Sentences with phrase «be afraid of something»

«Theres is no reason that we have to be afraid of something like this.
Just like messin» with you guys - you seem so sure of yourselves — and you seem to be afraid of something too.
I think it gets to the point where people get fed up with hearing about one possible katastrophe and rather want to be afraid of something else.
We'll also discuss what to do and what not to do should your dog be afraid of something specific, such as the garbage truck going by or a motorcycle.
«I would say it is not a problem with consumers, but it may be sometimes for buyers; they can be afraid of something different,» she says.
Even if you think the dog shouldn't be afraid of something doesn't mean the dog is going to accept it.
He may be afraid of something.
This information might reflect, for example, whether the individual (whether mouse, person, or other mammal) should be afraid of something that it has sensed in its environment, given past experience.
Let your child know that you understand their fear, and that you understand what it's like to be afraid of something.
you must be afraid of something.
Also, you said,» Fear of the unknown, and you offer what an unknown - thanks a lot» — I'm sorry, i thought you were adult enough to know that just because you're afraid of something doesn't mean it'll go away if dad says it will.
It's like saying just because children for centuries have been afraid of something being under their bed that the boogie man must be hard wired into humans.
Or, as if like a monster in our nightmare, are we afraid of something we do not recognize and reject the other altogether?
But being afraid of something and being highly selective and disciplined are two different things.
She is afraid of something she doesn't understand and has never experienced.
When we see that our children are afraid of something that they should not be, we respond by trying to talk them out of their fear.
I'm not a woman who made the decision to have an epidural; I'm the embodiment of women's inability to handle pain and the result of women being afraid of something their bodies were (arguably) made to endure.
Helping Toddlers Overcome Fear Most parents of toddlers have more than likely experienced their toddler being afraid of something.
Let them see your smile when they do something you want them to do, make them hear your calm voice when they are afraid of something or feel anxiety.
I wanted to run away yet race home any time I had the chance to get away because I was afraid of something happening... I could go on and on, but I can say it gets better....
One of the few exceptions to the old saying «everybody is afraid of something» is a 44 - year - old woman known to psychologists as patient SM.
While choosing to make a change in our life because we are afraid of something at least gets us going (quitting smoking because of the fear of dying, working on being on time at work because of the fear of being fired, beginning meditation after a heart attack), we ultimately want to shift from fear to love, from what we don't want to what we do want.
Regardless of what the fear is, when we're afraid of something, we tend to avoid it.
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.
Yes, we get that he's afraid of something.
Consider if you wrote a book about ways to resolve fear and your premise is that everyone is afraid of something, at some level.
Hans Fallada brilliantly creates an atmosphere of fear, where all the characters are afraid of something.
If I'm afraid of something I'm going to figure out a way to deal with it.
Body Language: By understanding your pets body signals you will notice when they are not feeling well, if they are afraid of something, or are generally not in the mood for a cuddle and would just rather be left alone.
When animals and people are afraid of something, they prefer to get away from that thing.
However, it might not be wise to cuddle him even when he is afraid of something that won't harm him.
Dogs frequently bark, howl, whine or whimper when they are afraid of something, like a thunderstorm or fireworks, a person or even being left alone.
Has your cat ever acted like they were afraid of something invisible?
Much like humans will sing, or whistle, when they are happy and also, to comfort themselves when they are afraid of something, so may a cat purr.
When a dog is afraid of something, it will desperately try to get away.
But you do have a good point, we are afraid of something.
«We're going to be doing this if we're afraid of something really bad happening, like the Greenland ice sheet collapsing,» he explained.
I think the problem is that you're afraid of something.

Not exact matches

In fact she's afraid not to: «Never love something so much that you can't let go of it,» she said at Fortune «s Most Powerful Woman Summit last years afraid not to: «Never love something so much that you can't let go of it,» she said at Fortune «s Most Powerful Woman Summit last year.
But regardless of your race or that of the person you're speaking with, don't be afraid or too proud to look foolish to ask questions about things you don't know — especially when someone says something that needs further discussion.
«I told Beyonce that I was afraid the predominately white audience at Coachella would be confused by all of the black culture and black college culture because it was something that they might not get.»
People in this mode are afraid not to share something for fear they will miss something important or have a boss with a lack of trust.
«My first job was doing telemarketing research, which taught me to be confident and persistent on the phone and never be afraid of asking for something
Russell Perry, chief executive of Keane, an advertising agency in Arizona, understands these fears from working directly with clients, many of whom are afraid to take the leap in creating something off - kilter, especially if the firm offers a more buttoned - up product or service.
FOMO spending can happen when you give in to peer pressure to buy something you can't afford — because you're afraid of missing out on quality time with your friends or a once - in - a-lifetime experience.
I want founders who are tough, not afraid of a good fight and will not let go of something until they succeed.
They're probably afraid of failure and want to push the blame onto something or someone else, or perhaps they just don't want to put in the hard work it takes to get to where they want to be.
«Then you need a Congress to act, and there are too many people that are afraid of doing something about this.
One of the most important things when learning something new is not being afraid to ask for advice.
Solution: Being unique isn't something to be afraid of, it's something to celebrate.
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