Sentences with phrase «basic science of climate change»

Zinke's ignorance of the most basic science of climate change is highlighted in this bizarre part of his testimony:
Simple observation confirms the basic science of climate change.
Although the basic science of climate change can be trusted, it must be totally transparent, stating what we know for certain, and be very clear indeed where uncertainties remain.
In such an atmosphere it is vital that we articulate the basic science of climate change, the principles of physics and chemistry which the skeptics ignore.
By last April he was questioning the basic science of climate change itself, offering this mealy - mouthed attempt to placate the anti-science right wing without going whole hog into the denial camp: «Humans are not responsible for climate change in the way some of these people out there are trying to make us believe.»
And yet, the acceptance of the basic science of climate change has cleaved across partisan lines — a political reality that would have my grandfather, a construction engineer and businessman, aghast and angered.
But one thing we all ought to agree on is the basic science of climate change, and any reasonable reading rules out a rosy view of what the Anthropocene holds in store for us.
There is no meaningful debate about the basic science of climate change.
Stop denying the basic science of climate change, and instead embrace it as the conservative issue that it is.
At these meetings, we learned about the basic science of climate change, and we shared techniques to communicate about climate change effectively with your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.
New research published this week in Nature Climate Change shows the U.S. is without peers when it comes to denying the basic science of climate change.
He's ignorant of the basic science of climate change and chooses to deny it for political gain.
The debate over the basic science of climate change is over.
In one study, he and his colleagues packaged the basic science of climate change into fake newspaper articles bearing two very different headlines --» Scientific Panel Recommends Anti-Pollution Solution to Global Warming» and «Scientific Panel Recommends Nuclear Solution to Global Warming» — and then tested how citizens with different values responded.
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