Sentences with phrase «be afraid of failure»

Break some of the rules and never ever be afraid of failure.
Don't be afraid of failure.
Fun is an important part of it and you can't be afraid of failure.
Don't be afraid of failure, for you need to push past it to do your best work.
Don't be afraid of failure.
«Creatives should take more risks and not be afraid of failure.
Life's too short to worry about things going wrong and it's important not to be afraid of failure.
Don't be afraid of failure, I have failed so many times and now I study and invent new way of eating dessert!
It's okay to be afraid of failure.
With encouragement and support from both faculty and classmates, your child will learn to be academically adventurous, to take risks, and not to be afraid of failure.
We are actually falling into His arms, and we don't have to be afraid of failure because Jesus» arms never fail.
For myself, whenever I hear that Entrepreneur's are supposed to fail, I have always read it such that it says that Entrepreneur's shouldn't be afraid of failure.
People are not afraid of hard work; they are afraid of failure, and good clear communication skills ensure that leaders know not only what needs to be done, but how it will be achieved.
Entrepreneur spoke with Saujani to get her insights about disrupting structures of power and not being afraid of failure.
But you're a small business owner, and if you were afraid of failure you wouldn't be reading this blog.
The reasons we procrastinate range from not being clear about what to do, being afraid of failure (and even success), not believing in yourself, and spending too much time thinking about what could go wrong.
If you are afraid of failure, you can never get to start anything.
According to J.R. Briggs, «the elephant in the room for pastors is that many of us are afraid of failure, and we don't feel as though there are safe spaces to talk openly about it.»
I've been reading about these little French cookies and I kept postponing the moment of making them being afraid of a failure.
He doesn't want to take risks because he is afraid of failure.
Sometimes, teens are afraid to try hard because they're afraid of failure.
But, many teens are afraid of failure and don't want to embarrass themselves.
Many teenagers stop trying new things, afraid of challenges because they are afraid of failure.
I kept telling myself that it would be too hard, that it was too much work, but it's a LIE we tell ourselves when we are afraid of failure.
Thus, most people don't even start working on it: they are afraid of failure.
We are fearful of staying where we are AND we are afraid of failure.
I'm not great at setting goals, mainly because I am afraid of failure.
The collection was inspired by two hard workers who are afraid of failure & wanted the line to give high fashion with a twist of street wear.
He encourages companies to not be afraid of failures, but to learn from them.
Hey how do you learn by not being afraid of failure.
If you dismiss this game because you're afraid of failure, you're missing the point.
Spanx Inventor and Founder Sara Blakely told Business Insider that not being afraid of failure has been the key to her success: «Don't be afraid to fail.
You're afraid of failure.

Not exact matches

When you learn failure isn't fatal, you become less afraid of it.
You need to keep in mind that at work they are generally more afraid of boredom than failure.
They're not afraid of failure and don't fear success.
There's also entrepreneur, inventor and head of X (formerly known as Google X) Astro Teller's talk, «The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure,» where he explains how X has built a comfortable culture where people aren't afraid to take risks and try new things.
No one is trying to protect a brand that may not exist yet, and nobody has reason to be afraid of small failures.
They're probably afraid of failure and want to push the blame onto something or someone else, or perhaps they just don't want to put in the hard work it takes to get to where they want to be.
Some people are afraid to look back at their losses and remind themselves of past failures.
We don't have to be afraid of our own brokenness or our own failures.
We are so afraid of spiritual failure that we will do anything we are told, right down to minutiae of «Why do you submit to regulations like «Do not handle, Do not taste, do not touch?»
It is routine because Wenger doest want to improve the team; he's so use to failure that's he's afraid of success.
I have tried to stay open - minded about Wenger's plan to form a team with so many CAMs and few other specialists but I am afraid the reality of failure is overcoming my optimistic loyalty.
The deterioration in Koscielny is sad to see.Our centre backs simply can not cope with any decent attacking force Including the likes of Swansea, Bournemouth etc let alone Spurs.I, m afraid Wenger has lost all credibility with fans by his failure to leave out xhaka who along with Mustafi must rank among his poorest signings given the # 70m outlay.
I was afraid of what friends would think if they saw bottle paraphernalia on my registry; that I might be setting myself up psychologically for failure, or giving my baby «nipple confusion» (an inability to go from artificial nipple to actual nipple) as some of the breastfeeding books had suggested.
Taught by the media and radical feminists to be ashamed about their maternal, nurturing and intuitive side, mothers are too often afraid to follow and act on their intuition even though it tells them that a youth sports system which too often emphasizes winning and competition over fun and skill development, treats children as young as six as adults and cruelly and unfairly saddles so many as failures before they have even reached puberty because they weren't lucky enough to be «early bloomers» or have a January birthday, is not the kind of nurturing, caring and, above all, inclusive environment mothers believe their children need to grow into confident, competent, empathetic, emotionally and psychologically healthy adults.
If you're not afraid of failure, your tween may not be either.
Your children are equally afraid of losing on the field and feeling like a failure in your eyes.
«We should not be afraid of failing, but rather expect that some failures will accompany our riskier choices, which could lead to game - changing discoveries.»
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