Sentences with phrase «batch for someone»

Perfect for making batches for a busy bag swap or my daughter's preschool class!
Bake in batches for 8 min at 350 degrees.
I'm planning on making a double batch for dinner one night with a salad - yum!
I now keep this on hand for daily snacks and make big batches for trips.
I had one fresh out of the oven last night, and could not resist one for breakfast this morning, so now I have to make a second batch for dinner tonight.
We eat one batch and freeze the second batch for later.
You could also make a double batch for breakfasts for the next couple of days, like I did.
Steam or boil kale in large batches for 3 - 5 minutes, just until reduced in size and freeze in silicone cups or on lined baking sheet.
I love them but my husband prefers his hearty, savory eggs / sausage, so it's a bit of shame to whip up a whole batch for just one person.
I'll then use the pumpkin right away or freeze the puree in small batches for later use.
This recipe looks amazing and I plan on making a huge batch for breakfast purposes.
We are total soup people during the fall and I love to whip it up in huge quantities and freeze batches for easy dinners.
My friends already love these cookies and I have made couple of batches for them.
And to thank you for patience, we're giving away this first batch for FREE.
Just the thought of it makes me want to hop into the kitchen to make a second batch for lunch!
I've just done a second batch for snacks at work this week.
This is a perfect recipe to make ahead of time and freeze in small batches for when a soup craving strikes.
I still have a bunch of sweet potatoes, so will be making a double batch for sure, ASAP.
I accidentally forgot about my last batch for almost a year, and it didn't kill me.
You can have a couple cakes for a light lunch, or an entire batch for dinner... it's up to you.
This is the best recipe ever, just made my third batch for gifts..
I had to make a few batches for everyone.
If you plan to save leftovers or make a double batch for meal prepping, I recommend keeping the zucchini pasta and the sauce separate until serving.
Although the oven time is a little longer and I usually cooking smaller batches for best results — this part is flexible.
Plus, if you're entertaining, it's easy to make a large batch for multiple people.
Learn the colorful stories behind the cocktails, and get practical tips on how to mix up a perfect batch for yourself at home.
In fact, they turned out so well that I'll be making a fresh batch for a dinner party we're hosting this weekend after a long day of hiking.
The company tests every ingredient and every single batch for ingredient quality, toxicity, microbes, and pesticides, which ensures that the quality is extremely high.
Heck no, friends you can make the whole batch for under $ 10!
Last night I baked up two yummy batches for my husband's work.
If you have picky eaters, it's easy enough to make separate batches for everyone, and it's fun to drink them out of pretty glasses with fun straws.
One of the best moves I made was to freeze a large batch for safe keeping.
This recipe is easy to put together in a hurry and makes a large enough batch for you to have plenty of leftovers.
Everything is made in small, hand - crafted batches for freshness.
Made a double batch for today's dinner, and it turned out awesome.
But as usual, we're focused here on content updates, and I've found a nice batch for you to consider.
I'm going to keep the first batch for putting in coffee, but can the second batch be saved?
I doubled the recipe to photograph since I was making a much bigger batch for company.
Whereas, my family loved the second batch for obvious reasons.
The best part about making your own, is you can always vary it depending what is in your cupboard at the time, plus you can make a huge batch for super cheap!
I picked up these tasty (organic) strawberries at my local farmers market and after enjoying so many for breakfast decided I'd use up the remaining batch for this recipe.
Cooking almost everything from scratch, lots of dried beans, double - batch for freezer meals — it all helps.
Of course, I'll have to make a trial batch for myself first.
Because the company is smaller than others, it has the flexibility to make smaller batches for customers with more modest needs.
So I did what every good blogger / mother would do... whipped up a third batch all for my family today.
Make a big batch for weekend brunch and freeze the leftovers in a zip - top bag.
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