Sentences with phrase «battle phase»

One very interesting thing the game uses to its advantage is the combo team attacks during battle phases.
Each full political and battle phase represents a full season's worth of work for your empire.
The concept behind the battle phases is simplistic, appealing, and makes everyone happy.
There are two battle phases: Field Phase and Dual Phase.
'' We chose Scrap Galaxy to exhibit at our IndieCator corner at Sweden Game Conference 2017 due to its dynamic graphics, diverse gameplay that includes building and battle phases and due to its SciFi Theme.»
The two main phases of gameplay are the political phase and the battle phase.
You can only issue a certain amount of commands during each political phase then you are forced into a battle phase where you can choose to invade, defend or skip out on battle altogether.
Strategies in the game seem to come in the form of attribute bonuses that last for a certain amount of time during the battle phases.
This is a minor annoyance when you're building, but if you're trying to access menus in real time during the battle phase, it can quickly become a detriment.
The camera is cycled through by tapping the right analog, though the view options really aren't that different — there are overhead views of varying depth and also a free - form third person view, which is the default during the battle phase.
when the build phase ends and the battle phase begins, the operatic choral voices rise up and for me, it felt a bit melodramatic.
The battle phase has the player pressing specific button sequences to dodge enemy attacks.
In the battle phase, U-1 also has to correctly play various notes in order to damage his enemy.
A popular misconception is that the skill will not take effect until the defending character's turn — this is false, as damage reduction begins immediately at the start of the battle phase.
* The Battle phase weeds out performers by taking two like candidates and having them sing against one another.
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