Sentences with phrase «basic memory skills»

But the most effective method for remembering names and faces uses three basic memory skills I call: LOOK, SNAP, CONNECT.

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Lower income kids performed at a lower level than others in reading comprehension and mathematical calculations but were competitive in basic cognition, memory and reading skills, indicating that poverty may affect development at the level where different abilities must be combined, such as verbal skills and memory, in the case of reading comprehension.
She had suffered localized brain damage that preserved her basic mechanical and reasoning skills, along with most of her older memories.
Rather than merely a cumulative effect, Meyer says, the two conditions appeared to act in synergy, increasing anxiety behaviors in the mice as well as damaging their performance on tests for associative memory and other basic cognitive skills associated in people with a range of neurological disorders, including schizophrenia.
Every 3 years, the 3,759 individuals aged 65 and older who were involved in the study, had a cognitive assessment which tested things like basic math skills and memory.
A study conducted by the Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities in New York showed that walnuts can improve memory deficits and learning skills and may also have a beneficial effect in reducing the risk, delaying the onset, and slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Arguably, these are merely once - known facts that have been dulled by an aging memory and unconnected to what is really important to know: the acquisition, mastery and application of basic literacy skills.
It may be that attending a school that employs them enhances those basic cognitive skills — such as processing speed, working memory, and reasoning — that research in psychological science has shown contribute to success in the classroom and later in life.
All free and the first website listed has brilliant resources to support spelling, memory development and basic maths skills too
This multisensory suite offers materials to help students master main ideas / details, inferences, core language vocabulary skills, abstract thinking, multiple meanings, word finding / memory, basic writing, and following directions / listening skills.
During the year, refresh student memory on the basics before advancing to more complex skills — and always provide ample time for PRACTICE.
For example, memory is a basic skill that should be developed since it is crucial for further growth.
Then there's being able to trade in two memories for a basic skill, or how running lets you move further at the cost of doing anything else, or the piles of keywords and symbols that all interact with each other.
While Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases, the term includes a wide range of symptoms pointing to a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to impinge on one's ability to perform life's basic tasks.
Peace / Security Officer: Reasoning Skills, Basic Math, Reading Comprehension, Study Guides, Memory, Personality Profiling, Police Forms, Written Communication, Visualization, Spatial Orientation, Situational Judgement, Study Guides
I provide detailed interventions and recommendations that target specific cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, processing speed, planning, organization, etc.), higher level language and comprehension skills, and basic academic skills required for efficient learning.
Each Sensorimotor Psychotherapy session addresses a different set of symptoms sequenced in order of importance from a trauma - treatment perspective, including: autonomic arousal, implicit memory, basic techniques for regulating arousal, directing focused attention, boundaries and skills practice.
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