Sentences with phrase «bean consumption»

Our study described the perceived amount of GI discomfort experienced by people from regular bean consumption over several weeks.
The earliest credible evidence of bean consumption appears in the early - middle of the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen.
You can increase black bean consumption by making your own black bean hummus with the following recipe:
It's the lack of gut bacteria from a lifetime of not eating legumes which causes gaseous distress from a sudden large increase in bean consumption.
In this study, it took only one week of garbanzo bean consumption to improve participants» control of blood sugar and insulin secretion.
Not only was regular bean consumption as effective as portion control in reducing prediabetes risk factors like slimming waistlines and better blood sugar control, but the bean diet led to additional benefits beyond just calorie reduction, presumably due to some functional properties of the beans and peas.
Nowadays, I limit my baked beans consumption to weekends only:p.
One 2009 study found that black bean consumption may decrease the risk of colon cancer (Bennink 2009), a 2011 study found that black beans helped improve insulin resistance (Tetsuya Inagum1, Junkyu Han, Hiroko Isoda 2011) and yet another study found that eating black beans helped to reduce blood sugar in Type 2 diabetics.
Did you know that bean consumption is the one common thing between all Blue Zone Populations, who are the world's longest living cultures?
Although that might be a lot of bean consumption...
Peanuts, technically also a legume and not a nut, also make up a substantial part of our bean consumption, and are also a rapidly rising allergy, especially among children.
Americans, for our part, get most of our bean consumption from soy and soy products.
I've now reduced my bean consumption and am feeling much healthier and my stomach issues are gone.
Not a study exists showing harmed health from bean consumption.
Eat in plenty, as no studies indicate elevated IGF - 1 from bean consumption.
These dietary confounders were not controlled for in analyses, so it is difficult to determine the degree to which the relative leanness in variety bean and baked bean consumers may be attributed specifically to bean consumption.
Seventy percent or more of the participants who experienced flatulence felt that it dissipated by the second or third week of bean consumption.
Minimally, this study showed that bean consumption is associated with an overall dietary pattern and lifestyle that tends to be associated with relative leanness.
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