Sentences with phrase «be in demand only»

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A year ago, the London - based multinational undertook a study entitled «The World in 2050,» which projected Canada would be the only major developed economy to hold its position in the world — at the No. 10 spot — at mid-century, largely because of the demand for its resources and its ties through immigration to emerging markets (which by that time will no longer be labelled as such).
It's only in certain situations that the price goes up, and that's because the demand is up.
The startup is tiny right now, with only seven employees, but the founders have attracted a number of institutional and angel investors to help fund expansion in the face of demand from new customers.
Arrow and Debreu were able to show the existence of an equilibrium between supply and demand in a free, competitive economy — but they also made clear that this could only exist if a given set of assumptions about the economy and consumer behavior were true.
But he also has the youthful confidence that comes with knowing he possesses one of the world's most in - demand skills: By his own estimate, there are only five people in the world — «I know of three, but five is a round number» — with his particular expertise.
This cycle can only be broken if no young workers are locked into a system where they acquire a skillset that will not be in demand if the factory closes.
It started with customers asking about the labour and environmental conditions in the locations JQI sources from — not only are there regulations to honour, but consumers are increasingly demanding that food brands treat workers fairly and, in the case of produce, not use pesticides excessively.
It wasn't clear what the movie was, only that: «the hackers demanded that a huge sum be paid in Bitcoin.
Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, argues that millennials are only one segment of the population driving demand in both cities.
Specifically, the agency is opening with a very broad demand but may, in the end, be okay with obtaining only accounts above a certain value or that have been used in many transactions.
Under the old procedures, people could be listed as being in default after only 14 days of receiving a letter of demand.
The demand for legal marijuana, which has outstripped many lofty expectations, isn't the only thing small - business owners in the pot gold rush are surprised about.
Another 16 % not only espoused the peak - oil view but said we will be unable to satisfy demand in the near future.
Another, broader, problem is that only a part of the electricity needed to power EVs will come from clean sources, and an even bigger one is that 280 million electric cars account for only a fraction of the total rise in electricity demand that the IEA expects through 2040.
Ciccarelli not only suggested his first customer, who he later married; he also had an inkling there was demand in the area for voice actors.
??? But the price of corn is going to be high enough that people are going to want to plant corn, only that corn acreage is going to come in and infringe on the soybean,» he says, adding that increased Chinese demand for soybean oil will mean fewer acres for cotton — putting even more pressure on an industry that's already feeling the pinch.
As new Conference Board research shows, demand for these high - value services is strong and growing, not only in the U.S. (Canada's main market for services), but also in other parts of the world, including in TPP partners.
The exceptions and the EPA's refusal to disclose them have infuriated the corn lobby, which argues the waivers hurt farmers by undermining demand for corn and should be used only sparingly for tiny facilities in dire straights.
But Rent The Runway's focus on special occasions means the startup faces an obvious challenge: its collection of more than 50,000 special occasion dresses is only in demand on the weekends.
«We all enter the program with busy careers and social lives, and then we inject 20 to 30 hours of homework and 16 hours of classroom time... and the only way we can accommodate the new demands is by making sacrifices in droves.»
Not only does that boost the residential housing market, where «green» homes and renovations are increasingly in demand, but it also drives business - to - business demand for services such as environmental consulting and water conservation.
The first two points are limited in the impact they demonstrate: The Temple study showed no decrease in DUI deaths on weekends, when the cost of UberX rides tends to rise with demand - based pricing, while the data from Seattle is only from that one city.
Despite this growth, innovation in events has been stagnant, and the industry has only recently begun to engage with new technologies to help meet the demand of a more tech savvy event goer.
Researching web search keywords that can drive traffic to your site or project is another crucial element of SEM — by getting a handle on the keyword demand for your website you'll not only get a better idea of what keywords to incorporate in your site's searchable text and content, you'll also piece together a picture of what your site's potential visitors are looking for.
Now, nascent bicycle makers are hoping to capitalize on continued growth and enthusiasm for biking in Detroit — as well as demand for products that are not only American - made, but homegrown in the Motor City itself.
Plus, he adds, by asking for payment on only the oldest invoice, you are subtly currying goodwill with the customer, who'll appreciate your leniency in not demanding the entire debt.
For some entrepreneurs, their unique product or service is in demand, but only at a price point that won't support the business's viability.
During that span, the battle with Samsung is the only one that went all the way to a vote, and the only one in which the firm didn't get what it wanted — a sign of just how effective Elliott is at pressuring management to agree to its demands.
Alberta prides itself on being the only jurisdiction in North America that demands coal - fired power plants, oilsands upgraders and other large industrial facilities reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
First, as happened in Australia and New Zealand, if ISPs and content providers believe they can reduce costs by peering (i.e. not have to pay transit to exchange traffic) they can use this as a competitive tool to pass on zero - rated content to their customers, as opposed to those ISPs demanding transit payments to deliver traffic, which was particularly common when the countries could be reached only via one company, the incumbent operator.
But when you look at on - demand, ad - supported streaming, you get a different picture: the number of streams on these services such as free Spotify and YouTube grew by more than 100 % since 2014, yet were only worth $ 385 million in 2015.
In February, after female reporters complained that lawmaker Leonid Slutsky had harassed them in parliament, not only were there no demands that he step down, but a deputy speaker of the Duma, Igor Lebedev, called for these journalists to be barred from covering the legislaturIn February, after female reporters complained that lawmaker Leonid Slutsky had harassed them in parliament, not only were there no demands that he step down, but a deputy speaker of the Duma, Igor Lebedev, called for these journalists to be barred from covering the legislaturin parliament, not only were there no demands that he step down, but a deputy speaker of the Duma, Igor Lebedev, called for these journalists to be barred from covering the legislature.
Millennials may be better educated than earlier generations, but Credit Suisse's researchers said they expected only a «minority of high achievers and those in high - demand sectors such as technology or finance to effectively overcome the «millennial disadvantage.»»
Assuming your product is met with strong acceptance and heavy demand, having the necessary resources in place to not only produce, but support your products, is essential for brand success.
The whiskey industry has been in bubbles before, when spikes in demand drove up production, only to have sudden changes in consumer preferences pull the floor out from under it.
More and more voices are arguing that automation is lowering overall labor demand in the economy, a trend that will only increase.
This was only the third February ever, in fact, that gasoline demand exceeded 9 million barrels a day, reflecting strenthening consumer sentiment and economic growth.
The flip side of that, though, is that an increase in demand for prescriptions will only intensify government efforts to keep drug costs down.
Chinese export growth did slow towards the end of last year, but only from around 30 to around 25 per cent, and, in any case, the bulk of China's growth is being driven by domestic demand.
But with no recession in sight, a deteriorating supply / demand picture and rising inflation risks, it's not difficult to see 10 - year yields moving above 3 % this year, the only questions being how far above and how fast.
Only a few years ago, China's current account surplus was the largest relative to GDP among significant countries, it was holding its currency down to maintain demand for its exports, and most software used on its personal computers and videos on sale in its major cities were pirated.
Tsipras has also insisted that debt relief must form an important part of the package, but a statement by Eurozone leaders on Monday said only that further measures might be taken provided Greece adhered in full to the reforms demanded by its creditors.
«In our view, China's structural growth deceleration is only half - way through and under the weight of debt and excess capacity, weakening investment demand will remain the main culprit.»
This is the kind of demand «problem» that marketers in most industries can only dream of.
Finance Minister Joe Oliver's only job strategy is to hope for a recovery in the U.S. Apparently, he believes there is nothing the federal government can do to strengthen domestic demand and job creation, except to stick to its plan to eliminate the deficit by 2015 - 16.
One of the thornier debates in economics is the debate between supply - siders, who insist that increasing production is the only way to increase growth, and the demand - siders (often Keynesians) who insist that increasing demand is the only way to increase growth, at least it is when resources are underutilized.
However when savings are high enough and mobile enough that balance can only be achieved in the form of high unemployment, the world does not need more savings to fund more productive investment, as the supply - siders argue, but rather more demand, as the Keynesians insist.
This forces peripheral Europe into both rising debt and high unemployment, and it is only because Europe as a whole has forced the problem of weak German demand onto the rest of the world that conditions in Europe are not even worse.
But closing down unnecessary capacity can pay for itself, even if unemployed workers are temporarily put on the government payroll (causing debt to rise, but usually by less than it had before), but only temporarily as Beijing takes other measures to boost household income through wealth transfers from the state and so to boost consumption, a form of demand which is likely to be more labor intensive than the demand created in the process of over-capacity.
The only certain and politically feasible source of debt - free demand is domestic household consumption, but Chinese households suffer from the same problem Marriner Eccles identified in the US in the 1930s: those who want to spend do not have the resources, and those who have the resources do not want to spend — or in this case are not able to spend productively.
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