Sentences with phrase «bear cycles which»

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The internet is transforming almost every element of the news business: shortening news cycles, eroding long - reliable revenue sources, and enabling new kinds of competition, some of which bear little or no news - gathering costs.
Bull and bear markets often coincide with the economic cycle, which consists of four phases: expansion, peak, contraction and trough.
Abraham strikingly personifies the era of Israel's historical beginnings, the time of Moses and the Exodus.6 The cycle bears a particular correspondence to that first dramatic epoch in Israel's life without which, indeed, there would never have been an Israel.
Along with my colleagues Dave Johnston and Ann Pearson at Harvard and NASA's Felisa Wolfe - Simon, I hypothesize that biological feedback cycles, including one involving sulfide - based photosynthesis, would tend to maintain this world in which oxygen levels remain low and sulfide high [for the next «boring» billion years].
Under the microscope the high point of the cycle is undoubtedly division itself, especially the stately dance of the chromosomes which ensures that each new cell is born with -LSB-...]
Astronomers believe that stars have a specific life cycle in which they are born, grow, and die.
The demonstration that induction of an essential virulence factor precedes both temporally and physically the point in the infectious cycle at which it is required reveals a developmental sequence of transmission of this tick - borne pathogen and represents an important feature of Lyme disease pathogenesis.
The group included adult women of child - bearing age, in which estrogen rises and falls with the menstrual cycle, and women that had gone through menopause and had much lower estrogen levels.
Every Thing Will Be Fine is a critic's worst nightmare, which is to say that it's really goddamn boring — the kind of boring that is tough to write about, and which inevitably threatens to bring out everyone's inner hack, cycling through synonyms to keep the prose lively («dull,» «tedious,» «stultifying,» etc.), all the while fighting the urge to just start nitpicking things that might be endearing in a better film.
But worry not about the plot, which is as old as the jagged mountains and deep forests that bear witness to the cycles of power and as elusive as the mists that surround them.
A 2014 study that followed 424 students at the University of Munich over the course of an academic year found a cycle in which boredom bore lower test results, which bore higher levels of boredom, which bore still lower test results.
The Good Shepherd School of New Orleans provides an exceptional academic opportunity is to empower children by providing them with the tools to break away from the cycle of poverty into which they are born.
For the bull and bear cycles, we tried to set their start / end points to the specific date at which the S&P 500 hit its ultimate top or bottom, based on daily closing prices.
That is, which were cautious enough to post both relatively limited losses in the 2007 - 09 bear market and to manage top tier returns across the entire market cycle (2007 — present)?
Bull and bear markets often coincide with the economic cycle, which consists of four phases: expansion, peak, contraction and trough.
Right now, a fourth secular bear market cycle is emerging in the stock markets, which may last over the next seven to ten years.
It is important to remember our goal is to outperform both the S&P 500 and a balanced equity / bond portfolio over a full market cycle, which by definition includes both a bull and bear market.
The fund is over 3 years old which shows that the fund is yet to various bull and bear cycles.
It's called Your Lifetime Return As a Stock Investor Depends on the Point of the Bull / Bear Cycle At Which You Begin Investing.
The IS dates will be from 1/1/2002 to 12/31/2011, which gives us 10 years of data and bull / bear market cycle.
Ideally, your covered call calculator will let you compare many different options at the same time, and also warn you about earnings release dates and ex-dividend dates within each option cycle (this particular calculator, which is Born To Sell's Roll Me calculator, is interactive — your current position is in dark blue and the one you're comparing against is in grey; and you can click on any cell to compare against a different option):
Toxocara Canis has a much more complicated cycle and has developed a way of ensuring they are transferred from generation to generation which is the reason most puppies are born with worms.
A playground offers kids a chance to climb, run and jump around whilst their parents are enjoying the hotel's many other great activities, which include horse riding, cycling, diving, fishing and a golf course; making sure no guest will have time to get bored!
Architecture Opened in 1987, The Menil Collection is located in a 30 - acre campus which, along with the main building, it also encompasses a pavilion dedicated to the works of American artist Cy Twombly, the Richmond Hall, displaying major works by Dan Flavin, the Menil Drawing Institute, and the famous Rothko Chapel, built in 1971 to house a cycle of paintings commissioned to Russian - born American artist Mark Rothko.
In looking at what can be born out of a Black Hole, rather than what can die within it, this artist offers an alternative to life and death: a cycle of rebirth which is entirely optimistic.
In selecting the highly adaptive metaphor of the nematode on which to base the cycle of work, de Vries brings to bear a ubiquitous, resilient notion of the artist and art itself, modeled on a worm so prolific and present in all aspects of life that, according to the scientist Nathan Cobb, if
In general, if the shape of the daily temperature cycle is changed by increasing greenhouse gases [and there is a sufficiency of theoretical arguments to suggest that it could be (plenty of completely untested hypotheses which are soundly based in accepted physics)-RSB-, then the trends of that shape (the trend of the true 24 - hour average temperature) may bear no resemblance at all to the trend in the average of the daily maximum and minimum.
The big worry for man, which is starting to be born out in the observed climate data, is that a cooling cycle has started, going into a new minimum lasting for perhaps 30 - 40 years.
Vahrenholt and Luning reveal that four concurrent solar cycles master the earth's temperature — a climatic reality upon which man's carbon emissions bear little significance.
«It is found that the climate of southwest Australia bears a strong seasonality in the annual cycle and exhibits a monsoon - like atmospheric circulation, which is called the southwest Australian circulation (SWAC) because of its several distinct features characterizing a monsoonal circulation: the seasonal reversal of winds, alternate wet and dry seasons, and an evident land — sea thermal contrast.
The study, which was released in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, tallied the economic, health and environmental costs associated with each stage in the life cycle of coal — extraction, transportation, processing, and combustion - and estimated those costs, which are borne by the public at large, to be between $ 175 billion and $ 500 billion dollars annually.
Anyone who has studied climate for even a short while should know that there are natural fluctuations in global temperature which have little or no bearing on long - term trends — mainly the solar cycle and ocean oscillations.
The reason why Figure 9.1 in IPCC AR4 is disconcerting is that the temperature anomaly in the upper tropical atmosphere bears the signature of increased moist convective activity, which means that the hydrological cycle probably gets perturbed by increased GHG forcings, hence affecting rainfall patterns.
How your child responds to novelty, the intensity of their responses, the ease with which he or she returns to balance after getting upset, the regularity of cycles of sleep and wakefulness, and if there is grumpiness or an upbeat attitude toward life are some of the elements of temperament that each of us is born with.
If your talking general residential there are too many variables to say when your specific property in your specific market during which local economic cycle will bear the best rental phase.
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