Sentences with phrase «bat around ideas»

You may have helped clients bat around ideas for a kitchen remodel, but Dr. Ruth Shahack - Gross isn't going to listen to your advice: The kitchen she's working with is 300,000 years old.
On the web, they come together to laugh and bat around ideas.
I liked the fact that people came together and batted around ideas, and then, as an editor, you would look for the perfect writer for it, somebody who could make it better than you imagined, then ultimately putting an issue together was about getting the right mix and the right tone.
My husband and I are batting around the idea of visiting Jamaica in January (mostly to escape our horrendous winter) and thought the bays looked amazing!
My approach to mentoring in general is asking a lot of questions and being in conversation and batting around ideas and looking at different scenarios.
I have been batting around the idea of business cards myself.
But she's taking creative control of her projects, too — in addition to batting around ideas with Paul Thomas Anderson, Haddish will also executive produce and star in a new animated series from BoJack Horseman creators Raphael Bob - Waksberg and Lisa Hanawalt.
We're constantly teaching and learning from each other and batting around ideas.
We just have more people speaking more articulately and batting around ideas.
4) I am batting around the idea of a snap closure, as opposed to the elastic.
Where some of her peers consider Twitter a constructive tool for batting around ideas, Nopper says she believes that the main reason scholars tweet sessions has more to do with personal branding at a time when many academics are scrambling to be noticed.
Sure, other publications have talked about it, and our own team has batted around the idea on both the Live and the Pocketnow Weekly podcast before, but this latest revival of the attractive concept came to us courtesy of a pair of steadfast readers and commenters whose frequent contributions have earned them semi-regular guest status on our hangouts.

Not exact matches

A few dish ideas are batted around by the chefs as they stare up into the leaves.
As of mid-August the Sooners were batting around several ideas for honoring Box.
The board of trustees recently batted the idea around at a March meeting, where they discussed a hypothetical $ 45 annual fee for each of the village's 10,967 properties.
The problem with the sorts of ideas being batted around at the moment — primarily devolution for the English regions — is that they are at once too concrete and too unsystematic, while also being too «top down», and too vulnerable to short term swings of public opinion.
Steve Smith, spokesman for the California Labor Federation, said his group has batted the idea around.
We discuss, we talk, we bat ideas around, and we laugh.
Hopefully they will get the idea and bat the object around with their paws or nudge it with their nose.
I've been batting this idea around in my mind for a while now while trying to discern why certain deals are worth pursuing while others can be a waste of
The TV show revolves 100 percent around the idea of Batman teaming up with another hero, so we knew right off the bat that you couldn't do this as a traditional single - player game.
This is the 10th anniversary of the Serpentine's Marathon series, a once - a-year, 12 - hour event founded by the curator / art superstar Hans Ulrich Obrist, where artists (previous participants include Marina Abramović, Brian Eno, and Yoko Ono) bat around off - the wall ideas, perform, and engage with the (generally pretty rowdy) audience.
Rooftop gardens on bus depots and windmills at rail yards are just a couple of the ideas being batted around by a member
Instead, objectivity is obtain by sitting around and talking, batting your ideas with the community, voting.
Let's get some ideas out there and bat them around.
We batted around a number of ideas and quickly came up with some ideas that we really think will help, in the way we can help best.
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