Sentences with phrase «basic living»

If you feel confident that your family is financially savvy and will be able to manage future cash flows, you can opt for basic life cover.
Choose a term policy for basic life insurance protection.
It'd be wise to have enough in accessible savings to cover six months of basic living expenses in case your income dries up.
Complete a current course in basic life support, AND 3.
To meet disparate customer needs, insurance companies offer add - ons to basic life insurance covers.
Your ability to repay student loans, however, is limited by your discretionary income (the portion of your paycheck that's left over after covering basic living expenses).
With no family support, no educational prospects, and a need for basic life skills training, these young people tend to struggle.
You could be looking at several thousands of dollars each month in basic living expenses.
In the case of retirement, how much do you want to spend on basic living expenses?
I believe that it is better to buy a term plan with basic life cover.
With this information, we compared basic living costs to average incomes to find out how much a typical worker has left over each month.
This made $ 2.5 billion available nationally to help public assistance recipients and other low - income families meet basic living needs with a job that is supported by the subsidized employment programs.
Bar preparation classes typically cost a couple thousand dollars, and you'll also need money for basic living costs.
This plan is designed for employer - employee groups only and it also provides basic life insurance coverage to the members of the plan.
A term plan is the most basic life insurance plan since it covers only the risk of death.
Full - payment test: Lenders are required to determine whether the borrower can afford the loan payments and still meet basic living expenses and major financial obligations.
Let's just be honest carbs are essential for basic life necessity.
Many low - income families are fighting hard just to maintain basic living standards.
These plans offer basic life cover to the policy holder.
Without initiative or proper guidance, many people never take the time to learn about basic life insurance planning.
Even when you are not active per se, like when you are sleeping, the body needs energy for basic life functions like breathing and repairing damaged cells.
It's a job with early mornings, long hours in planes, buses, airports and train stations, and often very basic living conditions.
Even basic life style change will surely see the woman have some relief before heading to the hospital.
For many folks investing a portion of your wealth in an annuity is a good strategy on retirement so you can ensure basic living expenses are covered regardless of how long you live.
In this example, they expect their monthly basic living expenses to be $ 5,500.
In other chapters I talk about things beyond basic life skills, such as developing a work ethic, learning to think for themselves, coping when things don't go as hoped.
If you are unable to work, your family may struggle to afford basic living expenses.
Even when you are sleeping calories are being used for basic life processes to keep the vital organs running.
Taking medication and other basic life sustaining functions have become difficult for many of the residents.
Some time later our planet reached the conditions that made basic life possible.
Additionally, teaching your children basic life skills from an early age is invaluable.
He also performed basic life - saving skills during his experience as a camp counselor in his work experience.
What basic life skills are important for a person to acquire?
Special education teachers help students with severe disabilities develop basic life skills, such as how to respond to questions and how to follow directions.
For most people it's smarter to buy basic life insurance protection and place your retirement savings elsewhere.
She makes sculptures and installations relating to shelter, food, furniture, and clothing, turning basic living into experimental artwork.
Usually, a person administering basic life support is not required to use medicines or any surgical equipment to provide support to the patient.
These devices make it possible to bring basic life saving education to more students.
It's hard to find a generation whose basic life circumstances have garnered so much hate and judgment.
We live a pretty basic life, so just being out of the house and seeing new sights is a lot of fun for us!
In fact basic life can not function without a certain amount of salt.
The researchers dug into the complexities of a seemingly basic life function — breathing.
Some of them had suggested basic life got its start more than 4 billion years ago.
Many are busy with family and friends, hard at work and taking care of basic life maintenance.
I wrote it in the spare moments between my day job, social commitments, and basic life responsibilities like bathing and sleeping.
: Whether we are training our dog basic life skills, public access or specific service dog tasks, nothing is more important than the process.
Your hamster's basic living environment can be boring, both for the animal to live in and for you to watch.
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