Sentences with phrase «bathroom mirror shooting»

We all know about the profile pic clichés such as the one of you standing in front of your bathroom mirror shooting a selfie with your shirt off.
Also, avoid the bathroom mirror shot — you know, the duck - lipped self - portrait so popular among teenagers... For more tips on what to avoid online, check out our article: The Eleven Deadly Sins of Online Promotion for Writers.

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They are often a bathroom shot in the mirror, or in the case of Rhianna, a bikini shot or two.
Of course, make sure to include at least one full body shot and make sure your photos are of good quality - not just bathroom mirror selfies.
Usually it's goofy, a bathroom shot in the mirror, or in the case of Rhianna, a bikini shot or two.
I'm always surprised to see people posting grainy photos, or shots with so much glare you can't make out the person's face, or pictures taken while staring at a reflection in the bathroom mirror.
And men — most of us agree that the muscle shot in front of the bathroom mirror is an automatic «skip.»
Shot and cut into shards like reflections in a shattered mirror, it's a transgressive assault on the audience at its most vulnerable (in the bathroom, naked and exposed) and a masterpiece of editing (Hitch entrusted the planning and execution to Saul Bass, who also created the slashing opening credits).
There are many ways to read an opening scene in which an elderly man glumly stares at himself in the bathroom mirror but perhaps only one way to interpret a shot that zeroes in on the surgery scar on his chest.
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