Sentences with phrase «bean skins»

Compostable single - serve coffee pods for the Keurig coffee machine, made almost entirely from plant materials and reclaimed coffee bean skins, will soon hit store shelves.
Acidic foods including tomatoes make bean skins tough.
This will keep the lumpy bean skins from spoiling the silky yogurt texture.
The high - protein lupin bean skin is removed, to exclude fibers which adversely affect the mouthfeel and functional properties of the flour.
There always was this looming fear that it would get clogged with bean skins, or small grains which meant I never cooked such foods as rice, millet, small lentils or even potatoes for fear of harming my children.
Furthermore, as my split peas boiled away and I used a spoon to skim the foamy bean skin that was forming on the surface, it started to dawn on me that the potatoes would have been absorbing all of that bean foam if they were cooking in the same pan.
PῧrPod100 ™ is made with bio-based materials, including the coffee bean skins (known as chaff) left over from the roasting process that help to give its unique ring that coffee brown color.
If you add acid earlier, the bean skins may toughen.
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