Sentences with phrase «basic vision»

A child's regular checkup should include basic vision test, but until the age of 5 the baby can't read an eye chart.
At issue is a reorientation of our most basic vision and a transformation of our most fundamental practices.
Second, while there is increasing knowledge of the oscillatory mechanisms underpinning basic vision, models of how visual inputs activate meaning lack mechanistic detail.
We pretty much have had the same basic vision for this entry since we moved in (see the inspiration photos I shared here and more of the entry here), but it's been slow going getting to the final result.
It also captures Carl Rogers's basic vision of our species: a vision which states that we grow and stand tall in the shelter of each other.
Whitehead himself recognized that his basic vision had much in common with Chinese traditions.
The reason harmony is so highly prized in process thought is that the basic vision of reality is one in which the conflict of interests is overwhelming.
He thus substitutes for the dynamic actual world of Whitehead, whose perpetual constitution of itself into new entities is creativity, 3 a lifeless past, incapable of exerting real causal efficacy.4 Ironically, when Leclerc turns to the philosophy of nature on his own, he sees that causality requires the agency of the cause, which Whitehead illumined by his basic vision of creativity and immanence.
Philosophy is critical, imaginative, and comprehensive thinking that strives to free itself from the conditioning of particular traditions and communities, whereas a criterion for the selection of a philosophy by a theologian should be its sharing of a basic vision of reality.
His claim, for example, that Whitehead associates God's aim «exclusively with the primordial nature» (p. 183) ignores Whitehead's statement that «the process of finite history is essential for the ordering of the basic vision, otherwise mere confusion.
And yet its basic vision of an Ultimate Reality that is by nature suffering servanthood, its incurable idealism, and its purposefully inclusive nature have endured and been involved in mutually transforming relationships with myriad cultures over two millenia.
Although many Buddhists have no interest in speculating about such a deity, their basic vision of reality is not undercut by it.
Beyond the technical interpretations and the absorbing debates that make up the field of Process Thought today, is there a way of expressing Whitehead's basic vision in terms that clarify some element common to all spiritual quests (pluralized)?
In this situation, the screening may cover a basic vision check, a quick developmental screening to check for possible developmental delays or disabilities and discovering what social, developmental, and pre-academic skills your child has.
Glenn is really focusing in on artificial intelligence and that was what Vinge focused on in his original essay; but over the last 15 years that the basic vision has got more complicated.
If you end up hiring SMM specialists, they should be aware of the dating site's values, strategy, niche, etc., to properly integrate the basic vision withing greater marketing plans.
McGovern's basic vision has been approved by Land Rover and Ford execs, but the vehicles and their technologies are some years from the green light.
Novy - Marx argues that investors can «directly combine the quality and value signals and, in line with Graham's basic vision, only buy high quality stocks at bargain prices.
Additional areas of focus may include a neurologic exam, orthopedic exam, dental exam, overall pain assessment, basic vision / hearing assessment, routine blood work and urinalysis.
The DHSMV requires that Florida drivers age 80 or older who renew their license undergo a basic vision test.
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