Sentences with phrase «basic precautions when»

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Basic safety and precautions should be your number - one priority when carrying or driving your infant around.
Pediatrician and educator Howard Reinstein discusses when your son might be ready and basic precautions to take in public restr...
The Xerces Society encourages all participants to follow basic common sense and safety precautions when accessing and monitoring overwintering sites.
When you do start meeting matches in person, make sure that you take some basic safety precautions.
We found that the majority of the sites we examined did not take even basic security precautions, leaving users vulnerable to having their personal information exposed or their entire account taken over when using shared networks, such as at coffee shops or libraries.
When EFF examined eight popular online dating sites to see how well they safeguard user privacy, they found that the majority of the sites tested did not take even basic security precautions.
It's a sad but stark reality: when buying real estate, far too many Canadians fail to take the basic precautions or perform standard due diligence prior to submitting an offer.
Basic safety precautions should be taken when meeting an online friend offline for the first time, just as you would with anyone you don't know well.
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