abstracts from the most basic economic realities we were all supposed to learn in Econ 101: resources are finite, choices have opportunity costs, and incentives (prices) matter.
Together, these programs serve approximately 14,000 clients each year in matters involving the most basic of human needs: economic security, access to safe and habitable housing, and protection from domestic violence, to name a few.
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