Sentences with phrase «basket stars»

Basket stars refer to a type of marine creature that has arms resembling a basket or a star shape. They live in the ocean and use their arms to catch food and move around. Full definition
Night dives are offered at least twice weekly on the Anse Chastanet Reef, which really «wakes up» at night, with many interesting crustaceans on the move, large basket stars, sleeping parrot fish, octopus and squid, bioluminescence, and the «THING».
The two species jointly provide a habitat for basket stars, crabs, shrimps, fish and many other organisms.
Coral polyps and basket stars open up to feed, and lobsters and crabs crawl about in the open.
We do find the occasional «sleeping» basket star fish as well, all bundled up in gorgonian coral for the day.
Night dives are offered twice weekly on Anse Chastanet's Reef, which really comes alive at night with many interesting crustaceans on the move, large basket stars, sleeping parrot fish, octopus and squid, bioluminescence and the «THING».
There's no escape from a basket star.
Like their fellow echinoderms, including urchins and sea cucumbers, basket stars have five-fold symmetry, but they elaborate on this with their extraordinary many - fingered arms, which are a little like slender coral branches.
Stellar Starfish A basket star (Astrocladus euryale) perches on coral and sifts the water for food.
Night dive at Pink Beach — crazy colours and likely to see frogfish, slipper lobster, basket stars, sea cucumbers unique to the area.
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