Sentences with phrase «be grateful for small»

I live a grateful life by teaching my children to be grateful for the small every day things.
One has to be grateful for the small things we can agree on
Perhaps it is enough that we should be grateful for small gifts in big packages.
Given the «inspiration seen in the installation of Edward Hopper and the American Imagination, up the stairs from Manhattan Fantastica, one should be grateful for small (and uninspired) favors.
You will be grateful for any small comfort during the flight and distraction during 10 + hours in flight with crying children, engine noise, and uncomfortable seat.
We should be grateful for that small kindness, as false as we know it to be.
Be grateful for small favors.
But he was cheerful and relatively quiet, save for some happy squeals, so I was grateful for small mercies.
I am grateful for the small percentage that I receive when readers choose to purchase products using my affiliate links.
It is a time dedicated to being grateful for the small and large events in life.
If individuals are grateful for the small things, then the bigger issues can seem less daunting.
Obviously, my target audience is substantially smaller than a genre author's, therefore, I am grateful for my small successes.

Not exact matches

No matter how big or small the job, I learned to always be on time, humble and grateful for each opportunity that you get.
The lessons this year are both big and small, but no matter the size, I'm very grateful for all that I've learned and continue to learn as an entrepreneur.
I am grateful to Jack Lumanog for his post last week on Transformational Small Churches and Bivocational Ministry.
We would be most grateful for donations, small or great, to assist us in our work.
While we don't have family here in the US, we will be having a small dinner with some of our closer friends, and I'm so incredibly grateful for that.
I will get a small bit of change for a cup of coffee and for that I am grateful.
If you choose to click the link and purchase, I get a small commission to add to the coffee fund, and for that I'm grateful!
This post contains affiliate links for the kalamata olives and quinoa; if you choose to purchase through these links, a small commission is earned for the coffee fund for which we are grateful.
I have so far been so fixated with big milestones for the future that I have neglected to be grateful and recognise for the smaller steps that I have made.
By the time this article is published, I will have graduated from Campo, but I will forever be grateful for my time as one of Coach Macy's small pieces of glass.
I was so grateful for Anna's support and the impact it had on my small business — not only in sales and followers, but in the confidence it gave me to carry on doing what I'm doing.
babies, toddlers, and small children) rarely stay still long enough to compose a decent shot, so I am definitely grateful for the sophisticated Auto settings that exist on our Rebel T5i — for the past few outings at least I was out of * Auto * Auto, and set it to Portrait, Landscape, etc..
We have much to be grateful for when it comes to modern day parenting.But perhaps the single greatest breakthrough when it comes to ushering small people into adulthood is Google.
I am grateful for many things big and small, grand and mundane.
As always, here at Kindercarry, we are humbled and grateful for your support of our small business.
It doesn't matter at all whether the thing we are grateful for is large or small, or if it is material, emotional, or spiritual.
and we'd be so grateful for any donation, no matter how small.
I am also grateful for breastmilk when I was small since it made me grow strong.»
I'm so grateful for the gift I'm able to give, however small it may be.
It's easy to be grateful for the «big» things but if we only see those we miss so many small «gifts» in our life.
«I am grateful to ABC for standing with local contractors and small business employers who want more jobs and a better economic climate to hire and expand in their communities,» said Faso.
There's also a small chance that war could break out, and even if Nato doesn't think they «started it», if war happens, Russia will be grateful for the buffer nations they have.
«I'm grateful for the continued outpouring of support for our re-election campaign across the district, and across our state for our campaign to make Washington work for North Country small business owners, our veterans, our farmers and for our families,» said Rep. Stefanik in a statement.
Another option to practice being more grateful is to write down three things you are grateful for at the end of every workday (you can even keep a small journal at your desk).
Practice being grateful for all things, large and small.
The kindest people I know are those who are truly and profoundly grateful for even the smallest blessings in their lives.
Take a couple of deep breaths and then allow yourself to think of all the things you are grateful for in life right now, there is nothing «too small or big».
In a study published in Psychological Science, participants who were asked to recall a time they felt grateful, then choose between getting a smaller monetary reward soon or a bigger one later, were more willing to wait for the bigger payout than those who didn't think thankful thoughts.
Every morning, start your day with a simple gratitude meditation about 3 - 10 things you are grateful for both big and small.
«There is always something to be grateful for,» she says, «no matter how small
Make a list of everything you're grateful for and remember there's nothing too small to celebrate.
e) Albert Schweitzer noted that when you feel all hope is lost, remember one small thing to be grateful for.
Very grateful for the ingredients being in grams, I had to use 3 small avocados to equate 200 g. I used Nativa sweetener.
When we are mindful about practising gratitude, whether it is saying things out loud or just feeling grateful for the small things in our lives, we effect our body mind connection in a very positive way.
Anett / 2 Comments / Happy Thoughts, TGF Series / being grateful, being mindful, cherish the small things, don't take things for granted, find joy in the little things, gratefulness, mindfulness, things I'm grateful for /
As a small gesture of how deeply grateful I am for all of you, I'm having a top secret giveaway for...
I am forever grateful to Nordstrom for their selection (albeit small) of tiny shoes and the occasional brand that pushes out a small five that I can manage, like Steve Madden.
Sometimes it is just sharing the smaller things like how grateful we are for a good cup of coffee.
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