Sentences with phrase «basic human rights like»

We won't achieve the sustainable peace we're seeking if women don't have access to basic human rights like health care, food and education.

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In 2000, Estonia became the first country in the world to declare Internet access a basic human right — much like food and shelter.
The right solution ties in perfectly to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a well - known pyramid which ranks human needs and desires in order of necessity: From the physiological (the basics like water and oxygen), up to safety, love and belonging, esteem, and finally, self - actualization.
It is Bolivia's position that services like health, education and water should be excluded from commercial trade negotiations because they are basic human rights.
Other human rights violations that affect everyone, like a lack of food and mobility through the social classes, also affect women and young girls more harshly, often leading them into prostitution just so they can afford basic necessities.
Your final statement however is possibly the most chilling... You are in effect saying that should churches ever be banned world wide (like that will ever happen in America where the freedom of religion is a basic human right) then mankind no longer has a right to exist.
Things like the priest scandals are CLEAR indications of what happens when we look the other way and consider freedom to believe in something more important than basic human rights.
Along with campaigns from church groups, Amnesty International also petitioned for his release, saying that he was a «prisoner of conscience,» jailed for peacefully exercising basic human rights, like the right to assemble.
I've listened to my sisters grieve over how they never knew how to say no when they were approached by sexual predators, because they didn't know they had the basic human right to do so after being taught things like first - time obedience and assuming the best about those in authority no matter what (because God put them in authority, so they have inside info on God's will).
Not necessarily in the way that I feel like a treat needs to be tooth - achingly - sweet, but more in the way that I feel dessert is a basic human right that should be enjoyed on a daily basis.
I believe we all observe the basic social criteria that... «Protecting human lives and their basic rights of living supersedes teaching, doing business or doing research»;... Before this case clarified, and those fascists along with this criminal suspect Gabriele Scheler and Sebastian Thrun being concurred, I bet nobody would like to play up personnels associated with fascism crimes, the likes of Sebastian Thrun and Gabriele Scheler, nor cover up their fascism crimes and everybody has the obligation to fight against such anti-humanity crimes;
While studying both of these subjects, I was exposed to a lot of social justice issues and found myself really interested in why there is such injustice in the world in all forms (lack of basic human rights, sex trafficking, refugee crises) and what causes people like you and I to react to them — psychologically, spiritually, emotionally.
On one hand, Isle of Dogs appears to be a much darker entry in Anderson's filmography, but at its core, its characters are especially human (despite the fact that they're dogs), acting on their most basic core principles and instincts - like righting wrongs and helping a young boy find his dog.
I've no problem giving a full hearing to someone regardless of source, but I do not have infinite patience to hear out alarmism by organizations like Sea Shepherd, WWF and Greenpeace, who pull dangerous stunts on the high seas, break national and international laws, and the basic human rights of those they hope to marginalize, and whose record over many decades has been to produce vitriol that appears to flow quite independently of any scientific source.
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