Sentences with phrase «beam lights on»

It's ok to quickly flash your high beams to alert them, but don't turn your high beam lights on out of spite.
The funny but interesting thing is that the English media is not beaming its light on Arsenal yet, just imagine if its Man City, Man U or Chelsea had these run of wins we had, am sure the media hype would be unimaginable.
People under surveillance seldom park conveniently under street lamps, and any attempt to beam light on the number plate will give the game away.

Not exact matches

If the clouds parted and Christ descended on a beam of light and declared his existence, I am certain you would have an explanation for that too.
I'm imagining in place of an arrow, beams of radiating Light, some landing on the ground, and some moving beyond the frame.
This eternality of God is difficult to grasp, but if you own a torch (flashlight) and switch it on, then the beam of light from it is also eternal (what a fitting analogy — God and Liglight from it is also eternal (what a fitting analogy — God and LightLight!).
When I say that there are not «things» I mean that tables and chairs and loaves of bread and so on are really just like the beam of light and the song.
The resulting theory, though founded on quite different principles and developed in an independent fashion from Einstein's theory, nevertheless gives predictions that are identical to the latter's, within observable limits, for each of the four classic tests of gravitational theories (i.e., precession of the perihelion of Mercury, redshift of light emitted by a massive body, the bending of light - beams in a strong gravitational field, and the apparent slowing of the speed of light propagation near massive bodies).
As someone who is actively trying to lose weight I knew I had to find something different... Then the clouds parted and beam of light shone on Uncle Sam Raisin Bran perched on the highest shelf.
i got in the shower & let the water meet my tears & something within me said - «this is the process sokhna, open to the process, open to the process»... that was the light... my mantra became «this is the process», & i returned to the bedroom... maria took my hands, looked me in the eyes & said «this is the process, sokhna...» i knew i was on my way... i rocked, squatted & allowed... maria checked me again & i was softening enough for maria to open the cervix the rest of the way... soon enough maria had massaged the cervix completely open & she told me to push... when she said this i filled with brilliance - i wanted to push, i wanted to feel it, i wanted to see wayana... in just a few pushes wayana kamalah lioneye ra was born - i held her as she came out - i looked at this little one & she looked at me & i told her i was her mother... kayenn came over & i saw a baby in him... this natural birth birthed my heart... i suddenly knew what kayenn needed, what i needed & what wayana would need... the placenta came soon after & maria helped me to bed... i really just wanted to look at my 2 babies - to stand over them & beam light, gratitude & promises of infinite love & support... i wanted a natural birth, i had a natural birth & it continues to this day... i am writing my birth story on wayana's 15 month celebration...
Pack along a portable sanitizing wand, which beams ultraviolet light to kill germs and bacteria on hard surfaces like toys, restaurant high chairs, and faucets without the need for harsh chemicals and cleaners.
Yet, lawyers, as recent history has shown, have an important role to play in exposing corruption, in beaming the light of publicity into the dark corners of society, in showing up the inadequacies of the law, and so on.
He noted the existence of a syndicate of contract scammers within and around the NDDC, assuring that the commission has now beamed its search light on them.
But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at high speed on a beam of light.
A beam - driven sailship should be concave — resembling an umbrella — to keep it aligned with the beam, so that when light waves hit the sail, they naturally tend to center it on the beam.
After you choose between the floodlight or the spotlight beam, you can easily change between the five different light modes by pressing the soft - touch button on the tail end of the flashlight.
In their first experiment, the team sent a laser beam into a light - altering crystal on the satellite.
China's Micius satellite, which launched in 2016, uses lasers to beam photons, or light particles, to ground stations on Earth.
The laser shines on a sample of the material under study; light scatters off the sample and creates a two - dimensional pattern of interference between the laser beam and the scattered light — a hologram — which a video camera records.
The ChemCam laser instrument on NASA's Curiosity rover has turned its beam onto some unusually light - colored rocks on Mars, and the results are surprisingly similar to Earth's granitic continental crust rocks.
But just a few years later she was doing her graduate work at the University of Michigan, slaving away with Monnier to jam beams of light together and zeroing in on Zeta And as the perfect target for a stellar close - up.
The hologram operates with circularly polarized light, and the information is encoded on to the light beam by the varied angles of the skyscrapers.
The gold particles on the plate act as nano - optics and make it possible to focus a beam of light below the diffraction limit so as to precisely measure something that is very small — right down to 20 nanometres.
Now the weird part: If they look at each other's beams, they still agree on the speed of light.
If a man on a train traveling at 70 miles per hour turns on a flashlight while his partner on the ground does the same thing, they both see their beams of light moving the exact same way, at 186,282 miles per second.
In optical light, void galaxies look bluer on average than galaxies in denser regions, thanks to starlight beaming from a goodly number of hulking, bluish stars.
Each light shines a flickering beam through the mesh of the sculpture — a sound signal carried on light.
A person taps the tablet to control where the beam of light appears on a floor.
The team shined a 130 milliwatt beam of light on a 10 micrometer - long, wing - shaped piece of glass floating in water.
The new microendoscope is based on a multimode optical fiber, which can carry different multiple beams of light at the same time.
When a beam of light is shone through two narrow holes in a screen, the light waves leaving the holes spread out like ripples on a pond.
When you shine natural light on the developed film from the same direction as the original laser beams, all those mirrors reflect light at precisely the same angles at which it originally bounced off the object.
A study by Williams has thrown a beam of light on the ancient liabilities.
Conventional rockets would carry the miniature probes into Earth orbit, and a synchronized array of ground - based lasers would then focus its beams on individual sails, imparting enough force to accelerate each probe to 20 percent of the speed of light.
The research team from the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials, and the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Bath, used a special white - light laser built in - house and directed it through several optical components to put a twist on the beam.
These blobs would shine a beam of x-ray light in our direction like the headlights of passing cars on a circular racetrack.
At the time, Deisseroth and colleagues were refining optogenetics, a tool that can switch specific ensembles of neurons on and off in animals with beams of light.
To power a light sail, the transmitter would need to focus a beam on it continuously.
In microscopy much effort is invested in reducing the impact of light or electron beam — the so - called observer effect» — on the sample to ensure that the images represent truly pristine structures, unaffected by the process of measurement.
Brazil's new synchrotron light source — the Sirius project in Campinas — needs an additional $ 70 million this year to stay on schedule for its first beam run in June 2018.
In the double - slit experiment, a beam of light passes through the two slits and produces an interference pattern on a detector screen — a pattern of light and dark bands.
Optical physicists have been using spiraling laser beams, in which light waves are twisted into vortices, for almost 30 years, says Jo Verbeeck, a materials scientist at the University of Antwerp in Belgium and first author on the Nature paper.
When we generate this extreme ultraviolet light, next we have to get it all the way to the sample in a short pulse and then we must have the pump beam perfectly aligned on the sample.
Neil's machine produces coherent laser light directly from an electron beam, allowing it to create any wavelength of light — in other words, any color on the spectrum.
They didn't have to be beaming messages at us; they merely had to share our fondness for artificial light, something common to every modern society on Earth.
«Depending on where we point the light beam, we can also stimulate individual muscle groups — exactly the same way the body does it through the nerves.»
Unfortunately for amateur physicists, the optical force effect becomes imperceptible for larger light sources, so flashlight beams can not tug on one another.
«When you turn on a laser pointer, you see an immediate beam of light.
Unlike conventional lasers, which use mirrors to amplify the light they create, free - electron lasers rely on a high - quality electron beam and an array of magnets.
The intense beams of light, expected to switch on this autumn, can probe biological samples or materials.
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