Sentences with phrase «basic needs of the people»

What basic needs of the people must be met before a government can create long - term peace within its borders?
He valued a sense of community and taught that the most basic need of people was to feel a sense of belonging to a group and a sense that they were capable of contributing to the well - being of the group.
They focused on meeting the basic needs of the people for food, housing, and health.
It is clear that it involves also meeting the basic needs of all people or rather, providing the context in which people can meet their own basic needs.
But what we do does not change, nor do the basic needs of the people to whom we minister.
Chalie16, I read this summer an article about how technology can allow us to provide for the basic needs of every person on the planet..
The primary concern is with meeting the basic needs of people, enabling them to live in healthy communities and to take control over their own lives.
We must break with the destructive structural adjustment policies of the international financial institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, London and Paris clubs, and to rethink and reconstitute a new international financial system based on a fair allocation of resources for the basic needs of peoples, based on justice and freedom.
Meeting the basic needs of the people becomes less important.
Often they had said of Eastern European socialist nations (as of Cuba) that, unattractive as they were in some respects, «at least they fulfill the basic needs of the people
They are pleading for an alternate form of development which is ecologically responsible and meets the basic needs of the people.
I have to decompress and disengage because I am totally frustrated and exasperated by the deliberate ignoring of the basic needs of the people in favor of bickering like spoiled children over relatively trivial issues.
Our community involvement is centered on taking care of the basic needs of people who would be hard pressed to help themselves or in other words «helping those without a voice».
We envision a world where the basic needs of all people are met, where resources are managed sustainably and the natural world protected, and where conflicts over resources are resolved in a peaceful and democratic fashion.
«In contrast, countries that are using resources at a sustainable level, such as Sri Lanka, fail to meet the basic needs of their people
This particular blog was conceivably successful because it addresses the basic needs of people who are most likely to be seeking the services of a bankruptcy lawyer — the average Joe who may be in financial trouble.
Computer knowledge is not a skill but the basic need of any person.
Resumes have become the basic need of the people searching for job.
«If we understand what the person is trying to communicate and we use strategies that are designed to answer what the person is asking for, to provide the support, the information or the basic needs of the person, then we can change their life for the better.
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