Sentences with phrase «bead on a string»

They are long chains of amino acids linked together like beads on a string, then folded into complex shapes.
They are long chains of amino acids linked together like beads on a string, then folded into complex shapes.
Beads on a string model of speech Computers encode the structure of speech in models, which typically represent thousands of words, each word built from a multitude of possible sounds.
Their loyalty to Malcolm is essential in a film that becomes a series of unlucky events strung together like shoddy beads on a string — you wait for everything to fall apart as they desperately pedal their bikes through the neighborhood trying to keep it all together.
Sculpting with clay and threading beads on a string, for example, develop visual - spatial skills.
Days that had been as smooth and alike as beads on a string were now disrupted by its call.
You start and end the piece referencing «bookends», but you also talked about beads on a string.
The UGA researchers discovered that long filaments — that look like beads on a string — form by budding from the flagellum of African trypanosomes and then release pieces of the parasite into the host.
Are they beads on a string, or simply a handful of pearls?
Others have compared its contents to beads on a string....
Perhaps James is not so much a chain of thought, or beads on a string, as it is just a handful of pearls, dropped one by one into the hearer's mind.»
I use scripture, to help me interpret scripture, it's like beads on a string.
In eukaryotes, a strand of DNA loops twice around a cluster of eight histones to create what's called a nucleosome, and connects many of these nucleosomes like beads on a string.
The amino acid backbones snap together like beads on a string, the side chains arranged in a particular order for each protein.
The basic structure of the substance is simple: a bunch of copies of the sugar glucose — the exact number can vary — strung together like beads on a string.
For example, the entry on geneticist Barbara McClintock, the discoverer of «jumping genes» relates the difficulty she faced as a young woman determined to enter higher education — and later opposition to her discovery that genes could transfer their positions on chromosomes, they were not permanently «strung together like beads on a string».
We've long known that the «beads on a string» phenomenon is seen in the arms of spiral galaxies and in tidal bridges between interacting galaxies.
These nucleosome «beads on a string» are then thought to fold into discrete fibers of increasing diameter (30, 120, 320 nm etc.), until they form chromosomes.
What O'Shea's team saw, in both resting and dividing cells, was chromatin whose «beads on a string» did not form any higher - order structure like the theorized 30 or 120 or 320 nanometers.
Until this latest study, many researchers believed that most nuclear receptors are organized like beads on a string.
The DNA in our cells is folded into millions of small packets, like beads on a string, allowing our two - meter linear DNA genomes to fit into a nucleus of only about 0.01 mm in diameter.
Throughout this region are features called «beads on a string,» which are areas where gas has clumped to form new stars.
The large amount of star formation and the «beads on a string» feature in the core of SpARCS1049 +56 are likely the result of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the process of gobbling up a gas - rich spiral galaxy.
Therefore, high - resolution follow - up optical observations were performed by the Hubble Space Telescope to reveal «beads on a string» at the center of SpARCS1049 +56 which occur when, similar to a necklace, clumps of new star formation appear strung out like beads on filaments of hydrogen gas.
«Beads on a string» is a telltale sign of something known as a wet merger, which occurs when at least one galaxy in a collision between galaxies is gas rich, and this gas is converted quickly into new stars.
A more subtle way to do this is to visualize each thoracic vertebra spinning, like a bead on a string, into the rotation.
Proteins are assembled from amino acids, smaller molecules that are linked together like beads on a string.
A traditional history would try to squeeze the story into a linear text, one event following another like beads on a string.
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