Sentences with phrase «basis points they paid»

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If the Bank of Canada hikes two more times this year, some households could be renewing at a rate 75 basis points higher than what they previously paid, according to Rob McLister, CEO of intelliMortgage Inc. in Toronto.
Because of AIMCo's size, fund holders pay just 35 basis points in fees.
The company's board put a special provision in Papa's employment agreement that turbocharges his pay the way a videogame might when a player levels up into bonus points mode: If Valeant's stock price reaches a new high of at least $ 270 a share in the next three years, Papa gets double the allotment of performance - based stock.
The MBA team ultimately recommended that Howard get a Square Register, an iPad - based point - of - sale system that will allow his customers to enter their products, calculate the cost and pay by credit or debit card — still checking out without the need for a human cashier.
The point is that you need to pay your sales people based on their strengths.
The feature states the total fare a rider will pay based on start and end point of their trip, rather than telling drivers the fare after the trip is completed.
West Perth - based iron ore explorer Atlas Iron Ltd will pay $ 15 million in port facilities charges to the Port Hedland Port Authority as an up - front contribution for the planned $ 225 million upgrade of the Utah Point public access facility.
An investment - grade company issue will pay you between 100 and 140 basis points more per year than a government one.
In the daily games, participants pay to compete for cash prizes against others in online leagues based on imaginary teams assembled from rosters of real players, which accumulate points based on how those players perform in actual games.
By going back to the basics and actually talking to every customer ourselves, we identified some friction points within the app, discovered features that were extremely useful to our user base and increase our secondary conversion rate, turning more leads into paying customers.
While Reddit's move is controversial — skeptics point out that salaries may be based on an applicant's previous pay, which may or may not have been fair — it's nonetheless a concerted effort to lessen the disparity, and one that seems to be raising awareness for the issue at large.
The average rate paid on short maturity loans was up 40 basis points at 6.1 percent.
Since each point on a 30 - year fixed rate mortgage lowers Quicken's base rate of 4.38 % by 25 basis points, we found that you would need to pay about $ 2,700 to reach the standard mortgage rate of 4.00 % found at most major banks.
Indexed mutual funds averaged a cost of 13 basis points for all plans — ranging from 10 basis points to 26 basis points, the larger plans of course paying less.
Participants in plans with between $ 1 million and $ 10 million paid an average 108 basis points.
Investors in the general retail market pay an average of 70 basis points for their shares of mutual funds.
Participants in plans with over $ 1 billion in assets paid an average 31 basis points.
Data shows that while participants in larger plans clearly benefit from scale, some small plans managed to pay significantly less in costs than others: costs for plans in the $ 1 million to $ 10 million segment ranged widely, from 68 basis points to 153 basis points.
As Frank Armstrong III, founder and principal of Miami - based Investor Solutions points out, long - term care costs are not covered by insurance: «Once a hospital releases you to any kind of long - term care facility, your medical coverage quits paying for your care.»
Small businesses using NCR's Silver tablet - based point - of - sale system are steadily asking about bitcoin but not showing much interest in Apple Pay, NCR...
Plans with $ 100 million to under $ 500 million in assets pay an average of 90 basis points (BPS), and plans with $ 500 million or more in assets pay an average of 67 BPS.
in the case of our directors, officers, and security holders, (i) the receipt by the locked - up party from us of shares of Class A common stock or Class B common stock upon (A) the exercise or settlement of stock options or RSUs granted under a stock incentive plan or other equity award plan described in this prospectus or (B) the exercise of warrants outstanding and which are described in this prospectus, or (ii) the transfer of shares of Class A common stock, Class B common stock, or any securities convertible into Class A common stock or Class B common stock upon a vesting or settlement event of our securities or upon the exercise of options or warrants to purchase our securities on a «cashless» or «net exercise» basis to the extent permitted by the instruments representing such options or warrants (and any transfer to us necessary to generate such amount of cash needed for the payment of taxes, including estimated taxes, due as a result of such vesting or exercise whether by means of a «net settlement» or otherwise) so long as such «cashless exercise» or «net exercise» is effected solely by the surrender of outstanding stock options or warrants (or the Class A common stock or Class B common stock issuable upon the exercise thereof) to us and our cancellation of all or a portion thereof to pay the exercise price or withholding tax and remittance obligations, provided that in the case of (i), the shares received upon such exercise or settlement are subject to the restrictions set forth above, and provided further that in the case of (ii), any filings under Section 16 (a) of the Exchange Act, or any other public filing or disclosure of such transfer by or on behalf of the locked - up party, shall clearly indicate in the footnotes thereto that such transfer of shares or securities was solely to us pursuant to the circumstances described in this bullet point;
Prior to this plan being frozen, participants received «pay credits» which varied with age and years of service (points) and differed for pay above and below the taxable wage base.
The Fed is paying 50 basis points on reserves, so that is a positive spread of 90 basis points.
Buyer personas are fictional representations of your actual, paying customers, created based on the data you have about them — such as their job title, budget, buying motivation, challenges, company size, age, pain points, education level, buying concerns, etc..
This means the yield that Ford is paying on these bonds is the yield on the 5 year treasury + 238 basis points (2.38 %).
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, the truth of the matter is we don't pay much attention to trying to get an extra two basis points by being gamey on our short - term things and that credit default position is a weird, historical accident.
Small businesses using NCR's Silver tablet - based point - of - sale system are steadily asking about bitcoin but not showing much interest in Apple Pay, NCR product manager Reggie Kimble told Finextra.
Instead of being able to easily pawn off more borrowing on the markets - say 90 basis points for a 5 - year note as at present - they may have to pay hundreds of basis points more.
The following table illustrates the difference between two floaters that pay a spread of 40 basis points above the reference rate; one with a 4 % cap and 2 % floor, and one without a cap or floor:
Pulling this all together, the average interest rate paid on all outstanding loans has increased since late last year, but only by about 10 basis points.
While floaters may be linked to almost any benchmark and pay interest based on a variety of formulas, the most basic type pays a coupon equal to some widely followed interest rate or a change in a given index over a defined time period, such as the year - over-year change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus a fixed spread in basis points (1bp = 1/100 of 1 % or.01 %).
Going on cable news and making a preemptive, point - by - point case for Trump's innocence is the surest method of convincing the base that they needn't pay attention to investigation - related hysteria anymore.
«We started with a $ 500 personal investment from our savings and strategically focused on creating innovative designs, delivering affordable price points, cultivating a loyal customer base and paying it forward in terms of investments back into the business,» says Vaughan.
In exchange for paying costs, the mortgage lenders will raise the mortgage rate for a borrower by a nominal amount — usually 12.5 basis points (0.125 %) for a $ 250,000 loan size.
Of course, doing that work is incredibly hard, but the difference is the occurrence of risk — in traditional startups, it occurs at the jump point — for service based folks, the «risk» is simply having the belief that the work you'll put in to create the equity while employed will pay off.
If Pay With Venmo succeeds in gaining even a few basis points of market share, the financial windfall for PayPal could be enormous.
In contrast, if they owned taxable mutual funds or other securities, the heirs would not have to pay taxes on the $ 75,000 in gains because taxable mutual funds enjoy a «stepped - up» basis at death for tax purposes, Trust Point noted.
And pay the 25 basis points to do it.
«I don't think paying 100 basis points per year for an investment portfolio that provides no mortality credits and exposes retirees to longevity risk is better than a competitively priced variable annuity.»
ParTech, Inc., a leading global provider of point of sale and workforce efficiency solutions to the restaurant and retail industries, announced the introduction of PAR Pay, a SaaS based EMV enabled transaction processing solution for processing credit, debit and store value cards.
DeMause points out one study published in 2005 by Bruce Johnson, Michael Mondello and John Whitehead that asked citizens of Jacksonville how much they would pay to keep the Jaguars based on their own personal valuations.
At the higher levels of pay it wont incentivize them but they are at that point fighting more for title shots anyway and generally already have a fan base.
Also you have to question whether those that measure a player's value based solely on point productions and salary are actually paying attention to the entire game being played.
We still lost away to Chelsea, lucky to leave Anfield with a point, Spurs took 4 points off of us, Utd beat us AT HOME and I have know idea who's turning up at Old Trafford... I feel now we REALLY need to hold unto 3rd and most importantly the players shouldn't be forgotten either, they get paid more than most people will see in their lifetime... The should be performing at the highest level on a constant basis but sadly they haven't either at least in the games that really count... I love Arsenal but something has to give in order for is to proceed and I want to see that Arsenal again at least one last time...
The methodology used in the preparation of each set of results took as its starting point the gross national income (GNI) of the States Members of the United Nations during the corresponding base periods as a first approximation of the capacity to pay, and applied conversion factors, relief measures and limits to the scale in order to arrive at the final scale.
Their decisions do change when the situation reaches a ludicrous point; I was once left with a loan on which I was paying 2 % over base when the base rate was 15 %.
«The health service will face a financial crisis within a matter of years that will threaten the very values we hold so dear - of a comprehensive health service, available to all, free at the point of use and based on need and not the ability to pay,» he concluded.
This suggestion is entirely incorrect as any national of a non-EEA state who is brought under the points - based system to work in the UK must be paid at the rate at which a UK resident in the same job would be paid.
«We are absolutely committed to a comprehensive national health service, free at the point of use and based on need rather than ability to pay - nothing in our plans changes that.»
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