Sentences with phrase «be violent against»

The same organization also advised parents to ask for professional help if the child tend to be violent against other children, pets or himself.
Jesus isn't calling for followers to be violent against one's family.
(Haredi men and women here tend to NOT be violent against choices which are not akin to what they'd make.)
If Muslims don't agree with the sects that are violent against non muslims and other peoples way of life, then they need to get a hold of these lunatics.

Not exact matches

The president accused the protesters, who rallied against neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in Charlottesville, of being «very, very violent
«So the question that we're asking is not only is there a light - attack capability off the shelf that we can use that can increase lethality and readiness, but is there also a shareable network that allies and partners who are already with us and those that may choose to join us... in the campaign against violent extremism, can we actually get into a new, shareable network that allows information to flow at a far faster rate so we can take out the enemy?»
Entrepreneurs say it happened at around the same time that the Trump White House suggested federal enforcement against recreational marijuana might be increased and after Attorney General Jeff Sessions described the legal marijuana industry as «violent
That's not just a betrayal of who we are, it would alienate the very communities at home and abroad who are our most important partners in the fight against violent extremism.
However, the Queen is much more violent and Snow White seems to stage a full - scale rebellion against the evil dictator.
«There were more violent disagreements than usual and more violent outbursts against client input,» the cofounder recalls.
That's why he had such productive relationships in the fight against violent criminals and drug gangs across a variety of administrations in City Hall and the State House.
It was a tough decision, but my morals will not let me compete in such violent sport against a German.
Rape culture is when a woman who campaigned for women to be included on banknotes got threatened with rape for her troubles, and when she tried to do something about it, got accused of using the (violent, graphic, horrific) threats against her as a way to get famous.
«By protecting these laws and failing to bring Shahbaz Bhatti's killers to justice, the Pakistani government is further emboldening extremists to commit ever - more violent acts against religious minorities.
Though it is quite evident from historical record that the messianics his legend is based on staged some very violent protests against the Romans.
= > The Unborn Victims of Violence Act is a United States law introduced into congress in 1999 which defines violent as sault committed against pregnant women as being a crime against two victims: the woman and the fetus she carries.
Muslim scholars said the key part of this passage, which forms the backbone of Islam's «just war» theory, is that, while self - defense is allowed, violent aggression, especially against innocents, is a grave sin.
Nearly two dozen churches have been forced to shut their doors this year, and violent attacks against Christians have increased since January, reports Compass Direct News.
And while most terrorism in 2012 was committed in Muslim - majority countries, LaFree and other experts cautioned against viewing Islam itself as inherently violent.
Unfortunately, we know that police are tempted, in turn, to employ their power in violent ways, chiefly against those guilty of crimes, but sometimes against the innocent.
When we think of violence, what first comes to mind are violent acts by individuals or groups against individuals.
As for your seriously off base torture comparison, if we saw a drastic increase in violent crimes, and there was a public outcry for harsher punishments to try and serve as a deterrent, and the Bill was drafted, made open to the public, and the solid majority of the population didn't turn against it with protests, signatures, and contacting their representatives; maybe a torture law could make it (though it would never get past the Supreme Court as the Consttution is now, but we'll let that slide as a hypothetical).
A greater injustice is the fact that the authors only mention a couple of violent acts by Egyptian Muslims against the Copts that happened in January and the Fall of last year.
As you probably know, The Hunger Games is a young adult novel in which children are pitted against each other in a violent death match, serving as a social satire...
What I would like to see from the Mosque's Imam is a public, unequivocal statement that he does not tolerate violent teachings or attacks against Americans and issues a Fatwa forbidding any moral, monetary or logistical support for people planning or contemplating jihadist violence.
It's a violent act against another living creature, and a violent act against the woman herself.
But world opinion is against her, and in the United States itself there is strong opposition (though American opinion on Vietnam is not as violent as French opinion on Algeria was in 1960).
once he had defeated all his enemies his later sura were quite violent against all non believers., under the doctrine of abrogation, when there are conflicting sura, the one written last is the one that is valid.
But if God truly does have a violent and bloody side then Jesus was being deceptive, for nowhere in His life or ministry did He reveal God as someone who goes to war against His enemies or commands the genocide of people who do not love or obey Him.
Today around the world, the Church is alive and flourishing in places like North Korea, Sudan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Vietnam, Kenya, India, Ethiopia, China and more — despite restrictive and even oppressive violent government policies and practices against Christians.
The first is that identity forged over against others is violent, because the «other» is always conceived as despicable.
True Christians were not permitted to serve in the military or otherwise participate in war or even commit violent acts until the concept of the «just war» — fighting only when doing so was required to protect the innocent against an aggressor — was developed hundreds of years after the death of Christ.
Hartshorne's theological ethics is consistent with such expressions of black theology which, drawing upon the philosophy of black power, maintain that, under certain circumstances, the oppressed may be compelled to engage in violent struggle against an oppressor.
Bob Jones Sr. was a Klan evangelist — a hired gun to preach a violent hate against the non-Nordics.
Muslim spokespeople in the U.S. are aware of this, and adamantly oppose radicalized, violent wings of Islam and are working against it while not retaliating against the hate they've received simply for being moderate Muslims.
The Christian church has always been afraid of people questioning what they say, and have gone to ultra violent ends to quell movements against them.
Whatever their exact number, Christians are leaven in deeply troubled Pakistan whose Muslim majority disallows increasingly the Prophet's teachings about restraint from violence and his injunctions to honor the Ummah (religious community) Internecine Muslim murders are a daily occurrence in Pakistan, and, whatever the discrimination against Christians, it is more social and economic in nature and far less violent than what Muslims do to one another.
I made no such assertion, because it doesn't make the comparison between ra - pe, which is a violent act committed against a person's will, and an abortion, which is a concious decision made by the woman any more accurate.
Saying that in the military we can not say a open prayer and in school games can not say a open prayer Merry Christmas almost has become a curse retailers are afraid to oppose the gays and the gays protesting and violent against anyone that is in a opposing view.
Combativeness may appear in a gunman, swaggering, contentious and violent, or in an educator who has declared war on the ignorance of a Chinese province, and against all obstacles is building schools with which to win his fight.
The more violent the Israeli response, the more hatred is engendered against their oppression.
But can we agree that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, funding those on the ground, sending supplies and speaking out against hateful, violent, discriminatory acts?
So, why are you trying to justify violent revenge when there was no violence by Ahmadi against your Sunni Muslims?
The game is widely seen as one of the most violent available and includes scenes of mass shootings, prostitutes and violence against woman.
I When we think of violence, what first comes to mind are violent acts by individuals or groups against individuals.
It also declares that «several violent actions motivated by religious intolerance against non-Catholics have been committed» in Bolivia» giving as its only example a stoning incident from 1949 that was, according to «some witnesses» left unnamed in a local newspaper account, instigated by a Catholic priest.
As to your comment here, I was defining «violent» force as force against people.
Against this, revolutionary coercion, including violent coercion, is sometimes justified.»
There are a variety of ways in which this is so, but, at the same time, it's clear that certain aspects of pagan familial virtue are not exactly incompatible with the Biblical sacred order that can check or overcome their excesses and pathologies — just as the Biblical order imposes powerful interdicts, not to be confused with taboos, against the kind of violent desires that, to the morbid fascination of the ancient Greeks, deconstructed and destroyed the identities of family - bound individuals.
One by one, more evangelical leaders are speaking out against Trump's sexually violent language.
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