Sentences with phrase «basic human right of»

The International Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples defines self - determination as the basic human right of indigenous peoples to make their own decisions on issues that concern them.
By confiscating kratom as it is being imported, in utter disregard of our laws, the F.D.A. is willfully sabotaging the basic human right of the people to heal themselves through God's natural medicine and our right to trade legal goods.
In many countries around the world, women are being denied the most basic human right of autonomy over their own bodies.
It's an essential question for our society to address — how do we ensure the most basic human right of access to (safe, nutritious) food is secured for everyone, everywhere?
None of these arguments give the Israelis the right to continuously violate the basic human rights of the Palestinian people who live in abject poverty.
The situation existing in Guatemala, Father Melville writes, is exactly the kind of situation which, the encyclical admits, is the exception that justifies recourse to violence: a situation «of obvious and prolonged tyranny which gravely violates the basic human rights of the human person.»
Other issues fought for are democracy, life within a community, the respect and recognition of the basic human rights of immigrants and refugees.
But it is also held that globalization has brought in its wake, great inequities, mass impoverishment and despair, that it has fractured society along the existing fault lines of class, gender and community, while almost irreversibly widening the gap between rich and poor nations, that it has caused the flow of currencies across international borders, which has been responsible for financial and economic crises in many countries and regions, including the current Asian financial crisis, that it has enriched a small minority of persons and corporations within nations and within the international system, marginalizing and violating the basic human rights of millions of workers, peasants and farmers and indigenous communities.
While it has enriched a small minority of persons and corporations within nations and within the international system, it has marginalized and violated the basic human rights of millions.
She believes strongly in care that affirms the power and strength of women, and the basic human rights of all people, including the right to fully participate in one's own healthcare.
In addition to presenting a significant barrier to resolution of the Israel - Palestine conflict, by constituting a substantial obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, the ICJ similarly notes that the existence of these settlements «violates the basic human rights of the Palestinians by impeding liberty of movement and the inhabitants» right to work, health, education and an adequate standard of living.»
«This predatory and unethical behavior is an affront to the basic human rights of all New Yorkers who deserve a safe home,» stated Public Advocate Letitia James.
Across the United States, toxic water and unaffordable water bills are infringing on the basic human rights of poor people and communities of color.
I've no problem giving a full hearing to someone regardless of source, but I do not have infinite patience to hear out alarmism by organizations like Sea Shepherd, WWF and Greenpeace, who pull dangerous stunts on the high seas, break national and international laws, and the basic human rights of those they hope to marginalize, and whose record over many decades has been to produce vitriol that appears to flow quite independently of any scientific source.
The government violates my basic human rights of being able to start a business in the industry that I love by having their own monopoly on it.
In particular, BC has not taken action to address the ongoing violence against Indigenous women and girls, the basic human rights of many incarcerated women and girls are overlooked, many women do not have access to secure housing, women continue to be more economically insecure than men, and women remain unable to enforce their legal rights because of inadequate — and grossly underfunded — legal aid.
Of particular note this year is the F grade the Province received for continuing to overlook the basic human rights of incarcerated women and girls.
West Coast LEAF understands that the basic human rights of low income women have been deteriorating in BC — Read More
Both want an enlarged state that has powers which infringe basic human rights of privacy.
AI Justice, a not - for - profit law firm founded in 1996 to protect and promote the basic human rights of immigrants, has a multicultural and a multilingual staff.
Challenging of the decision is an intentional move by varsity to refuse the post-retirement livelihood and basic human rights of teachers.
This blog is dedicated to call out the abusive entities that attack the basic human rights of the ordinary people, who created the American Dream.
«Community legal centres are vital in protecting the basic human rights of disadvantaged people in Australia.
According to «Factsheet: Early Marriage», a report issued by the United Nations, early marriage unions violate the basic human rights of these girls when they're forced into lives of isolation, service, lack of education, health problems and abuse.

Not exact matches

The right solution ties in perfectly to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a well - known pyramid which ranks human needs and desires in order of necessity: From the physiological (the basics like water and oxygen), up to safety, love and belonging, esteem, and finally, self - actualization.
When a brand goes back to basics and appeals to the most human side of us — that's when they get it right.
This is where the Facebook - Cambridge Analytica story catches us — in the realization that the right to make autonomous choices, the basic prerogative of any human being, might soon be gone, and we won't even notice.
And without the protection of the basic right to stay alive, aren't all other human rights sort of arbitrary?
One more thing CA... I contribute every day to your country... Whenever I shop at Subway or WalMart or Target... some of that money goes directly back to your country... so suck it up and learn to stay on topic... this isn't about who lives where, this about some religitard dictating basic human rights!!!
One of the casualties of the latest round of budget battles in Washington may be the U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has from time to time done invaluable work in highlighting threats to this basic human right.
If we are right, then we lived our lives to their fullest in intellectual honesty, without the fear of some tyrant getting their hands on us after we die, and without having taken some stupid stand against the validity of sound science, or basic human rights.
Every officially atheist nation has been a cesspol of mass murder and denial of the most basic of human rights.
The Rev Johan Candelin, Director of the Religious Liberty Commission, World Evangelical Fellowship believes 200m in 60 nations are being denied their basic human rights because they are Christians.
People today are so preoccupied with making it illegal to even roll your eye's at the thought of gay marriage meanwhile over the last 10 years the powers that be have removed some of the most basic human rights that even Muslim countries have!
The throw - weight of the Holy See, the papacy, and the Catholic Church in twenty - first - century world affairs reflects the perception that the Church has become the world's preeminent institutional defender of basic human rights — and thus the greatest bulwark, among the great world religions, to the freedom project around the globe.
The ridiculous assertion that because Christians follow their religion they are somehow outside of basic human rights is absolutely criminal... We are doomed if what you three have posted becomes the common belief.
As a world leader for freedom and the protection of basic human rights, the United States should take every opportunity to advocate for people — including Americans here at home — to think, believe, and act according to their religious belief whether they belong to a minority or majority religion in their nation.»
The overwhelming nature of the compulsions being generated by the system and its agent the media, is depriving the human race of its BASIC RIGHT TO MAKE RESPONSIBLE CHOICES.
This often leads to widespread abuse of basic human rights
Marketology, the insatiable appetite of gargantuan MNCs, has no soul to be damned but, driven by Mammon, is commoditizing humans, thereby annihilating democratic accountability and social justice and State undertaking to implement basic human rights.
Atheists can reach a consensous --------------------- You are missing some basic hard - wired human behavior that requires a great deal of governance discipline and respect for the rights of minorities to overcome.
The basic human rights — and freedoms — underlying this issue are the right to freely associate, the right to self - determination, freedom from discrimination, freedom from persecution, freedom of faith, and freedom of conscience.
The human being, has been expropriated of his basic rights: as a «human resource», he / she only has the right to exist as a function of profitability and of what is now known as «employability», a concept which has replaced that of the «right to work».
The Declaration further invoked the Christian tradition of civil disobedience, affirming the right and at times the obligation to oppose injustice by refusing to comply with civil authority if it attempts to undermine these basic human rights: «We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar's.
Who would chose getting kicked out of their family, spit on, denied basic human rights, etc, if it was about ego?
Other human rights violations that affect everyone, like a lack of food and mobility through the social classes, also affect women and young girls more harshly, often leading them into prostitution just so they can afford basic necessities.
In Human Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rHuman Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rhuman rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.»
Your final statement however is possibly the most chilling... You are in effect saying that should churches ever be banned world wide (like that will ever happen in America where the freedom of religion is a basic human right) then mankind no longer has a right to exist.
If they financially support an effort to deny a group of human beings a basic human right, one that the Declaration of Independence declared to be «inalienable» (the pursuit of happiness), then yes, they are in point of fact spreading hate.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
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