Sentences with phrase «basic kind»

Term is the most basic kind of life insurance, and it's also the most popular.
But it may ultimately threaten a more basic kind of freedom — being where you are without anyone else knowing it.
There are many basic kinds of resumes which one could have to apply for jobs, but what matters is the kind of job that you are planning to apply for.
This simply outlines the most common and basic kinds of life policies that you might consider.
«They faced obstacles to everyday learning,» Jeffrey relays, «how to gain basic kinds of awareness, how to comprehend, how to fix words in proper sequence, how to acquire experience, become alert, become informed, find out.»
Yeah, it's simple, and the hacker doing the demo almost seems scornful of how basic this kind of photo manipulation is, but it's amazing stuff.
Works include pristine copies of Autobiography (1980), Four Basic Kinds of Straight Lines (1969), Incomplete Open Cubes (1974), and others.
We made sure they each offered at least the required coverage in Wisconsin and other basic kinds of coverage many drivers are interested in: liability, uninsured motorist coverage, comprehensive, and collision.
There are a few basic kinds of Broken Arrow car insurance that you should be aware of before you purchase your own policy.
This is going to the Georgia plan that is going to be the most basic kind of renters coverage you can get.
To take such education seriously is to be already unconcerned with more basic kinds of education as well as the rudimentary means of survival.
For the first 3.5 million years of hominin history, hominins all had the same basic kind of body: a chimp - sized brain (about one - third the size of our own), a snoutlike mouth, long arms with curved fingers good for climbing trees, and short legs that allowed them to walk slowly on the ground.
Climbing the Ladder advice attitude career job Personality searchThere are four basic kinds of people in business today.
This article will help you to understand the most basic kinds of life insurance available in Vermont and basic information you should know prior to signing a life insurance contract.
Obviously, it should be considered the most basic kind of self - preserving behavior on the part of a financial institution to maintain a strong cybersecurity policy and enforce it, but we are where we are.
Portion size is a delicate balance when it comes to poutine, especially the basic kind, or the sort that doesn't have tons of other stuff (like perogies) piled on top of it.
There are two basic kinds of Introduction and nearly all successful bloggers use one or the other.
Commodity exchanges handle three basic kinds of contracts: (1) cash market contracts, (2) forward and futures contracts, and (3) options contracts.
Is the basic kind of stock a person can purchase.
My biggest issues come with those who treat Orthodox Judaism as a mental disease, instead of regarding its practices, even if they are foreign, as practices which should be explored with a basic kind of respectful curiosity.
The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind According to the Bible, Jehovah God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self - awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.
Conservatives need to get enough moderates and Democrats committed to a basic kind of originalism.
There was the antidualistic motive: belief that some such actualities are without any experience of their own, when joined to the fact that the human existence with which philosophic thought must begin is just a series of experiences, makes it impossible to think of these extremes as contrasting but connected instances of one basic kind of actuality.
Another basic kind of order is spatial.
All processes (or processes of appropriation) exemplify two basic kinds of feelings: physical or bodily feelings and conceptual feelings (mentality).
With fewer holes than a typical English crumpet, Australian - style pikelets are a very simple and basic kind of «toaster pancake,» a great use for your sourdough starter.
Still like the basic kind, and usually get the grind your on at WF.
Blocks are perhaps the most basic kinds of toys, but they're anything but boring.
Basic Kind - the regular style or kind that is easily available on the market is a metal framed high chair with a good use of plastic.
The drive for survival of the self — a basic kind of egoism — is a principle motivation for human beings, as it must be for the evolutionary process to function.
Material: There are 2 basic kinds.
Fire ants have two basic kinds of social organization.
«We're studying a really simple, basic kind of memory,» Josselyn concedes.
By using different materials for this irreversible process, it is possible to make either of the two basic kinds of semiconducting materials, p - type or n - type.
I'm from the UK and I can't find brewers yeast anywhere, the only yeast the stores have is the basic kind you put in bread (either dried active or easy bake) can I use that instead since buying brewers yeast online is expensive, ebay has a cheap brewers yeast powder but the package says its for dogs and horses
There are two basic kinds of fiber: soluble fiber, which dissolves in liquid and insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve.
Because I'm a basics kind of girl, I paired it with my favorite white button down shirt and the result was office - to - night - out chic.
What I love about this brand is that their pieces are incredibly dreamy and literally make me, a basics kind of girl, want to run through the fields with flowers in my hair.
So, I threw on my basic (the good basic, not the basic kind of basic) J.Crew shirt, popped my collar and layered it under the sweater.
But nevertheless I have the opinion that there are three basic kinds of different flats woman can not miss:
Although he is selling more than 1000 different brands on his site now, but denim is such an old time classic and back to the basic kind of essential that everyone needs, no matter what the leading fashion is.
I am just your basic kind, caring, loving person.
There are 2 basic kinds of millionaire daters, wealthy individuals and attractive individuals.
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