Sentences with phrase «be kind to others»

I was always told to be kind to others and treat them as I would like to be treated.
But maybe they will try as hard as they can to be kind to others whenever they can.
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We use it to be kind to others.
Happiness encourages kindness and good moral character; children who are happy are much more likely to be kind to others and to avoid anti-social activity.
One study revealed that happy people are more likely to be kind to others, have higher motivational drives and sense of gratitude.
revealed that happy people are more likely to be kind to others, have higher motivational drives and sense of gratitude.
When children are on the receiving end of kindness from their parents they learn to be kind to others.
For the summer holidays we've put together a playlist of video's which can be used to encourage young people to be kind to others online.
Be kind to others
The term is bedeviled by abstractions, but the concept is straightforward: help students learn how to manage their emotions, be kind to others and make sensible decisions and they will do better in school, work and life.
He states, «Be encouraged to take the chance and learn something new today, do not be afraid to go against the mainstream and actually be prepared to work, embrace different cultures, people and encourage diversity, do something for other people, do not just think of yourself, be proud of what you could possibly achieve, have a goal and strive to achieve it, be kind to others, you do not know what baggage they are carrying...»
He says, «be encouraged to take the chance and learn something new today, do not be afraid to go against the main stream and actually be prepared to work, embrace different cultures, people and encourage diversity, do something for other people, do not just think of yourself, be proud of what you could possibly achieve, have a goal and strive to achieve it, be kind to others, you do not know what baggage they are carrying...» Read More.
Be kind to others and yourself as you depart school for the holiday season.
What to write, hmmmm... I could put what you want to hear but, instead I will put that I know I am not perfect, I try to always be kind to others and really I am here to just see what happens.Yes I would like very much to meet a nice man to do things with.If I catch your eye then we can talk and see...
I try to be kind to others and live life with grace and honor.
or «be kind to others».
Sometimes it seems easier to be kind to others than it is to be kind to ourselves.
Be kind to others, including yourself.
My kids aren't perfect, but they genuinely try to be kind to others — to me, to each other, and to kids at school who seem to be struggling.
I teach my daughter to be kind to others regardless of their differences not only because I want her to grow up to be a kind, compassionate member of society, but also because her peers will be right there alongside her as she grows.
My one and only goal most days is to be kind to myself with what I eat, drink and think, and to be kind to others in my words, actions and thoughts.
They: But it's the same thing, because only Real True Christians will be kind to others.
We're commanded by Scripture to forgive, love and be kind to others; however, nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to be friends with everyone.
All I can do in this life is be happy, be kind to others, enjoy as many moments as possible, raise happy, healthy children that are productive members of society, and live each day to the fullest.
Be kind to others... and yourself.
I hear stories of God's compassion and kindness and it makes me want to be kind to others.
We don't need a book telling us that we should feed people in need, or that we should be kind to others, or that we shouldn't kill people.
So, maybe God moved you to comfort a crying friend one day; you didn't do it because you wanted to do a good work and get the reward later, you did it because God helps you to be kind to others, because He's been kind to us.
How can you be kind to others while simultaneously subscribe to a God that is going to send them to be tortured forever in hell?
Be kind to others and do unto them as you would like to have it done unto you.
Be kind to others, and life like Jesus!
You don't need to accept Jesus to be kind to others.
Be kind to others, give to those less fortunate, and follow the golden rule.
Be kind to others and give to those who are less fortunate.
We should be nice to each other and we should be kind to each other
We already know we should be kind to each other.
Humans killing each other would be no more right or wrong than being kind to each other.
We are kind to each other because we seek kindness.
Jesus Himself speaks often in parabole, but is also clearly understood: Be kind to each other, give to your fellow in need, take care of each other, love each other as God loves us all.
Yet the Bible says that Christians should «make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else» (1 Thessalonians 5:15).»
I left the established churches twenty years ago and an Evangelical free church ten years ago.I think I have always been kind to others, others say so but i became very ill, still am struggling with health issues, and church people lost interest and in fact then through neglect made me worse.
When we are kind to others, they may not be kind to us, but God, Who is in heaven, sees what is done, and will reward you.
How about things like taking better care of the environment, advancing medicine, teaching children to be kind to other people and animals, and so forth?
I am sorry that pride and ego are more important than being kind to each other.
Spirituality can be about the advancement of the human spirit and that in itself can mean personal growth, becoming more in touch with our surroundings, with the energy around us, with other people, being kind to others... etc etc..
Here in the UK we do nt call our selfes Atheists but humanist, humanist belive their is no GOD but beleive we should help and be kind to other human beings
To be specifc, in my neat handwriting, is the sentence «Be kinder to others than necessary», a line among so many others.
They just didn't know how to be kind to each other, cooperative, collaborative and respectful.
I am not referring to religious values but values like being kind to others and saying please and thank you.
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