Sentences with phrase «basic human concepts»

He drew up a list of 200 basic human concepts (expressed in English words) as part of this glottochronological exercise.

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Some argue that even the most advanced human concepts are built up from basic building blocks that are shared across species, such as notions of past and future; similarity and difference; and agent and object.
In the political order, there are few concepts as important as basic human rights, and our obligation to protect them, especially where they are being grossly violated, is a primary ethical concern.
The human being, has been expropriated of his basic rights: as a «human resource», he / she only has the right to exist as a function of profitability and of what is now known as «employability», a concept which has replaced that of the «right to work».
If you were to walk into my congregation and explain to me that your personal concept of the Kingdom of God is that all human beings would be white - skinned, and all women should submit their authority to males, then I would gently explain to you that you probably would be more comfortable elsewhere, since those beliefs run counter to our basic theology and practices.
hooks examines and discusses the social mores and conditioning around the concept of love in a way that inspires people to be better within the basic concept of being human.
Step two is the acquiring of a basic understanding of key concepts in interpersonal and group dynamics, group counseling and therapy, and the human potentials movement.
If there is a basic thesis, it is that Whitehead has used the concept of the electromagnetic field in physics as a model for human experience (PW 125/134, 183/201; RL 285).
Math is a theoretical concept made up by humans (although its basic concepts such as assigning numerical value to things and adding and subtracting are not theory), the same way religion is.
As it says «the economists» most basic problem is anthropological», in other words the subject is based upon a narrow and restrictive concept of rationality which ignores the richness of human relations in favour of an obsolete utilitarianism.
The basic point, that God escapes our concepts, remained the same, but here the emphasis was laid upon the incapacity of human words to express the reality of God.
The collective right to peace demands such a basic approach — in fact and law — that we can no longer afford to regard it merely as a sentimental concept or to confine it to an intellectual category of human rights.
Basic concepts analyzed by St. Thomas — concepts of the human person, conscience, liberty, the source of political power in the people, and the twin principles of the consent of the governed and the «mixed regime» — provided rich soil for the free institutions that were to arise much later in history.
(This concept is close to what I have described as the will - to - relate, which is the fundamental human drive since it is only in relationships that people can satisfy most of their basic psychological needs.)
As the title of his lecture signals, Berlin's basic intellectual move was to distinguish between «negative liberty» and «positive liberty,» and then to defend the former as the only concept of liberty that could be actualized in the «real world» of inevitably conflicting interests, diverse concepts of the good, and competing human projects.
All you would have are basic biology, lab, concept and human phy / body classes.
- Why breastfeeding protects maternal health - Basic concepts of breast differentiation, lactogenesis, and lactation - Basic overview of the human stress response - Introduction to psychoneuroimmunology and the immunology of pregnancy and postpartum - Lactational stress resistance - Breastfeeding, mental health, and the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome - Breastfeeding and immunity - Implications of an anti-inflammatory response to enhancing the health effects of breastfeeding throughout women's lives
The basic concept is that as humans, our brains go to the [inaudible] inactivity cycle in 90 - minute increment.
Although linguists have long believed that counting and having words for numbers are basic, if not innate, to human cognition, the Pirahã people in Brazil have no words to express numerical concepts such as «one,» «two,» or «many.»
Expertise in in - vitro culture of respiratory cell lines and primary human cells, as well as knowledge of basic molecular biology concepts and techniques is a must.
The concept of was founded on a basic principle of human nature — that being, romantically; people want to be with someone they are attracted to.
It not be possible to trace local dating sites nj precise history of swinging since the modern concept is so closely related to basic human sexuality and relationships, you can change the location at any time.
At its very basic level, his theory explains the role that the human brain plays in helping learners understand new and complex concepts.
TECHNOLOGY GRADES K - 12 NT.K - 12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts NT.K - 12.2 Social, Ethical, and Human Issues NT.K - 12.3 Technology Productivity Tools NT.K - 12.4 Technology Communications Tools NT.K - 12.5 Technology Research Tools
TECHNOLOGY GRADES K - 12 NT.K - 12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts NT.K - 12.2 Social, Ethical, and Human Issues NT.K - 12.3 Technology Productivity tools NT.K - 12.4 Technology Communications tools NT.K - 12.6 Technology Problem - Solving and Decision - Making tools
TECHNOLOGY GRADES K - 12 NT.K - 12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts NT.K - 12.2 Social, Ethical, and Human Issues NT.K - 12.3 Technology Productivity tools NT.K - 12.4 Technology Communications tools NT.K - 12.5 Technology Research tools NT.K - 12.6 Technology Problem - Solving and Decision - Making tools
This year, while exploring the real - world theme of how water is used by humans, teams will use LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 to build and program a model that moves, learning basic engineering and programming concepts.
Whether you use the definition of giftedness from the United States Office of Education (US Department of Education, 1993), which describes these students as» children and youth with outstanding talent who perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment», or as Renzulli (1978) does as the intersection and interaction among three basic clusters of human traits — above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity, it is arguably the concept of asychronicity that educators must address.
The Framingham study provided basic information that changed all concepts of cardiac disease in humans.
Originally, the design started around just basic, nasty looking creatures, but as the concept for the game started to develop, the idea that the creatures are horribly mutated human bodies became far more prevalent.
As its title implies, the exhibition addresses the concept of ownership — both literally and figuratively — and the notion of «reclaiming» what belongs to a person and their communities, from their lands and governments to their physical bodies and basic human rights.
Students should graduate from high school and certainly college with at least a basic understanding of the foundational concepts of climate science so they can understand human activities and how they are impacting climate and other aspects of the earth system.
The basic concept of cutting energy aimed to reduce human activity and productivity thus reducing the population comes from the Club of Rome.
2) It's low - tech: The Atmospheric Water Collector is built on a simple concept that doesn't require electricity or a lot of resources to meet a basic human need.
See for example paragraph [316] of the chambers decision: «In my opinion, the aspect of the Proposed Resort that most offends the Ktunaxa, i.e. building construction and permanent human habitation, is fundamental to the basic concept of the Proposed Resort.
In accordance with the human resources experts, there are five basic concepts on how to write the executive resume.
According to experts in the field of human resources there are five basic concepts.
The darker and brighter sides of human existence: Basic psychological needs as a unifying concept
Topics include (1) research design: elements of the research process, types of designs, program evaluation; (2) ethical considerations of research: informed consent, research with diverse and vulnerable populations, research with children, human subjects review; (3) basic measurement concepts: validity, reliability, norms, score interpretation; (4) basic statistical concepts: frequency distributions, central tendency, measures of variability, correlation.
Topics include (1) elements of the research process; (2) types of designs, program evaluation; (3) ethical considerations of research: informed consent, research with diverse and vulnerable populations, research with children, human subjects review; (4) basic measurement concepts: validity, reliability, norms, score interpretation; and (5) basic statistical concepts: frequency distributions, central tendency, measures of variability, correlation, normal curve, hypothesis testing, significance tests.
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