Sentences with phrase «be kind to anyone»

I don't think this blazer is going to be kind to anyone with a larger chest since it's cropped.
Middle school is rough (really tho, is it kind to ANYONE??)

Not exact matches

And indeed, anyone who's ever listened to Radiolab knows exactly the kinds of fascinating depths the show is able to plumb, often taking what seems to be a question with an obvious answer and turning it completely on its head.
Anyone looking at your business plan will first want to know what kind of business you're starting or already have.
While this kind of work can be stressful and thankless, anyone who makes themselves necessary to a company's viability is on a different plane when it comes to a career trajectory.
Don't let anyone talk you into any other kind of marketing, which is designed to make them rich at your expense.
When selecting photographers for this project, he sought out those that had «insatiable curiosity, the kind that can get to the core of an assignment, the kind that can comprehend what a truck driver, or a farmer, or a driller or a housewife thinks and feels and translate those thoughts and feelings into pictures that can be similarly comprehended by anyone
Instead this was a smiling, affable Harper, equal parts sharp and confident — the kind of guy anyone should want to do business with.
What is missing is some kind of review system or feedback loop that would downgrade anyone trying to pitch their wares or spin their subject.
But anyone hoping for the kind of stock growth Shoppers enjoyed over the past decade — when its share price climbed from less than $ 18 to, at one point, over $ 55 — will be disappointed.
Anyone who has learned about the fundamentals of content marketing knows the concept isn't all that complicated — consistently provide something of relevant value to your target audience in the hope it will ultimately return the favor in kind.
A little tougher than it used to be maybe, but anyone who takes the time to go through the process you describe here is going to have a much better understanding of the topic space, and therefore be much more likely to build the kind of page search engines love!
We seek to make Uber a just workplace and there can be absolutely no place for this kind of behavior at Uber — and anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired.
I don't think anyone's ever said Dan's a really, really brilliant guy, but this is what the hedge - fund world allows you to be if you're massively ambitious and you're kind of really, really, really focused.
Thinking about mortality is kind of depressing, but if you have anyone that depends on your income, then you need to plan for what will happen if you pass away.
The way I like to put it is the U.S. is kind of the least dirty shirt in the bunch, but the reality is every single one of them is in serious trouble the minute rates normalize and when that happens then it's anyone's guess exactly how it goes down.
Sorry, I thought certain things are just kind of obvious to anyone with the capacity to actually think for themselves.
Time kind WachetAuf will bring the fruits to fullfillment and be picked up by anyone who can honestly hear the crux of changes to be had.
If you would be so kind as to point out where in my original post or in any comment I have insulted anyone or said anything rude, I would appreciate it.
Yet, how completely ARROGANT of them to feel that anyone who does not believe as they do is some kind of knuckle - dragging Cretin, since they have all of the «facts» on their side.
That's why they're so hostile to anyone who votes for any kind of INCOME tax increase.
And just so anyone doesn't have to wonder, I am neither a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Catholic, Agnostic, Buddhist, Jainist, Mormon, Wiccan, Episcopalian, Raelian, Scientologist, Atheist, Anti-Theist, or practioner of any religion or organized non-religion of any kind.
atheists are such angry people they rarely make positive contributions to discussions of any kind because they are so busy feeling mad that they have nothing to be hopeful or happy about (or it would seem that way since they are so spiteful and unaccepting of anyone else)..
There is something literally death - defying about the contemporary opposition to cigarettes, a kind of rage that anyone would not choose 2.2 years of «healthy» life over a somewhat shortened and pleasurable existence, a resolute resistance to the intimations of death with which our ancestors knew how to live, and not only when they lit up.
I can talk to anyone now without any kind of, «Oh my gosh, I'm talking to this person.»
That kind of fellowship does not happen in churches â $ «and anyone that tells you it does â $ «hasnâ $ ™ t been to church long enough.
YOU::: That kind of fellowship does not happen in churches â $ «and anyone that tells you it does â $ «hasnâ $ ™ t been to church long enough.
Anyone can claim anything if he's claims don't have to be subject to any kind of logical or evidential scrutiny.
If you're going to start by just pulling something right out of your rear end... Why do you suppose you deserve a serious response of any kind from anyone.
What's been the most encouraging thing that anyone has said to you since this whole thing has kind of picked up steam?
And none of it is the kind of thing you ever imagine anyone would do before you experience it, the half - truths mixed with bible verses, the twisting of one's own words, the sudden legal threat despite promises to the contrary.
Tony's comments led me to believe he is so far above this nonsense that he doesn't need kind words of support from anyone especially from me, a lowly woman who is already legally and spiritually married to, get this, THE SAME MAN.
John wrote, «Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.»
But even identifying these two very consequent decisions does not explain how in Lutheranism, of all places, the authority of Scripture could be so undermined and why in Lutheranism, with its strong theology of God's orders of creation and preservation, anyone could hope to get away with proposing that sexual arrangements be judged on quality not kind.
I certainly wouldn't want one of my daughters or anyone else to be in this kind of situation.»
Please rest assured that I wouldn't have done so at anyone's behest and I was never asked to be part of any kind of cover - up or gaslighting campaign.
Anyone who looks on the loss of salvation for others as the condition, as it were, on which he serves Christ will in the end only be able to turn away grumbling, because that kind of reward is contrary to the loving - kindness of God.
can find us where we are and push us to find each other, to show someone in our periphery that they are a loved, seen human being of inherent worth, no matter what anyone tells them — this is the kind of small revolution that steadily changes the world and keeps the prospect of a real Gilead at bay.
Based on the comments of the zealots who proclaim Obama to be the «wrong» kind of Christian, or no Christian at all, I'd elect the guy just because anyone the bozos hate has to be doing something right.
They simply can not comprehend how anyone else can not KNOW that God is real like they do, so opposition to that belief in things like evolution appears to be some kind of denial to them.
In recent years the belief in hell has waned among Protestants partly because of the difficulty of locating it in space but more from the conviction that a loving God would not want to condemn anyone — even a hardened sinner, to say nothing of a kind and highly moral person who is not a Christian — to endless torment.
And if anyone is afraid that he is in for some kind of esoteric rigmarole, may I try to alleviate his fears by remarking that the lecturers are all children of the twentieth century as much as they are professing Christians, alive to the astounding advances of contemporary science and technology, alive also to the deep — seated moral and cultural skepticism which has developed side by side with an increasing moral passion and sensitivity.
Despite the kind of disgust and objection I have to it, I personally believe it to be up to the mothers to make such a decision for there young, and not I or anyone else.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
BUT, it's NOT OK for anyone to provide any kind of counterargument to this ludicrous claim... unless of course, they pu - ssyfoot around and walk on eggshells while they oppose this with the utmost gentle care?
If there is anyone you trust, a mentor of any kind, especially a pastor of many years, or ex-pastor... find someone you can talk to.
«If she, or anyone else, is misusing a church member's identity to search for Holocaust names, then the system is set up to block those kinds of activities.
This is what happens to anyone who experiences any kind of trauma.
I'm still waiting on Pastor Myers, or anyone, to tell me if our trusting in what Jesus did on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins, is the kind of trusting that Christ demands.
Be a kind person, helpful, a friend to anyone who needs it.
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