Sentences with phrase «basic human rights in»

Our flawed medical system, overstressed providers, and removal of basic human rights in childbirth has burdened many women and caused many tears and frustration that should never be ignored.
On the other hand, Ahmadi do not even have basic human rights in Pakistan where they are relentlessly persecuted.
Third, reproductive healthcare is basic healthcare and is considered a basic human right in other modern nations that are not in the stranglehold of religion.

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In 2000, Estonia became the first country in the world to declare Internet access a basic human right — much like food and shelteIn 2000, Estonia became the first country in the world to declare Internet access a basic human right — much like food and sheltein the world to declare Internet access a basic human right — much like food and shelter.
The right solution ties in perfectly to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a well - known pyramid which ranks human needs and desires in order of necessity: From the physiological (the basics like water and oxygen), up to safety, love and belonging, esteem, and finally, self - actualization.
«We believe in making education a basic human right, and we do that by connecting people to a great education, but also to each other.»
This is where the Facebook - Cambridge Analytica story catches us — in the realization that the right to make autonomous choices, the basic prerogative of any human being, might soon be gone, and we won't even notice.
One of the casualties of the latest round of budget battles in Washington may be the U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has from time to time done invaluable work in highlighting threats to this basic human right.
If we are right, then we lived our lives to their fullest in intellectual honesty, without the fear of some tyrant getting their hands on us after we die, and without having taken some stupid stand against the validity of sound science, or basic human rights.
None of these arguments give the Israelis the right to continuously violate the basic human rights of the Palestinian people who live in abject poverty.
The Rev Johan Candelin, Director of the Religious Liberty Commission, World Evangelical Fellowship believes 200m in 60 nations are being denied their basic human rights because they are Christians.
The throw - weight of the Holy See, the papacy, and the Catholic Church in twenty - first - century world affairs reflects the perception that the Church has become the world's preeminent institutional defender of basic human rights — and thus the greatest bulwark, among the great world religions, to the freedom project around the globe.
As a world leader for freedom and the protection of basic human rights, the United States should take every opportunity to advocate for people — including Americans here at home — to think, believe, and act according to their religious belief whether they belong to a minority or majority religion in their nation.»
In the political order, there are few concepts as important as basic human rights, and our obligation to protect them, especially where they are being grossly violated, is a primary ethical concern.
The situation existing in Guatemala, Father Melville writes, is exactly the kind of situation which, the encyclical admits, is the exception that justifies recourse to violence: a situation «of obvious and prolonged tyranny which gravely violates the basic human rights of the human person.»
You can deny people their basic human freedoms and rights and feel you've done immense good in the world.
In Human Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&raquIn Human Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rHuman Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&raquin Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rhuman rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.&raquin the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.»
Your final statement however is possibly the most chilling... You are in effect saying that should churches ever be banned world wide (like that will ever happen in America where the freedom of religion is a basic human right) then mankind no longer has a right to exist.
If they financially support an effort to deny a group of human beings a basic human right, one that the Declaration of Independence declared to be «inalienable» (the pursuit of happiness), then yes, they are in point of fact spreading hate.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
There is in a sense a basic contradiction between globalization and the realization of human rights.
Name * Lynesh: It's not okay for anyone to use their belief to impede on basic human rights and that includes gays who are doing no harm in society.
But it is also held that globalization has brought in its wake, great inequities, mass impoverishment and despair, that it has fractured society along the existing fault lines of class, gender and community, while almost irreversibly widening the gap between rich and poor nations, that it has caused the flow of currencies across international borders, which has been responsible for financial and economic crises in many countries and regions, including the current Asian financial crisis, that it has enriched a small minority of persons and corporations within nations and within the international system, marginalizing and violating the basic human rights of millions of workers, peasants and farmers and indigenous communities.
Funny how these basic human rights have only been around in the US and most of the Western world for 200 - 300 years.
Unlike many anxious Europeans, Burleigh welcomes the immigration of Muslims to the Continent but believes there need to be certain ground rules for entry» tolerance, for example; acceptance and respect for democratic and republican values; a belief in human rights, especially the basic rights of women» even as he knows these are in short supply.
(iii) the weakness of human nature (and a basic lesson in civics) as the religious right moves to shut the experiments down.
John Paul II wrote in the apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici: «The common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights — for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition of all other personal rights, is notdefended with maximum determination.»
It is hard for us to enter into this mindset, living as we do in the pluralistic twenty - first century, where religious liberty is widely accepted as a basic human right.
(iii) the weakness of human nature (and a basic lesson in politics) as the religious right moves to shut the experiments down; and, most importantly
Right now at least 800 million people are in the throes of absolute poverty — poverty so severe that the basics of human survival are simply not available to them — according to the Independent Commission on International Development, chaired by former West German chancellor Willy Brandt.
There is no «rock and a hard place» set of choices here for Christians, nor is there any in Nigeria and Uganda on the front of basic human rights that Christians themselves helped define and defend: We are called to speak the truth in love, to oppose what is wrong, and to do so whether or not it is culturally comfortable or politically secure.
People invent all sorts of reasons to do others harm, they have to because if just left with basic empathy and compassion no one would think it right to kill another human if they can put themselves in that other humans shoes.
In Christian Scripture and tradition, then, we find an ethic of care for strangers that renders precarious the protection of daughters; an ethic of chastity — laden with innuendos of pleasure, lust and pride — that renders precarious the moral standing and human rights of women; and an ethic of Christian duty that renders precarious the basic safety of wives.
A human being requesting the same basic human rights is the same thing as a suicide bomber on an airplane in your mind?
Second, slavery is not «wrong» merely because it is illegal or because it is «socially unacceptable»; rather, for the same reasons that r@pe and murder are inherently «wrong,» slavery is inherently wrong because it causes demonstrable harm and suffering in the deprivation of a fundamental human right to basic liberty and bodily autonomy.
And even more fundamentally, if we are bearers of inviolable dignity and a basic right to life in virtue of our humanity, and not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at all?
our equality, our dignity and our most basic rights are inherent in our nature as human beings.
The collective right to peace demands such a basic approach — in fact and law — that we can no longer afford to regard it merely as a sentimental concept or to confine it to an intellectual category of human rights.
In the light of the vast economic and technological changes that the UN has already contributed to the global system of what Vasak calls «solidarity,» it is now possible to classify the basic human standards into three broad categories: rights (individual) needs (collective) and uses (world law).
It is ironic that people who are denied, or have been denied, basic human consideration for reasons which they had nothing to do with (the genetically controlled color of their skin) would so aptly deny these rights to others who are in exactly the same position.
If there is an agenda (there isn't), the focus is more on making people understand that it DOES N'T MATTER whether or not you can «spot» sexual orientation, or even that there is a difference in orientation... what matters is that we are all human and we all have the same basic rights.
Likewise, Section 4 of the report Poverty and Development says that «the present articulation of human rights is a secular formation of the spiritual notion of the dignity inherent to each person, and thus has its grounding in the basic principles of all religions.»
Things like the priest scandals are CLEAR indications of what happens when we look the other way and consider freedom to believe in something more important than basic human rights.
In this context it is significant to listen to Nirmal Minz, himself a tribal Christian, convincingly argue that the primary objection to Christian conversion in the tribal areas is the fact that people begin to make demands for basic human rights when they are converteIn this context it is significant to listen to Nirmal Minz, himself a tribal Christian, convincingly argue that the primary objection to Christian conversion in the tribal areas is the fact that people begin to make demands for basic human rights when they are convertein the tribal areas is the fact that people begin to make demands for basic human rights when they are converted.
International political organization should have jurisdiction only in matters essential to basic peace and justice among the nations and to the preservation of certain universal human rights everywhere.
The attack on pro-life Ireland resumed with a vengeance in 2005, when three women accused Ireland of violating their basic rights under the European Convention on Human Rights by prohibiting aborights under the European Convention on Human Rights by prohibiting aboRights by prohibiting abortion.
They were deprived of their basic rights to sufficient and appropriate nourishment, clothing and housing, and often of their right to love, to warmth and to a human environment in which they could grow and develop as persons.
I've listened to my sisters grieve over how they never knew how to say no when they were approached by sexual predators, because they didn't know they had the basic human right to do so after being taught things like first - time obedience and assuming the best about those in authority no matter what (because God put them in authority, so they have inside info on God's will).
It was in such a situation of complexity, suffering and oppression and denial of basic human rights and humanity that one martyr, our contemporary, Dietrich Bonhoffer, came up with the idea or faith reflection that «only a powerless God can help».
What bothers me is when «Christians» say gay and transgendered people are something less than human and shouldn't enjoys the basic rights the rest of us have, what's it any of your business what people do in their bedrooms?
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