Sentences with phrase «basic national industries»

Bluestone and Harrison believe that the essential problem with the U.S. economy can be traced to the way capital — in the form of financial resources as well as plants and equipment — «has been diverted from productive investment in our basic national industries into unproductive speculation, mergers, acquisitions, and foreign investment.

Not exact matches

The continued rising levels of imports of foreign steel threaten to impair the national security by placing the U.S. steel industry at substantial risk of displacing the basic oxygen furnace and other steelmaking capacity, and the related supply chain needed to produce steel for critical infrastructure and national defense.
The letter warns that placing Section 232 restrictions on basic steel imports will «adversely impact national security, the economy and the steel industry itself because it will undermine [United States steel using manufacturers»] competitiveness and our ability to make value - added products here.»
The key national basic industries such as Poahan, Iron and Steel Corporation, Korean gaz corporation, Korean construction, Korean telecoms... are all included in the plan.
National Union of Teachers (NUT) general secretary Steve Sinnott also praised the results, which come just days after the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) warned of an absence of basic numeracy and literacy skills among school leavers.
Furthermore, Mena helped shape the future development of mathematics and basic sciences at the Yachay City of Knowledge, an ambitious national government project to create a leading academic and industry hub in northern Ecuador.
«I am confident that more basic research efforts in academia will complement the applied efforts of the national laboratories and industry in supporting the critically important national security goals of our country.»
A broad coalition of video game producers and rental shops has reached basic agreement to create a national system to rate the proliferating games for violence, sex and profanity, industry executives said Tuesday.
Somewhere along the way, we decided that basic science should not be tainted by commercial interests, and, 50 years later, we have effectively insulated the bulk of our national research efforts from direct engagement with the challenges and opportunities of industry.
His basic conclusion was that NZ is collectively dishonest using the «100 % Pure» slogan to attract tourists as NZ has a higher carbon impactt than the UK, despite the screamingly obvious facts that NZ has only about 4.3 m inhabitants, its major industries are grassland farming of various types plus viticulture and forestry; NZ is about a seventh larger than the UK in land mass and two - thirds of NZ is locked into National Parks, a unique mix of indigenous Podocarp forests and mountain chains.
Unit 4 — Basics of Employment Screening (3 HRCI credits / 3 SHRM PDCs) offers lessons on Education and Credentials Verifications, Mechanics of Employment Screening, the Employment Screening Process, Selecting a Background Screening Company, the Background Screening Industry, and National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) Accreditation.
As the national governing body for real estate in Canada, CREA has a clear and obvious obligation to defend the industry and when it can't even defend the basic truths of Agency, someone needs to ask: why the hell not?
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