Sentences with phrase «to be a regular thing»

Oh yes, chocolate for breakfast is a regular thing for me.
Writing assignments is a regular thing in college and school days.
SO yummy, but at $ 12 a bag... uh yeah, that wouldn't be a regular thing.
These will definitely be a regular thing in my household now.
My son has not talked about it as being a regular thing.
As the baby bump stretches out to give baby more room, aches and pains are a regular thing.
Another huge benefit that I've noticed is my kids who I've cloth diapered have gotten NO diaper rashes, which even with a good diet were a regular thing with disposables.
These Raw Superfood Truffles are a spin - off of different variations I've made for a number of years, and I just can't get enough of them when my sweet tooth hits — which is a regular thing despite the fact I don't eat straight up sugar anymore.
These Raw Superfood Truffles are a spin - off of different variations I've made for a number of years, and I just can't get enough of them when my sweet tooth hits — which is a regular thing despite the fact I don't eat straight up sugar anymore.
Every Friday they open a keg in the office, and company events and retreats are a regular thing.
Engagement and active calling is the regular thing and all ivory tower theorist or academicians benefit from having some of it in their life, at the very least.
(For us, it could be any day as having organic tofu and carrots is a regular thing for us.)
Pulled pork is a regular thing around here... it's so easy and versatile.
That Zucchini bread looks amazing and watermelon has been a regular thing lately for me, just can't seem to get enough!
Food denial is a regular thing to most toddlers goes through.The anxiety of new foods at the age of two might be a mechanism of survival from poisoning themselves.Toddlers for some time may restrict the type of foods they consume.
But, if eating non-food items is a regular thing, definitely get in touch with your doctor.
I'm all for layers and maybe even distressed denim, but socks and sandals don't need to EVER be a regular thing
Guests on this week's expedition aboard the Wilderness Adventurer are going to think that bubble net feeding humpbacks are a regular thing in Southeast Alaska.
«It can be regular things employees do that expose us to malfeasance,» she says.
Self - driving taxis are expected to soon be a regular thing at Florida's largest retirement community, the Villages.
Getting four hours of screen time with over 24 hours of total usage was a regular thing, with usage including browsing, WhatsApp, Facebook, and a bit of imaging.
Finishing 5th will not be a regular thing for us.
An all - star karting event used to be a regular thing at the end of the year, with top drivers of the day racing each other in an epic one - off event.
If not, go join Tottenham, where seasons like ours this year have been a regular thing for years.
After searching a few recipes on the Internet, I tweaked things to my liking, and now it's a regular
I've been loving my spiralizer so zucchini noodles have been a regular thing.
That said, I just buy a couple of bags of gf bagels and keep them in the freezer ~ those days are gone;) And the ingredients for the «cream cheese» are a regular thing we often buy, so it's all good... this is something I can't wait to bite into very soon!
Those are the regular things on my schedule that can't or shouldn't be changed!
Since we knew these were going to be a regular thing, we ordered expandex, potato starch and powdered pectin (these can't be found easily where I am) The expanded arrived and we tried again with that and a blend of better than cup4cup.
It used to be a regular thing, Mr. Incredible making old - fashioned buttermilk biscuits on the weekends, but we hadn't had his buttermilk biscuits in a long time... until this past weekend when I said «hey you should try making your buttermilk biscuit recipe with cassava flour.
It's again just how bad the performances have become and it's a regular thing.
It is a regular thing that we get humiliated, either by being totally outclassed and suffering huge defeats by teams we supposedly should be competing against or by loosing games to teams, that are more or less Championship standard.
We need this to be a regular thing.
I also had barnyard stink in most of my MF inserts and now every great now and then one will smell poopy but hardly ever (and it was a regular thing in my Country Save days).
«When we were growing up, getting beaten up was a regular thing.
If there's a noticeable improvement in my bowel function, this could be a regular thing.
While there's nothing wrong with drinking one from time to time, I don't think it should be a regular thing.
It used to be a regular thing, Mr. Incredible making old - fashioned buttermilk biscuits on the weekends, but we hadn't had his buttermilk biscuits in a long time... until this past weekend when I said «hey you should try making your buttermilk biscuit recipe with cassava flour.
I already know this will be a regular thing for us this fall:).
I don't know how you people who live in climates where this is a regular thing do it.
I want this to be a regular thing for Segel and Stoller to team up and make another personal and silly tale about modern relationships.
It isn't clear if Marvel's X-treme discounts are going to be a regular thing, an end of the fiscal quarter thing or a random event.
Over an hour late and I'm told this is a regular thing
If you go to 7 - 11, if that's your regular thing to do, you're gonna get introduced to Street Fighter.
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