Sentences with phrase «to be a death sentence»

A loss of mobility need not be a death sentence for your canine friends!
Medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes were death sentences in the not - so - distant past.
Rather than return him to the store, which she thought was a death sentence, she chose to nurse him back to health.
In the past a cancer diagnosis was a death sentence, but that is changing with the expansion of research and treatment options.
Then the disease was a death sentence, and the medical community seemed helpless in fighting its spread.
How he is training is a death sentence for his joints and body.
For a linebacker, having bad shoulders is a death sentence to be able to play the position.
Very soon, positive genetic tests for this mutation may no longer be a death sentence.
If oceans warm 2.7 °F, it will essentially be a death sentence for most coral.
Just remember, if you remain vigilant and active in treating the disease it doesn't have to be a death sentence by any means.
Since community cats do not have owners, a cat licensing requirement is a death sentence.
In many shelters, a broken leg or being heartworms positive is a death sentence.
But popular approval can be a death sentence in the art world, which thrives on exclusivity.
Things are moving too rapidly in the global marketplace to act defensively and a go - slow strategy of risk avoidance can be a death sentence for a startup.
This may not be a death sentence for an Oscar nom, though, assuming ten nominees, Gone Girl would certainly get more love than a few of the nominations for Best Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy.
Drug cocktails — or more technically, highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART)-- have turned what used to be a death sentence into more of a chronic disease in recent years.
When you know where you'll be staying, plan your routes in advance and more importantly, note the closest cafés and breakfast nooks; to be without fuel is a death sentence during fashion month you do not want to fall victim to.
Misplaced punctuation, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes are a death sentence for your resume.
The idea of that... it would be a death sentence at this point.»
... Each of those columns are vital, because the Ready column is showing you options — previously your to - do list was a death sentence, but now it's turned into options.
Refusing to learn quickly is a death sentence for any David trying to take on a whole raft of Goliaths.
I know that's easier said than done but what the US ultimately wants to do to the Internet is a death sentence to many legitimate Internet businesses.
But surly not the religion that cuts off heads and where being gay is a death sentence.
Of the «alphabet soup» of federal agencies initiated by Roosevelt, not all found equal favor with the publication; it was, for instance, doubtful about the National Recovery Administration long before the Supreme Court pronounced that agency s death sentence (even so, it carried the NRA eagle sign on its second page for many months).
What Paul seems to clearly show here, is that there is a death sentence hanging over us, as sinners against God, and that it is, in this sense, which we are said to be dead.
yep, women not keeping their virginity till marriage is a death sentence according to god.
Being an atheist is a death sentence in some countries, and without the war - mongering insanity of religion there would be no wars or militaries in the first place.
Letting the Aldridge team all walk for nothing and then overpaying mediocre players was the death sentence fo the whole thing.
For ant larvae and pupae, getting sick is a death sentence.
Put simply, a diagnosis of the infantile form of SMA is a death sentence.
Without question, those levees were a death sentence for the deltas because they blocked the flow of sediment from the rivers.
For many people, this trifecta would prove advantageous and / or beneficial, but for a headstrong 18 - year - old Jewish lad - turned Atheist in 1951 Ohio, it may as well be a death sentence.
Even the best characters in the game feel stiff and unresponsive, which is a death sentence in a game that moves this fast.
Left to rely on its FPS merits and multiplayer tricks alone, F.E.A.R 3 turned out to be an average time - waster; and in the FPS genre, average is a death sentence.
Any direct or implied criticism of the supreme leader was a death sentence.
In Wool, cleaning is both death sentence and human sacrifice: The pressure felt by thousands of people underground grows «like steam building up in the silo, ready to launch something out» and is transferred to one person, purged in an act conceived to remind the community that their silo is a shelter, not a prison.
For a bank, many customers defaulting at once is a death sentence.
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