Sentences with phrase «basic ethics»

The law needs to use basic ethics and morality as a determining factor wherever possible to develop the criminal code — the code itself has failed, because the entire system was developed and reinforced by the elite.
Too few courses in basic ethics are required in Pentecostal colleges (perhaps because many Pentecostals, especially older ones, assume that being Spirit - filled guarantees right behavior), and too many pastors handle the churches» money and travel alone without having to account for their whereabouts or activities.
They ducked out because of the scrutiny, most likely, though we can hold out hope that basic ethics factored in, too.
Research will flourish best when basic ethics is respected.
In 2009 he completed a three - year research project for the Army to create an autonomous military robot software system imbued with basic ethics.
Increasingly, alas, it's the assumption of shared basic ethics that permitting companies like ASI to hook new writers with the full support of publishers and book festival organizers.
Episode Info: The better your law practice is managed, the less likely you are to fall short on even basic ethics duties like competence, diligence, and communication.
That's basic ethics.
The key question I contemplate is whether owning up to that past is a matter of basic ethics, or a more complex issue of social responsibility.
That sense of outrage — that a basic ethic is being violated — is the way these checks are coming into place.
It is historically an effort to remind us that the democratic political system was really «political affirmation» of certain religious concepts... the basic ethics of all religions for that matter, but it's not a sectarian thing.
Recently at a meeting in Kozhencherry (Kerala), E.M.S. Nampoodiripad advocated cooperation between religious believers and Marxists at the action - level for the good of humanity, without interfering at the level of each other's beliefs or basic ethics.
Today, the New York Times used vivid details to show New Yorkers that Albany remains awash in money and utterly dominated by a cynical, pay to play culture that exploits every possible legal loophole, and often seems bereft of basic ethics.
Filtered by the works of Milton Friedman, the educational - choice movement in particular has been applied so loosely that basic ethics and notions of fairness have been trumped by stereotypical corporate values that fly in the face of what black, brown and girl students need.
They have to reflect the basic ethics of their meta - cultures, or they won't survive for long.
Knowing the ins and outs of how to operate within the strictures of the law, and basic ethics are key for any herptile retailer.
And once again, the US is promoting economic deregulation at the expense of basic ethics.
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