Sentences with phrase «basic human rights standards»

The basic human rights standards developed by the United Nations state that «every individual and every organ of society... shall strive to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and... to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance».
Fellow campaigner Maham Hashmi added: «How can the UK government give lucrative public contracts to a company that shows such disregard for basic human rights standards across all of its business activities?»
He asks how relevant are the basic human rights standards relevant to cyberspace?

Not exact matches

In the light of the vast economic and technological changes that the UN has already contributed to the global system of what Vasak calls «solidarity,» it is now possible to classify the basic human standards into three broad categories: rights (individual) needs (collective) and uses (world law).
Once there is no longer a demand for tomatoes from farms that refuse to follow basic human rights laws, they will have no choice but to adhere to the new standards — fair wages and working conditions for all.
In addition to the risks of not supplementing, being fully fed is a basic human right that is not currently met by the standard of care.
In addition to presenting a significant barrier to resolution of the Israel - Palestine conflict, by constituting a substantial obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, the ICJ similarly notes that the existence of these settlements «violates the basic human rights of the Palestinians by impeding liberty of movement and the inhabitants» right to work, health, education and an adequate standard of living.»
Without access to energy service, the poor will be deprived of the most basic of human rights and of economic opportunities to improve their standard of living.
The systems failed to comply with the basic binding human rights standards in the treatment of children and young people.
With respect for human rights, that affirms our basic dignity as human beings and provides objective, transparent standards against which to measure our joint efforts.
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