Sentences with phrase «battery drain problem»

They released a fix in the May 15th Nightly that seems to fix the issue (which was then taken down due to resulting battery drain problems for users who had double tap to wake gesture enabled).
The Sprint HTC Hero has been plagued by battery drain problems since it's release. We were experimenting with the device over the weekend and became very frustrated with the battery life on our handset. After a little research, we have found that battery drain on the HERO is well documented and confirmed by Sprint.
On Neat firmware there are no bugs related to camera, heating, or battery drain problems so your galaxy S2 will run on a smooth version of Jelly Bean OS.
You can follow the solutions given here to fix Android Wear smartwatch battery drain problem.
The fix is specific to the Nexus 5 camera - related battery drain problem, Android Police adds, meaning that if you see a «mm - qcamera - daemon» process draining the battery on a non-Nexus 5 device, it's likely Google's fix won't work on that device as well.
Many users have complained about battery draining problems after updating to the 3.2.1 version of Oxygen OS.
Earlier this week, Apple acknowledged that its iPhone 6s battery drain problem is more widespread than initially believed, saying that a software update might fix it.
We have been working on our battery drain problem for about 4 months now.
The 4.2.8110 patch file is available to download via WIFI and it solves a number of lingering issues such as the battery drain problem on the Aura One.
Anyway, don't expect to see major improvements added on the platform as the software comes only to resolve the bugs and issues related to the battery drain problem along with the camera and memory consumption issue.
Everything is working like a charm so you will not be dealing with heating issues or with battery drain problems.
Before we talk about some solutions to fix these battery drain problem, we suggest you unplug the accessories connected to the system.
On the other hand, the 615 has overheating and battery drain problems.
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