Sentences with phrase «be surprised by»

If not, you might be surprised by its history.
You are going to be surprised by how many you can eat!
Now before you turn your nose up on these commonly rejected tinned swimmers, you may be surprised by the answer.
You'll be surprised by how flavorful and delicious it is!
Kids will love the green color and you'll be surprised by how much they also love the taste!
In addition to possible increased capital - gains tax rates, buyers can be surprised by hidden taxes that can impact the transaction by as much as 50 percent in fees and penalties.
I've thought for a long time that we're going to be surprised by who's here and even more by who's not.
You might be surprised by the answer.
It does say in the bible that we will be surprised by who we see in heaven.
The student of Aquinas already familiar with his teachings on individual personal responsibility, conscience, and the role of reason and will in free choice is likely to be surprised by his unremitting hostility to heretics.
You might be surprised by some of the answers.
I shouldn't be surprised by your astounding level of arrogance.
God's envisagement is the best for the actual world at any given occasion, but the best for one occasion may be surprised by the best at another occasion.
Creator Nic Pizzolatto claimed to be surprised by the nature of True Detective fan engagement: «I've enjoyed reading people theorize about what's going to happen because it's a sign that you're connecting.
I am GOD, nothing escapes my understanding, I can not be surprised by events that unfold.
I feared she'd be surprised by all the letters I owned or embarrassed to have a friend with so many letters to choose from each morning.
Here it is that a haole like myself must always begin if he or she is to be surprised by grace.
If your visions for the future look very different, it's better to discuss it now than to be surprised by it later.
You might be surprised by what you find and, like me, find it a useful tool to help bring you closer to God.
Those of you who have read other, more popular works by Hahn, may be surprised by the much more academic, foot - noted nature of this work.
@Truly Emulate Christ: I encourage you to look deeper at the history and current teachings of the Catholic Church and you might be surprised by how much the bible shapes the Church's teachings and sacraments.
I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by that.
But we have to wonder, how is it possible for God to ever be surprised by an event he was eternally certain would take place?
I think I might be surprised by what will happen in me and through me if I stop trying to be successful and instead seek more intentionally to be faithful.
I shouldn't be surprised by anything the mainstream media does today in boosting social outlaws into cultural icons.
I certainly wouldn't assume as much about the undergraduate English students I teach, and I have ceased to be surprised by blithe ignorance about Western literature's biblical groundings in otherwise brilliant and intellectually agile doctoral students.
Readers of William Safire's columns and books will not be surprised by the perspicacity of his introductions in this volume.
Tea party members are well experienced in today's news at and will not be surprised by it.
He himself, I think, would not be surprised by the somewhat muted tone of this tribute from one of his latter - day admirers.
One who reads the Bible and takes it seriously may very well be surprised by what he or she finds in it.
My response to it all was, «yeah, but...» and I set up my piano on the border between Funny and Mean, playing sarcastic scales in the name of wit, you might be surprised by how much snark you can fit into 140 characters.
Thus the Eucharist must never be reduced to a matter of weekly or daily routine; the Eucharist, experienced as St. Francis experienced it, should always be an occasion to be surprised by joy.
I am sure followers of magic will be happy with her new path, but actual thinkers won't be surprised by the revelation.
Become acquainted with the silence in your own soul, you might be surprised by the sound of you.
While I sincerely wish I could claim to be surprised by Danielle Shroyer's reply, I am not.
You'd be surprised by how many people are capable of being decent, responsible human beings without empty supernatural threats and promises.
Today, What is «nt going on in these last days!!??? Quote... You'd be surprised by how many people are capable of being decent, responsible human beings....
That is why he had few illusions about throwing himself on Washington's mercy, though even he would be surprised by the coldness of the charity he eventually got.
The next time the U.S. intervenes where its national interest is engaged, do not be surprised by the vigorous protest against U.S. warmongering from those who did not get their war in the Balkans.
The historically literate, however, will hardly be surprised by the existence of a homosexual subculture in earlier decades.
Many (maybe even most) want certainty, but you'd be surprised by those who actually admire one's show of vulnerability.
Perhaps if we de-clutter our worship just a bit and allow ourselves to simply exist in the presence of God, without expectation, we might be surprised by what we encounter.
We should not be surprised by that.
Expect these ups and downs and do not be surprised by them.
Also, if the age of oil will wind down some day (as it must, since oil is a limited, nonrenewable resource), I wouldn't be surprised by a nuclear resurgence.
They will be surprised by the offer and may reward you by giving you permanent work or letting others know about you.
The sad reality is that very few institutional investors have this freedom *, which is why we shouldn't be surprised by the poor track record of most actively managed investment strategies.
If you are moving to a new area, or you're becoming a homeowner in your area for the first time, you may be surprised by some of your new expenses.
Even people who feel well prepared for retirement can be surprised by the opportunities a professional can find.
As long as you take appropriate measures to simplify your project, you shouldn't run into any problems with crowdfunding, but you might be surprised by how many people don't take the time to pick a service or app that scales to their needs.
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