Sentences with phrase «basic order of the universe»

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His rejection of independently existing substance in favor of a universe in which all entities are related, the idea of actual entities as valuing subjects prehending and creating themselves Out of the feelings of other subjects, the declaration that the most basic form of order is aesthetic, and the insistence that the lure toward beauty and adventure is a primary drive in the process of reality, are all examples of Whitehead's fundamental insight that to be is to be related, to exhibit some degree of beauty in those relationships, and to have the power both to affect and to be affected.
The universe is in such order that from the basic DNA structure all the way to the distance from earth to the sun, to the amount of gravitational pull in the planets, works.
For Hartshorne, much of the usual argument for personal immortality seems to reduce to a sort of «dog - in - the - manger attitude to the universe; and since the basic drive through the entire created order is unselfish action towards fuller good, this attitude appears to him to be in flat contradiction to the purpose of creation.
So basic is Eros to the composition of the universe that Hesiod names him third in the order of creation:
Because I feel like I can't write about the plot without giving too much away — and you already know the basics, that bad purple guy Thanos wants to assemble the all - powerful Infinity Gauntlet in order to do away with half of the population of the universe, and the Avengers want to stop him — I'll hit upon what I liked and didn't like.
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