Sentences with phrase «basis of equality of»

69 CEDAW guarantees the enjoyment of rights «on a basis of equality of men and women.»
According to Oxford's definition, feminism is «the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.»
The relation between man and woman on the basis of equality of personhood comes within it.

Not exact matches

When it comes to gender equality, the data remains stark, according to the World Economic Forum's 2017 Gender Gap Report, which captures the the magnitude of gender - based disparities across economies, education, health and political engagements.
It treats every user equally on the basis of real transactional data, establishes a scientific and standardized credit rating, and displays the characteristics of blockchain equality and democracy in the field of credit investigation.
Consider Germany and its strong manufacturing base, or the equality that is a defining feature of Sweden's economic structure.
Local Unit Lead for NAACP in Northern California with a mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race - based discrimination.
The economy is more efficient and prosperous when economic resources are better distributed among the people - not equality of income, but equality of opportunity based on moderate levels of inequality (as we had during the Keynesian era.)
In the UK, where calls for equality are admittedly met with less resistance, in general, than in the gender minefield that is US evangelical culture, Christian advocates for equality have also been active, with the launch of gender - based violence charity Restored in 2010 and the publication of Jenny Baker's Equals (SPCK) this year, which talks about the practical outworking of equality in family life, work, and church.
This proposition of equality, based on the full strength of reason from the Enlightenment, was one that must be fought for and defended passionately with all the strength and wit one can muster in life.
It is truly appalling that equality is being denied to some on the basis of glorified fairy tales.
One can, for example, base the argument for the equality of the sexes on certain Qur «anic passages.
Thomas Jefferson gave ever lasting gift of human equality to America, a gift from our creator and denied by religions, based not on truth absolute but hinduism, racism,
The Indian National Congress has also been formed as the political expression of the awakening of the people under the leadership of the class with western - oriented education; and linked to the politics of nationalism was also movements of social reform of family relations and caste structures on the basis of personal liberty and social equality.
We usually focus on the content of faiths and policies in disputing groups; for example, the Catholic bishops» pastoral letters, the sermonic messages of Martin Luther King, Jr., and black churches, Mormon doctrines about equality or inequality, New Christian Right teachings based on revealed truths, or Jews» concepts of the land of Israel.
Not only does the stereotype mischaracterize feminism as a matriarchal movement instead of an equality based one — you'd be amazed at all the ways in which women are still not equal (we still make 77 cents to every man's dollar for the same work.
For these are not regarded as merely passive objects of the saving activities of the ministry, but, on the basis of true Christian equality and freedom as collaborators of the hierarchy, so that actually the hierarchy must only serve the Christian life which is to be realized by the laity.
This is a cogent advocacy of marriage equality based on scriptural principles.
Our common humanity ought to be the basis of equality and fellowship.
He would like to see liberation theology take its cues from base communities» populist «grass - roots communitarian democracy» and then extend this «populism» into a liberalism that, contra Marx, offers «democracy and equality to all human beings, regardless of sex, race or social class (Rousseau)» Sigmund's agenda would purge liberation theology of much of its «early revolutionary fervor,» but in its dialogue with liberalism it would still perform «a radical «prophetic» role in reminding complacent elites of the religious obligation of social solidarity, and in combating oppression.»
shia ism is sister hinduism, absurdity of hindu Jew's, criminal secular's, identical to hindu pagan Catholic ism, based on hindu Mithra ism, pagan savior ism, with hindu, perverted commentary borrowed from hindu filthy book of Judaism, secularism, Telmood, Having nothing to do with teachings of Islam but ever thing with hinduism, racism of Egypt and Persia, with hindu fraudulent relation ship relation ship with family of Messenger of Allah, Syadana, on straight path Mohammad, pbh, in violation of fundamental principal of human equality.
As the climax of the narrative it demonstrates how the consubstantial principles of unity and equality are betrayed when one chooses to base one's actions on the desire to please humans rather than God.
It is foundational to our country, based on Enlightenment beliefs in the inherent equality of all people.
Equality is the opposite of power and control, and leaders in the anti-domestic violence movement have long been proponents of equality - based relationships.
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
Why should the people who support the freedom and equality that are the basis of this country allow the sort of blatant, unfair and ignorant discrimination supported by Chick - fil - a?
For a Biblical concept of justice has been the real concern of a few of these writers.58 Evidence is of course mixed, but the overwhelming thrust of Scripture's discussion of «social justice» suggests the following Biblical definition: «to each according to his or her needs» Rather than act on the basis of society's most common definitions of «social justice» those of merit or equality - the Christian seeking a Biblically derived social ethic must respond, first and foremost, on the basis of need.
They imposed the idea of secular nationalism on the Indian peoples because they were convinced that it was the best basis for unity of pluralistic India and the best path towards building a new society based on the values of liberty, equality and justice.
Soviet Russia is the nearest approach to the realization of the Christian intention that the world has yet seen, for the intention of a universal community based on equality and freedom, overriding differences of nationality, race, sex, and «religion,» is its explicit and conscious purpose.18
It must be established as a matter of principle and law that American forces stationed outside the U.S. will deal with their host nations on a basis of equality, not of extraterritorial privilege.
The result might be the emergence of a «genobility» based on the obsolescence of the empirical foundation of democratic equality.
This is not some Christian form of Sharia Law, where we force Christian morality on everyone else, but is instead a gospel - based law of love where all are treated with dignity, equality, and respect, regardless of how they think, believe, or behave.
In my own life I have had struggles and it led me to some 12 step groups and its funny, but the 12 steps are really based on some pretty biblical ideas - equality of person before each other - in other words the social outcast is equal to the executive in the meeting.
And Awkward Situations is absolutely right that we must not offer up the equality that we say we believe in for some kind of all - encompassing mistaken prejudice based on fear.
Based on the «downward mobility» model of the Beatitudes, Kathy's approach to «church» is radically different than what we've come to accept in our consumer - driven Christian subculture and focuses instead on following Jesus into the hard places of suffering, inequality and justice in order to experience hope, beauty, justice, equality, generosity and healing.
When interpreting the Bill of Rights, a court, tribunal or forum must promote the values that underlie an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; must consider international law; and may consider foreign law.
The usual sorts of descriptions, those having a basis in the concepts of merit, equality, or need, all do not seem to be totally adequate descriptions of Hartshorne's use of the term justice.3 He simply maintains that a just person is one
what most equality people are fighting for isn't their right to screw they can do that any how, we are trying to get people to see that marriage comes with a lot of benefits that are being denied from this group of people based on s - e-x-ual orientation.
By citing historical instances of religion - based bigotry and prejudice, you allow people to be more comfortable with atudinal change — they realize they are not stepping out alone against a commonly accepted viewpoint but rather following historical progress toward justice and equality.
It was not in a case a bargain based on equality of status, such as might be made between the «party of the first part» and the «party of the second part.»
The only country which consciously put «belief in the Transcendent» as one of the five foundations of the Constitution of the nation - state and recognized religious pluralism and brought the various religions and secular ideologies together for dialogue on the basis of legal equality was Soekarno's Indonesia.
As tyrannical kingship had taken the place of paternal chieftainship and a stratified society based on slave labor had crowded out earlier equality, so the social organization of Israel continued to take form from the patterns of the day.
Equality is based on the denial of distinctions, but since they exist, the wish for equality calls to fight them, to force equalization on people, and, what is even worse, to refuse these distinctions, which are the essence of life.
the right to cooperate in the building of the national community as a «fraternity» of individual persons and peoples on the basis of equality before the law of the land.
It declares that the idea of Indian Secularism is an expression of the toleration based on the traditional Hindu doctrine of the equality of religions.
Fox believed that men should be guided by the Inner Light, protested against formalism in religion, advocated an extreme democracy which would put men and women on a basis of equality, stressed simplicity in dress, food, and speech, opposed all participation in war, and insisted on truth - speaking.
God grant us a new prophetic voice in our time, perhaps rising up in protest from the pews, or sounding forth, as did Karl Barth, from an obscure and seemingly unimportant pulpit, a prophetic voice that proclaims justice and equality for women, but on the sure basis of the authority of the Bible and the equalizing nature of the apostolic Christian faith.
The sighs of the Kingdom are the same as the experience of Shalom in the Old Testament — the life in all its fullness, the concern for community based on equality and mutual acceptance and freedom from self - seeking security.
If you then take your theory a step further when applying players demands, are you not bringing back the Wenger style of a salary based equality across the board?
• «The ITF today announced the launch of a new program, «Empowering Female Leaders», to improve gender equality in leadership positions within tennis on a worldwide basis through a variety of educational opportunities.
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